Then the people need to no longer be allowed to vote and the gov run itself. Since neither voter or politician are stable in the head then it does not matter which direction this country goes. Let us just accept the fact that politicians spend the money and we need to give them more money to accomplish their goals.
All we need is the 1st ammendment and scrap the rest of them since we the nobodies that pay the bills seem to be happy as long as we have the right to bitch about life. The gov can take away our rights a little at a time and as long as we get to bitch about it we are happy. It would be more simple for the gov to figure out just above bare necessities for the average citizen then take our entire check and give us back what it thinks we need that way everybody has the same thing and life should be good. We only need 2 classes of people and that is poor and rich so then everyone knows their place.
I am a democrat and I support this message.
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2008 ZX14
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