By the way, this is my bike; Dont u think the Muzzy Exhaust would fit the bike perfectly??!
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/06/10 1:41 PM
JUST ordered the Muzzies with the dealer! 1.5 weeks and i can pick em up!!
Yeah, got the seatcowl a few weeks ago. WEW! Took some trouble to actually order those!!! Thanks Blue =))
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/06/10 3:39 PM
love that color
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/06/10 5:38 PM
is this not a cool looking pipe
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/07/10 2:38 AM
Yeah, i was also thinking about the Two Bros, ended up with Muzzy just to go with the clean look.
Romans, i ordered the exact same muzzies you linked; I was going for the Carbons in the first place, but prices went up a bit TOO much... got to around 1100 EURO's, calculate that back to dollars- it's crazy!
So, in the end i ordered the stainless ones which ended up at a price of 815 Euro's . STILL expensive but it's the only way for me to get the Muzzies since they dont have em stock in Europe. So gotta get em out of US which adds up to the price.
Oh well, not many people with muzzy here. Actually close to none. I like that! hehehe
I love the bike too! Especially since none of you guys have that color! hah! hehe
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/07/10 7:56 AM
she look so sexy in that color too lol tell me how good are those abs brakes and do you like them I'll tell you without them this bike stops on a dime so I was just wondering how well they work or do you go past where you want to stopif braking hard ... sucks that you had to sell you home to get those pipes but like you said that how it is usa/eu your gonna love the sound after you put those pipes on lol F THE NEIGHBORS LOL
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/07/10 10:23 AM
Check out Area P
My buddy just put a set of large baffled carbon fibers on his 08 Busa. Very deep tone with no raspiness when on the gas.
Nice prices also
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/07/10 11:09 AM
hehehe Xxxses that's right!! About the ABS, it's good to have, but if it kicks in for the first few times it feels kinda unnatural, but it kicks in when the ABS feels like the front is gonna block, so gonna pinch it hard for it to happen, or have a slippy road.
Extrapilot, i never seen those pipes, i always thought P's only had those short pipes. They look pretty clean
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/08/10 6:00 PM
takes less than 10 min to install slip-ons. 2 clamps at header, bolt at rear foot peg each side and on right side below peg there is a bolt. may not need to re install that one i know i didnt need it for the m4's
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/09/10 3:50 AM
Hmm, isnt the midpipe the same as before?
Close to the same. The stock pipe has a small dent placed in the mid pipe to give you a bit more room for the chain, Muzzies do not. It's no biggie. Just wanted you to be aware. You wouldn't want scratches on that purdy new pipe lol.
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/09/10 8:33 AM
Did anyone actually bother to listen to the Jardine pipe? I'm curious to know your input. From all the exhaust clips I've listened to (damn near every one imaginable for ZX-14 including ones not available for us in the U.S.) these sound, far and away, the sexiest to me.
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/09/10 9:12 AM
Hmm, Got the link for me? When im at home im gonna give it a listen.
Though, sometimes its hard to judge those slipons with different camera's. Because some cams just catch more lower frequences than others. And if u hold it close to the exhaust it makes more noise than if u stand away, and location: Garage, open field etc etc.
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/11/10 1:46 AM
Ah got it, yeah - That sound is Raw! I liked it, not sure why i didn't go for em; Maybe because i couldnt find them on Ebay. LOL!
And i think i liked the muzzy looks a bit more.
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/11/10 6:47 AM
Matsuke, one last thing, don't be alarmed by the sound when you first start the bike. Inside the muffler there is a plastic bag that surrounds insulation. This has to burn off before the sound becomes sweet. Takes about a minute or two. Scary when you first start bike if you don't know this. My buddy just went through the same shock as I did while installing a new M-14 Muzzy system on his 14 yesterday. LOL. Sounds like a outboard motor and makes your heart sink a bit. Just giving you heads up. Also I bought New donuts(Gaskets)as I could not get the old ones off my stock pipe. Maybe order new ones from kawi now, so you have them when your pipes arrive. That little tid-bit cost me a week of down time. I hope this helps and congrats.
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RE: Deep tone ZX14 Exhaust
04/11/10 6:53 AM
LOL! Thanks Romans, i would def. get a heartsick if i didn't know that.
Oh, they dont give me new gaskets? Boo! Are they ABLE to come off of the old Stock pipe though? Then ill just check at the bike
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