So ______ Fill in the blank, how come you are way back here in 9th place? Last race you were on podium. Fill in; Well, my team has been working rear hard at setup and we are struggling this qualification round. I'm looking for two good screw it/set it/win it/suspension tuners. You know any? Well good luck, Fill in, beatshit outta me?
Let's move up a row and ask, _____ Fill in the blank how he's doing? So Fill, how in the fuck did you wind up way back here in the second row? Well, my team has been working so hard to make this thing steer this track, but our notes from last year do not work this time round. In fact, why my team takes note to begin with for setup is she is plowing the front. Shit, they don't have a clue, you think if I raise the oil level or how about this screw here? Have you asked Lenny?
Let's go talk to Lenny. Say Lenny, you're running up and down that pit, you'd think you'd lose a few pounds finding an adjustment here or there? Well commentator, I've been squeezing these sausage buns and I may know how to rebuild these things like no other, but to set it up? I'm running up and down the pits with my head in a spin I've been spinning screws slots and shit, I ain't gotta clue?
Okay, let's move up to the front row. Let's see if we can get a word in with the top qualifier, ______ Fill in the blank. Blank? How's it going? Well, the front end is sort of skating along and my team has been working hard to eliminate that, so we used Fill in's notes and here we are.
* Last updated by: Hub on 6/24/2013 @ 9:45 PM *
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