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Thread: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?

Created on: 11/24/15 03:03 AM

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Maddy's Gravatar

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2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 3:03 AM

Hi Guys,
I bought a stock standard 2013 zx14r a short while ago, it is my main means of transport to and from work.
Im now starting to play with the gizmo's, what do i have please ?

Abs that's brakes, yep, got that bit :-)
Traction control so the wheel doesnt spin,
Power mode shuts off the secondary intake thingy.
does it have wheelie control and launch control ?

A flashy light to tell me when to change up gears ,
Does it have a rev limiter ?
If so is it affected by the rpm setting of the blinky light ?

Engage lamp, i have learned is to do with the clutch, or when to take off, does do anything apart from come on when programmed too?

Please help .

Thanks Miss Maddy ;-)

2013 zx14r se Metallic Spark Black/Golden Blazed Green, Woolich Racing ECU Flashed, Woolich quick shifter, well sprung suspension set up, Givi pannier bags , bar risers , touring bubble and a top box for my handbag.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 6:02 AM

"does it have wheelie control and launch control ?" does have it's 3 settings(KTRC)...which will 'control' the engine output when the wheels are not rotating equally.But it's not a true wheely control.
"Does it have a rev limiter ?"..yes.
"If so is it affected by the rpm setting of the blinky light ?"
"Engage lamp, i have learned is to do with the clutch, or when to take off, does do anything apart from come on when programmed too?"...this is new to me.Don't know what you're describing here.Is this the 'shift lamp' thing?If doesn't do anything performance wise.Just reminds you when to shift where you've set it.

"A flashy light to tell me when to change up gears "...this is the shift lamp.

I've not heard of an 'engage lamp' on a 14...????

I have the same bike..US version that is.It doesn't have an 'engage lamp'...only the shift lamp.It has a Neutral're not talking about this are you?

Correction.It IS an 'engage lamp'.I didn't know that's what the manual is calling it."Engage/Shift UP' lamp".My bad.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/24/2015 @ 4:41 PM *

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Maddy's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 6:12 AM

Cool, thanks, so from what i gather the "engage" lamp" is just a reminder and has no actual connection to the clutch.
The engage light comes on and stays on.

The blinking light is just a reminder to change and has nothing to do with the rev limiter.

I took off really hard the other day on Power level hi and traction 2 and it didn't wheelie much, but if i put it on traction 1 it wheelies a bit more, traction off well , im not going there yet.

Traction 3 and i gave it full throttle and i nearly went forward over the bubble it died so bad lol, save that for the rain.

Oh i get it, if the front comes up then the back wheel thinks its going faster so tract control keeps the front down, cool, im new to this, first bike ever with gadgets and gizmo's :-)

I hear you can get launch control mapped into the ecu or something, is this true ?

Maddy xx

* Last updated by: Maddy on 11/24/2015 @ 6:14 AM *

2013 zx14r se Metallic Spark Black/Golden Blazed Green, Woolich Racing ECU Flashed, Woolich quick shifter, well sprung suspension set up, Givi pannier bags , bar risers , touring bubble and a top box for my handbag.

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 6:37 AM

"The engage light comes on and stays on".
I've no idea what this is.What's the manual say about it?The owner's manual.

"I hear you can get launch control mapped into the ecu or something, is this true ?"...I don't think so.I've never heard of this on a 14.When you scroll through the settings on the there a KLCM option in there?If won't be able to activate it through any ECU setting(I should COULD be in there,and be disabled).My H2 has it,but not my 14.

It IS possible that YOUR bike has this..the EURO spec bike that is.Looks to me like you have the 'standard' model there...don't they have a 'performance' version of your bike over there?That one MAY have Launch Control...IDK.

As far as I 2013 zx14R's had a launch control.

I don't see any info regarding a KLCM on any model years.This lamp you're talking about...this shouldn't be 'on'(what color is it?).There shouldn't be any lamps on when it's running.Except for the blue 'hi-beam' indicator lamp if your hi-beams are on.Your ABS indicator lamp(orange)will be on until you start moving away.Then it should stay off unless there's a problem with it.It will do this every start(when key is cycled).

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/24/2015 @ 6:52 AM *

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toledoUPSguy's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 1:53 PM

Maddy the 14r doesn't have an official wheelie control but as you have found out the various KTRC levels can be used as such. Supposedly in level 3 it won't spin the tire in gravel.

You do have a shift light independently adjustable from the engage light but both functions use the same light.

There's a rpm limiter. Most all ECU flashes raise it 500rpm to 11,500rpm. Even with your rpm limit raised in the ECU the programming still limits max shift light rpm to 11k.

When you put it in low power mode the ECU is controlling everything, not just the flys to limit output to 170 (or is that 150?)

If you buy the Woolich racing software you can program the factory ECU to have a fully adjustable launch control.

Last, the engage light is used for drag race launches. You program the light to come on at your prefered staging rpm. In theory you watch for the light to come on an hold rpm. In practice it doesn't work so well because there is no upper limit. As long as you are above your set rpm the light will be on.

Hope this helps. Oh Grn if you read the owners manual yours does have the engage light too.

* Last updated by: toledoUPSguy on 11/24/2015 @ 2:04 PM *

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 2:55 PM

Toloedo, I have to agree about teh engage light. No upper limit makes it very difficult for me to use accurately...With stock exhausts ( I know :) ) I have a hard time even hearing my rpms when lined up next to almost anyother bikes.. A 500 rpm spread on that light would sure help...

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toledoUPSguy's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 5:03 PM

If Maddy's engage light is set too low it will be on at all times. I personally turned mine off after trying it at the track, it really is one step above worthless. Unless she (or anyone) buys the woolich racing software there is no launch control on the 14r.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 8:21 PM

"You do have a shift light independently adjustable from the engage light but both functions use the same light"...where is this?The adjustment for an 'engage' light separate from the shift lamp setting.

'Engage' means...use the clutch.Which is set at the rpm level('shift').The manual shows...'engage/shift'.That means...both.I can't find any reference to a separate 'engage' function apart from the 'shift lamp' function..It's set by the rpm choice.This 'engage' deal IS the shift function.She's gonna be lookin all over for a separate setting in there that doesn't exist.When the lamp comes means..'shift now'.Engage clutch NOW.That's what it's saying.The lamp doesn't come on earlier or later than the actual 'shift' setting.

If what you say is true...I'd like to know where this 'engage' setting is at.Like I said...I've never used it on mine...But on my's the same deal.It doesn't light up separately.It lights up when it hits the chosen 'shift'setting(RPM's).

"Engage/Shift".It's one function.

No wonder it's worthless to ya...ya got yer 'nomenclature' confused with yer 'functionclature'..LOL...

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/24/2015 @ 8:51 PM *

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 8:34 PM

" it really is one step above worthless". It's in there to alert the driver where the optimum shift point is at(assuming the racer has found that correct shift point through tuning and such).VERY helpful if you're drag racing.You want to shift where the maximum power and TQ is going to be delivered into the next higher gear.That's why it's there.So you're not having to guess at what's best in the rpm range.Light comes on,you shift.Consistent.

"Unless she (or anyone) buys the woolich racing software there is no launch control on the 14r" far as I know...trying to somehow 'add' a complete system(electronic programming) into a factory designed system that isn't a built in deal already is impossible(the hardware end of it).That's like trying to apply ABS programming into a non-abs ECU.It doesn't work...unless Woolrich has obtained some Factory files that will allow it be uploaded.You'll get an ABS lamp that never goes out.You may be able to go in and disable an ABS...but adding a separate system into a set ECU...I don't think so.

I tried using a 2012 ECU on my 2013 abs.Not only did the lamp come on...but the check engine light came on as well.Go figure.What's ABS got to do with engine performance?Apparently...everything.LOL.I mean...all the hardware was there...the sensor...the Ktrc...all there.Same apparent line signal hardware.But it affected the way the motor ran.Not good.So poorly in fact that I couldn't use that ECU in my 2013.

These systems are exclusive.They're not 'plug and play'across each model.Otherwise,people would be buying the 'cheaper' part and simply adding what they wanted through some other vendor.You can disable some functions...but only because they're already installed...with the circuitry.Software 'upgrades' won't work if the circuitry isn't there.

Has anyone here done something like this?Several here have the woolrich software thing.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/24/2015 @ 9:08 PM *

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piken's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 9:10 PM

Maybe it's the terminology that's getting confusing here.

I call it a "staging" light and a "shift" light

2 different functions that flash the yellow shift light.

You can set the lower rpm "staging" light to flash at what ever rpm
you would like. I've set mine at 3500 rpm. The only time that comes
on is when your are in first gear with the clutch pulled in, although
I guess I've never tried revving to 3500 with clutch pulled in, in other
gears. I find the staging light pretty cool as an stock function.
Versus "eye balling" the tack on take off.

I think the "worthless" point was on the staging light in that
is comes on (in my case) at 3500 rpm but stays on even if you then
rev to 4000rpm, 5000rpm. Better would be like mentioned like a 500 rpm
flashing window, like 3000rpm ~ 3500rpm so it would be easier to not
over shoot your rpms when you dump the clutch.

The shift light you can set to come on at your desired shift point.

both settings are accessible using the set button.

Don't know if that cleared up anything?

* Last updated by: piken on 11/24/2015 @ 9:14 PM *

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 9:12 PM

" Features available for Kawasaki ZX14R / ZZR1400 2012-2015
IAP Fuel Maps
TPS Fuel Maps
Ignition Timing Maps
Secondary Throttle Plate (STP) Opening Maps
Fuel Trim Maps
Adjust RPM Limiters
Disable Top Speed Limiter
Disable Stock O2 Sensor
Retain last Traction Control Setting

This product comes with 1 Bin File Definition Key allowing you to tune 1 ECU's as many times as you like. Additional Bin File Definition Keys are required for each additional ECU's and can be purchased from within the WRT software."

TUNING ONLY.Disabling or enabling(and adjusting)what's ALREADY in there(KTRC,RPM...etc etc.).Launch control is NOT one of these.

Buying this software thinking it will add a system to the ECU...wrong.It won't.

"Don't know if that cleared up anything?"...I honestly didn't KNOW this was separately adjustable.Thanks.

That makes me doubt if ANYTHING I previously said about the software add on has any validity to it or not.This aint lookin too goodLOL.Guess I should just clam up and go to the corner;)Or maybe better yet...stay off the forum.My inputs really aren't needed here...or useful.And everyone one said.."Thank God!FINALLY!".

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 11/24/2015 @ 9:42 PM *

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/24/15 9:32 PM


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toledoUPSguy's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/25/15 7:22 AM

Grn not in the mood for internet arguing but as shown above engage and shift are 2 different functions.

If you go to the Woolichracing website you will see race tools listed for the 14r. They are a quick shifter and launch control. Per Woolich's website these functions are through the stock ECU. If you recall back awhile Cblast announced it here.

I was trying to help Maddy, have a good day.

* Last updated by: toledoUPSguy on 11/25/2015 @ 7:34 AM *

The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there.
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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/25/15 10:41 AM

Abs that's brakes, yep, got that bit :-)

To confirm, does the tag on the side of the front fender read ABS? That's one clue, but if someone swapped a front fender? So proof showing another way is to see two steel hoses snaking out of the front plastic tank cover down the front right of the steering neck. See those hoses, you have ABS.

Traction control so the wheel doesnt spin

Yes. However, in mode, the bike will spin the tire, but cut it to the point of being stable to ride. The DTT happens so quick, it's killing the other cylinder. Front and rear wheel tone wheels or those window cuts, are not timed in with each other. So quick is the effect, pull a hair out and when window to window has that hair moved at the other tone wheel>>> DTT knew it then. Electrically, that hair made a hair of an electrical number change... budda-boom-budda-bing. The DTT speeds along are lightning fast and much faster than those thousands of rpm speeds it can keep up with and beyond.

Power mode shuts off the secondary intake thingy.

According to the brochure or a press release, the industry uses ignition retard, and secondaries (subthrottles) to intervene. Mother tea adds a drop in pressure at the fuel pump. It more or less is like a constantly running governor, does not shut off, but shuts down the air speed going into the engine.

does it have wheelie control and launch control?

Yes and partially yes. The simple move of the tone wheels changing speed is either the rear wheel is spinning faster than the front, or the front wheel is slowing faster than the rear and the intrusion occurs. Launch controls on the 14 is where you select the rpm. As you sit at the tree in the 1/4 mile kind of mode, which rpm gives me a better leave with this setup say. This other rpm game is rather than looking at a tach needle, the tree, etc, you eliminate the tach glancing. The red light shines off the corner of your eyes and all you have to do is sustain the rpm to keep the light on fandango. The other light at a higher rpm is again, a red light comes on and tells you when to shift rather than taking the eye off the strip, etc.

A flashy light to tell me when to change up gears,
Does it have a rev limiter?

That flashy lights addressed earlier is for closed course drag racing. Yes, this has a rev limiter. I think mine is set at the lowest I miss a gear.

If so is it affected by the rpm setting of the blinky light?

No. There are three ways to look at the blinky. Think of DTT as the computer plays with a 'Trigger.' Once the rpm reaches a 'Threshold,' the red light comes on as it continues to 'Discharge' to see whether to keep the light on at a certain rpm or turn it off being out of the rpm number selected. Knowing that handcuffed move, one way is to follow the rpm and turn a light on without affecting performance. The second move is to run up to that rpm and shutdown the next cylinder on a continuous DTT of a poor running engine at high rpm; singing this 'rat-tat-tat' kind of misfire intervention. The third move is a code blinky is sent, 'we take measures' and detunes the bike for safety.
1. Helper light: no tach peek needed, no performance affected.
2. Limiter light: or rpm threshold kicks in and affects any higher rpm getting there.
3. Code light: that sets a 'backup' if a sensor fails and affects performance.

Engage lamp, i have learned is to do with the clutch, or when to take off, does do anything apart from come on when programmed too?

That's all it does. I see it as a programmed clutch lever switch tied in with the kickstand, shifter, and that safety move. I see the clutch lever switch back in play as the engage lamp comes on with the lever pulled to the grip is a flip. Now you are going to run up to the rpm range and you do not want to short shift with the engage in play I would assume? Clutch lever out you flopped>>> by disabling the engage lamp. It has to run past that [engage threshold] or the light comes back on, right?

That is what the 14 has above. Now, this other 'flashing' of wide open throttle (WOT) is a move eliminator, meaning, moving the throttle to sustain the rpm>>> rather than a locked wrist positioned at WOT. You select a high rpm range, let the ignition limiter be set at this rpm and when the flag drops, etc., you add clutch feed, the clutch switch disables the limiter, full cylinder fire is back online and off you go.

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Maddy's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/27/15 1:40 AM

Oh My Gord ! I bought a bloody space ship, lol.

I can understand most of what you guys are saying and i sincerely appreciate each and every point.

Im going to print this out and spend the next week or two working it out lol,

Thank you every one

Hugs Maddy xx

2013 zx14r se Metallic Spark Black/Golden Blazed Green, Woolich Racing ECU Flashed, Woolich quick shifter, well sprung suspension set up, Givi pannier bags , bar risers , touring bubble and a top box for my handbag.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/27/15 10:27 AM

I set the launch light and the shift light pretty low so I get to see them come on. They're just decorations if your not racing.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: 2013 zx14r What do i have here?
11/27/15 11:31 AM

Don't be fooled by the power mode. L is still dangerously fast especially in lower gears compared to F. In L the bike is still ~140-150 hp. Most of us here run in F all the time. But the occasional switch down to L for a while is important as a reminder of how fast these bikes are running ~70% of available power.

I'd guess most of where L is going to show it's face is 4th+ where the bike is running into heavier air range and steeper gears. I wonder if the bike would/could top out in L mode? It might be possible it couldn't peg the speedo in L.

I set my shift light at 10,900. Most of the time I'm not doing anything the very very very slight gain of running to (flashed) 11,500 makes a difference. Really the only times I've found running it to the 11,500 RL is top speed runs.

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