Noted, haggy.
I see they did a nice job of replicating, a cough-cough. Both are two different cough's. Especially the rear fender on the VT. The YamaCough may have a hard time coming up, I have no clue? Never rode one. The VT I'm familiar with. There is every larryurkle on the back wheel with a cough-cough. No problem with that Milwaukee monster bringing on the torque. That is bottom end speak. However, that VT needed a road test after a 'complete service.' That meant, sync those pigs. If I grab at the cable, set to the stops, never pulling clutch in, meaning, it either has it right there, not up some rpm, burn the plates first to find it.
The ape needs a little burn to carry it across the intersection from a dead stop. But to punch it in 2nd as if you punch the 14? Nope, won't happen. You gain rpm on the 1000, you speed forward. You gain rpm on the 14, your front wheel gains more air between the road.
Ass my kind of bike.
* Last updated by: Hub on 3/6/2012 @ 7:38 AM *