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Thread: Women who ride ZX-14s

Created on: 03/11/09 04:35 PM

Replies: 8


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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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Women who ride ZX-14s
03/11/09 4:35 PM

I continue to be impressed by women who ride ZX-14s. Women who ride Harley's are one thing, mostly because of the dead weight (literally) that they are able to muscle around, but handling the sheer power of the ZX-14 is quite another thing.

We have over 200 members here so far, and it appears that we collectively know of 2 such women who own or regularly ride these fine machines (dare I say "monsters"?) -- Mrs. zxbob and Angela Spears:

(I know that Mrs. Nightstalker911 rode one home from the dealership, but I don't know if she is a regular rider.)

That's less that 1% of the ZX-14 riders that we know of.

Does anyone know of any others? -bg

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wml's Gravatar

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/11/09 4:37 PM

My wife. We alternate bikes and she rides my V2K or the ZX14 (or her V900).

Bill Lawrence

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Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/11/09 4:43 PM

My wife. We alternate bikes and she rides my V2K or the ZX14 (or her V900).

Cool! -bg

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anamosity's Gravatar

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/11/09 7:13 PM

My wife and I trade off on the zx4 and the connie 14.
But I would prefer that she stayed on the connie. :)

'08 ZX14
'08 C14
'07 V2K Classic

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Romans's Gravatar

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/11/09 7:35 PM

My wife and I never trade (2fidy) and I can not picture her even on my bike . I do not know how scared she would be I can only speek for myself . So far she has not asked . She just wants a new 600.We will work up from there .

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jafo's Gravatar

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/12/09 3:22 AM

there are so few woman riders anyway and the zx14 such as it is (size/weight) isnt suited to many eh...people of a smaller stature (phew...did i get away with that?)
so its bound to be a minority of the minority, all i can say is...RESPECT!

side note: what is it about women riding sports bikes thats soooo sexy?

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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otrfab's Gravatar


Carstairs, Alberta

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/12/09 9:10 AM

mine bought a new 05 ex500 and crashed with 400kms on the clock wrecked the bike. I bought a cbr125r for her to get confidence on but due to back surgery, she only has 400kms on the 125 hopefully this season will be a good one there is a couple of local rides like the alberta ride for sight and the blackfalds toy run. Heres to another great season!

08 zx14
01 zrx12
78 z1r
It ain't easy being green!

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/12/09 11:57 AM

Before Angela got her ZX14, she rode a GSXR600. We had that bike for about a year, she didn't put more than 300miles on thast bike. She hated it. The biggest bike she rode before her 600 was a 250 dirt bike like 10 years ago. Once she checked out the ZX14 at the dealership, it kinda scared me but she was set on it. We got it and she loved it form the frist time she rode it. She always brags to other ladies at our church that she loves her bike and its once of the fastest production bikes out there. Of course the other ladies thinks she's crazy, but at the same time really admire the fact that she is brave enough to ride it.

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Women who ride ZX-14s
03/12/09 12:22 PM

Hi Rodney.

She sounds like quite a woman!

I like to tell others that the ZX14 will go 186 mph, but that's only because it has a speed limiter on it. Take off the limiter and it will go faster.

Be well, brother... -bg

* Last updated by: bgordon on 3/12/2009 @ 12:23 PM *

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