To be honest, I don't see any of the Big Four investing big bucks right now, world economy is still in the tank and the U.S appears to be heading into a double dip recession. The local Suzuki dealer has a warehouse full of '09s and can't give them away. No '10s imported from Suzuki at all. I figure the GSXR 1000 will stay the same for the next two years. I don't see KHI putting a dollar into the 14. Willidx is right, they would need a big power increase to pull any sales away from the Hayabusa and that would mean re-assigning major engineering assets. I don't see any big changes coming for '11 in the 10r or 6R either. They're both good bikes already and appeal to a certain type (like me) so I see them staying pretty much the same. Maybe some "bold new grapics" and minor updates like they did to the 10R tranny for '10. KHI seems to be into holding the line on price and from what I've heard they have recaptured some market share with this strategy. Honda would be stupid to change the CBR except maybe to fix the oil control rings and adding a little polish here and there. On a tight track, even the Beemer can't match it as is. Yamaha is stuck with the crossplane motor for the next few years to pay off their initial investment. It may turn out to be like their 5 valve heads, they gotta save face and back away from it slowly. OK, so BMW hit the market at the exact right time with the exact right product. I don't see any challengers on the horizon from the land of the rising sun before 2012 at the earliest. Of course I could also be wrong and they might all surprise me.
* Last updated by: Kruz on 9/8/2010 @ 11:14 AM *