Sorry to hear about you accident Kruz, yet I am very glad you'r OK. Heal well & soon.
* Last updated by: Steven14 on 5/25/2011 @ 1:04 PM *
'94 ZX-11
'07 ZX-14
'08 Vino 125 (hers)
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Created on: 05/24/11 08:31 PM
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 10:16 AM
he would have had full coverage most likely
No joke, Kruz- God decided he wanted that bike back. He repoed the 10 but he left you your life. He's going to bring more good to you. You just wait...
* Last updated by: Rook on 5/25/2011 @ 10:17 AM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 10:19 AM
haha Rook, true, very true
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 11:01 AM
.....and you still have one Dainese jacket left over to run backup. pants still good, too. You have a spare Zox. You're outfitted pretty well, I'd say. 3 sportbikes left.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 11:26 AM
I never ever use the back brake.. In fact for the longest time, it didn't even work... lol
Sorry to hear about the crash. Very glad to hear you're ok!
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 1:13 PM
Sorry to hear it Kruz. Rain. No worse word in my dictionary.
Going that fast in the rain leaves no margin for error. I had to ride back from Yosemite in the rain and the damn cars wouldn't back off so I had to go about 70 for miles in a thunderstorm and I was on total defense. Let's just say I was miserable but at least I didn't go down. Would have been ran over for sure the way they tailgated. I NEVER ride in the rain but had no choice this time. Stopped at two underpasses just to "breath" I was so nervous. Rain just kept coming.
Hope you get back on soon and just a bit wiser. Really glad you're OK!
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 1:32 PM
It seems you are ahead of the game with the insurance of the fleet. Less premiums for a less of a priced bike. For that matter, you can crash them all day long [the years go quick] for it sounds more like even money. Good call, Professor.
Front end is junk! Twist means 3-point landing = Triple-Tree.
1. Forks take the bend after the rim bends.
2. Two energies keep absorbing but the center stake takes the cake.
3. Bend a coat hanger. Bend it back straight. S-bend absorb that at all costs.
4. Frame! Hi ya due INN ya bent piece of shit.
5. Shit here in the parts bin I ever ride your fucking wheels again let alone pour money it.
6. Shell it! (I was eating something like I got a dose in my cold)
7. Pay the other insurance IS with it.
Like racing, lick your wounds get back on... A fresh one.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 2:54 PM
Hey Kruz
Sorry to hear this news...Glad You walked away in one piece with only minor scraps and bruises.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 6:32 PM
Hurting pretty badly today, I knew that would happen. I'm taking the night off and back in the saddle tomorrow, get back on that horse and ride. Back in the gym tomorrow also for an easy workout, best thing in the world when you're sore. Rook, I just sent boocoo pictures to you from my iPhone, bike, helmet, jeans and jacket. Could you post them for me? Helmet came through pretty good but if you look close, fiberglass is showing, it's toast! Bike may not be as bad as I first thought, forks appear to be twisted in the triple clamps. Frame appears untouched. If I'm real lucky, $1500 to $2000 could make it like new.
Folks, Rossi could not have stopped that bike under those circumstances on wet asphalt. There was no choice but to go under the truck, hit the curb at full speed or lay it down and slide. Option three was by far the best of three lousy choices. I went back and looked at the accident scene about an hour ago. I estimate 50 mph when I hit the deck, I'm lucky to be here.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 6:39 PM
Thanks for all the kind words from everyone. Hub, you just dumped on my parade though, I was starting to think this thing was repairable. 1Bad was saying the front just twisted in the triple clamps and can be straightened, you're saying the frame, forks and whole front end is toast?
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 7:55 PM
hubbish is full of it and never been to a track day .. them track bikes are piece together more than paris hilton has polish knobs .. and they are still going just like paris
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 9:34 PM
Dayum, Kruz! Close one!... the 10r didn't get the nickname "widowmaker" for nuthin', huh?
Glad you are ok!
Like Romans said, this kind of shit tends to happens in threes... you should be good for a while.
Get some young hottie to give ya a massage and drink lotsa h2o to flush the lactic acid from your muscles. You'll be right as rain in no time... no pun intended.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 10:35 PM
I don't wanna... shall experience win out because I've been there, done that so many times? Let me restate that. Hand over your man card again. I have a pic sure frame nail in my body. Guys here have some hardware that I could only imagine the box of nails they used on ___________ Fill in the punch holes in the skin.
Not so fast. That card circle jerked your ride, your hide, yes, the last jerk out the body is that wallet.
1. Rim = Spin. Salvage?
2. Fork(s) = Bent. Salvage? Re-bendstraightsays; Bend coat hangeringing in your ear yet? S-Bendsaysorry charlie.
3. Front End = Watch/fine wine glass/body drops from buildingutsplattered/he's OK!
4. Frame = Lucky U go turn around, build from frame outhe list begins. I may miss the parts is partso at least you see minimum parts/labor/retail out the door is why there are chop shops making a bike is not cheap over the count your front end against fresh meat that will ask yourself this question:
I'm so obsessed with my Hit The Decade Old baby, my baby.
Tire ~ Did it impact to flatten, cut, press the carcass you cannot see damaged inside - R for replace.
Rim ~ Where the guts insdied with the tire and impact point-A - I for Inspect.
Axle ~ Twisted forks could also take out the axle if the impact is severe enough - I.
Fork(s) ~ That reality of energy are those forks sucking up saving that frame from a (((Good°OFF))).
Front End ~ that tube is the hinge. You can see how light it needs to be being just a hing pin that is staked not something you can pull.
Look down the nut [see hole in center] of the hinge and you'll know that thing has gone from a thick axle to a tube. All that idea that was there all the time. However, both take the toothpick/chicken bone snap of a difference is not one bit of a difference you bend coat hangers from two different companies - R!
1. Upper crown = The forks; Take a stick, a broom. Extend your hands as far away from your body to rip that stick in one direction. You can see that upper crown splits [wrinkles] or crush points are going to bend in one direction. The thread side having more mass to remain even, the pinch's round moon bend is the bent part - R.
2. Lower crown = We went through that being the same leaning tower of please move that building back, see that hole if we 90° the fail to see how that stem pressed into the lower crown one clowns that back together - R we seeing it yet?
3. Frame = Neck to take the pain is that area. Are you holding your head up off the keyboard pad? Kind of look around to see that silver of a sliver of a crack that was spray painted for just that inspect. Welds like that is the upper bank. The lower floor is where you look at that thin part off the bank of the water is going to flow out the wallet like the levers are note: WE won't even list that stuff. With the frame times replace the stem bearings in the frame. Then, you have to hammer those in flush or they rock like that tower you tore up that hole too in the frame and now the front end has a knock and the who hinge is perfectly set did that rain on your braking point!
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 10:36 PM
I use my rear brake EVERY time I use the brakes! It DOES help! I also use it regularly to set myself up entering a corner.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/25/11 10:53 PM
That, 1bad, is incorrect. Owner of a shop told me to prep a bike for track day way back when trackdays first started or never stopped for cars really. We both took turns on some slow pile. The service manager brought his drugged out son to the track also. I told the owner not to let the kid ride it. He just does not look straight all glassy eyed. Service manager had it in for me from then on.
Like the way I live in my world is cover the boss and another one punches the old sack of that 'goodeedeserveshithe fuck down help no one. That way no one can blame anyone in the money tre go crying about 6HP lost I plugged in a PEE SEE!!
5 fucking minutes laughing non stop I got out of the shower the old lady saying that I'm too loud laughing (the shit I think up next for you fuckers!)
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 4:55 AM
Thanks to Rook for posting my iPhone pics and thanks to all for sharing your thoughts and sympathies. Last time I went down like this, Gerald R. Ford was in the Whitehouse! Blue07, did your front wheel point in the same direction as your handle bars after your accident? That's my main concern here. I remember going down hard on my Cr500 motocrosser and tweaking the front end. It's been awhile but I just loosened up the triple clamps and put everything straight and retightened. These upside down forks may be different, much greater surface area to grip with the big diameter fork sliders. I looked the bike over pretty good yesterday when I took those pics, looks mostly cosmetic but frame and fork damage are the big ? Anyone else tweeked a front end, what was your experience?
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 4:59 AM
Blue07, did you delete your last post?
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