Looks like you now have the perfect candidate for a dedicated track bike!
You taught me hate, I'll teach you fear!
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Created on: 05/24/11 08:31 PM
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 5:01 AM
She won't look so destroyed in a day or two Kruz....you'll see.All I could do when they pulled mine from the trailer was...CRY.I was convinced my new baby was toast.And she looked SO FINE when they delivered her to my house after buying her.WHAT a difference it was.
Ya...you could have some frontend damage..sure enough.Looking at the pics there though,I'd go with..."the frontend's okay,just need to have a mech check everything out".Doesn't appear to be slammed too badly.But things can easily get tweaked under the right conditions.I got lucky with mine,that's for sure.
How's your head doing?Any nosebleeds or anything weird going on with yer eyesight?I'm prayin for ya bro...REALLY glad you were wearin yer skidlid.This whole deal would have turned out completely different if you hadn't been.....
* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/26/2011 @ 5:03 AM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 5:17 AM
Ya...I did.This post aint about me...it's about YOU and YOU being okay...that's what matters here.Sometimes I can slip myself into the picture without realizing what someone else might be going through.Really glad yer okay Buddy...that was a very dangerous and unpredictable situation...
I assume ya read what I mentioned about the crash with mine...the frontend "appeared" to be fine with mine.The wheel and bars seemed to be aligned okay(which they were).Yours were "off" some?There wasONE thing however...maybe with yours as well.I noticed in that one pic there,your left bar end is ground down pretty good.THAT could signal a bent clipon.Especially if it was in the lock position during impact and slide.My right clipon was "slightly bent" at the part that goes into the clamp piece.You normally wouldn't notice it.But it caused the alignment "visually" to appear "off center" when I would line up the bar ends to an imaginary part of the bodywork...so it looked like the frontend was tweaked.It wasn't.I replaced the bar....she was straight as could be after that.Everything lined up fine.I did have my mechanic inspect it though just because.He said "she's good to go...I don't know HOW...but she's fine!"
* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/26/2011 @ 5:28 AM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 5:24 AM
I agree with Jeff. I slammed a VFR down on it's side numerous times and it looked like that. It can be fixed FO SHO! It will never be the same but then what bike ever stays perfect for long anyways. I had to hold my body work together with aluminum tape and black & white checkerboard Contact Paper I dropped it so many times. I'm sure you won't want to use Contact paper on a newer bike like yours tho LOL
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 6:47 AM
My plan is to rebuild her back to how she was, either it will turn out like my 14 after the tipover, first class repair or I won't bother to do it at all. I'm not a duct tape kind of guy, it's got to be right or I won't ride it. The cosmetic parts are going to run maybe $1500 with my discount, the front end, I just don't know about. Blue I think the bar is OK, the tweekage seems to be in the front forks. I'm just not familiar with these upside down forks and how much force it required to move things out of kilter. If the front end is gone, then repairing the bike is going to be a wash, I'll sink more into then I can get back out and then you'll always have a damaged bike under you. I don't know what forces were applied to this bike, I mean it went down and slid a long way but I don't know if it slammmed the curb or not. I know I did but look at my helmet and shoulder armor that took the curb hit. It wasn't that bad, I got up and walked away. I can't see how it could have been much worse on the front end of my bike.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 7:02 AM
Blue, no nose bleeds or headaches, I think the helmet did a great job of absorbing the impact. Almost looks like I could reuse it but of course that would be stupid. Something sharp penetrated the fibreglass right above the ZOX sticker and some loose fibre threads are hanging out, other than that she's just scratched a bit. The carbon knuckle gaurds on my Taichi gloves got ground down pretty good on my left side but my hand seeems to be fine. I can only imagine if I hadn't of had those gloves on. Thanks for the prayers right now, I can use them, a lot has happened this year.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 7:16 AM
Ya...frontend's most likely okay.The road was wet.The frontend was sliding.If it didn't smack anything,I'd just see if she lines up...you know.See how that goes.Four bolts holdin the upper and lower inner fork clamps,then your triple tree bolts,loosen em up a tad.See if it can be tweaked a bit.(if it seems off).I don't think(I'm no tech guy)the upside down forks are any different than a standard fork in respect to "how" they compress and such.If she's straight(the wheel orientation),that's all that really matters as long as the fork tubes aren't damaged like HUB said.I would guess the fork performance will be just fine.Any gouge marks on the outside of the fork tubes anywhere.Someplace where it may have taken a hit?Any fluid leakage there,at the seals?They compress and rebound smooth without any binding?I'd bet your forks are fine.You saw that video on youTube about that guy that does the suspension setups for people at the track?He straightened a gal's forks for her on video right there.She'd had some crunches in the past and her frontend appeared to be okay,but seemed a tad off someway.This guy asked a few questions and diagnosed her fork/handling problem.Fixed it easily right there with some VERY MINOR tweaks to the forks and clamps.
Something nailed the front fender there on yours.IDK what it was...but if whatever it was hit the forks,then I'd be concerned.If not....they're most likely just fine.The factory torque on those bolts is pretty stout.You have at a minimum four bolts securing those upper fork tubes.A sliding force probably wouldn't damage anything...but I'm no expert.They're quite strong actually...those inverted forks.IF they shifted off center...the tubes turned...it wouldn't be too hard to realign em...a pro could do it easily.YOU could do it.....just read up on it...shouldn't be a prob for you.The 14 has a small cast divit at the ignition mechanism...kindof a pointy deal that faces forward.I lined that up while sitting on my bike centered.Lined that pointy thing up with something on the casting(frame/meter bracket I think it was.The front wheel was straight.The bike steering was straight with that deal lined up.That's how I noticed the clipon was slightly bent back.Just enough to give an appearance of the steering head/triple clamp being "off" center when I "lined up" the clipons in the "straight forward" steering position.The cast divit was the reliable line.NOT the position of my bars.Maybe your 10 has a similar deal on the ignition housing?The meter bracket PROBABLY has a cast line going longitudinally towards the meters on the flat surface.Unfortunately,on mine,the meter bracket was snapped off the frame....the bolt "ears" had to be rewelded to the steering head before I could get the frontend cowl and meters and such installed.Guy who welded it did a fantastic job...knew his shi* and she turned out perfecto!Was able to buy a new bracket,new bolts,and install em just like the factory deal.Everything was straight and true....I was fortunate.
* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/26/2011 @ 7:29 AM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 8:52 AM
A lot of times that weirdness in the front end after an accident is just a twisted fork between the trees. Loosen them up, put them back by the book and see where you're at. Check the bearings and races top and bottom and wheel for trueness... what else can there be to go wrong? I would think for a bike like that there would be more than enough front end parts on Egay all day long to rebuild it several times over. I'd be more worried about that engine cover. I couldn't see it real well but hopefully you didn't lose oil or bend anything on the inside..
I suggest you ride your other bikes for awhile and think about. I think you'll realize it doesn't have to be put out to pasture yet.
And don't underestimate the power of duct tape and zip-strips. lol
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 2:50 PM
That bike is scratched... I thought we were forks hitting the radiator. Not that you could ride it home with the front end caved, but that does not look that bad... Lucky you all around, Professor.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 3:49 PM
Some good advice here folks, I appreciate all of the input from everyone. I wanted to get the pics on there so that you guys that have been down this road before could make an accurate assessment. It might be worth it to take it to That Computrack place for peace of mind and get it laser aligned or whatever by specialists. I'm feeling a little bit better now since Hubster said it's just "scratched".
* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/26/2011 @ 3:54 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 3:57 PM
1Bad hasn't commented on the pics yet, he probably tell me he would race the bike the next day....lol!
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 4:04 PM
Dainese Jacket looks good as new except for the shoulder armor, I'll order a new shoulder plate tomorrow. Left boot needs a new toe guard and ankle guard, luckily those are replaceable as well. Left glove knuckle gaurd is scratched but still looks OK. I have three more of the Spectra R helmets still in the box so that's OK also. Gonna take the CBR out tonight and see if my confidence is still there.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 4:39 PM
That's a get the bike back out during lunch break and eating in between too. I wouldn't waste my time with a frame like that being tapped. We are not talking; rip the hinge off with frame dangling while the wire harness acts the tether-ball.
If that fork tube is out of true, so is that complete hinge. But the way that bike is just wrinkled, you hand build the front end on the bench. The best way is assemble it all on the bike. The quick way is to build from axle to forks to lower crown.
Tighten the pinch bolts first. From there, assemble either end and install the other part. Did it slide or did you push a fork to get the top crown to pop in? Did the axle tag or drag going in the fork kind of message the parts.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 6:29 PM
I think yer confidence will be just fine....long as ya don't try a repeat performance of what happened!I always remember something I read in one of those "Kieth Code" books or whatever.He said....when you have a situation..any situation like what you had Kruz....don't think on what you did so much to get into that...but think more on how you can AVOID a similar instance down the road.Play it through in your mind of what you COULD have been doing different.Focus on that...the solution,not the problem.I try to do that when I ride.It's easy to feel bad and say...GEEZ..if only.You lived to get something outta this that'll save yer skin NEXT TIME.And there will be a...NEXT TIME...you know that.
Kinda like target fixation.Stare at that pothole....yer most likely gonna nail it.Look through to the solution....you'll most likely steer around it just as you need to,without drama.I'm so glad you lived through this deal Kruz.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 8:26 PM
Thanks Blue07. I rode OK tonight but I'm really sore, it 'd going to be awhile before I feel good again. Some possibly good news tonight. I took some basic measurements and it appears the front end may be OK....straight. It may turn out that the bike just got skinned. I worked the forks up and down and they felt smooth as did the steering. I think possibly that some debris from the front cowling had jammed my steering when I rode home. I'm praying the front end is OK. If so, I can start ordering parts and put her back together. We'll see.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/26/11 10:51 PM
You know of course I was in no way saying "you should have"...this or that..by talking about target fixation,right?Kinda hard to decide in a split second...where do I go?...when there IS no where to go but.."crunch".You did everything right as far as you could with what you were dealt.Yer bike'll be just fine.That's my opinion with what I see in your pics.Heal up Bro...you have a lot more living to do!!!! Whatever happened with the driver?Did he stop or anything...maybe I missed that part.
* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/26/2011 @ 10:55 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/27/11 4:22 AM
Kruz, you did just fine!
You came up against a big truck on a little bike in slipper conditions...
and walked away. That == success. I still count your blessings when I think about what happened. The bike looks much better than I was expecting. The forks that I saw had no obvious bend. Still suggest getting the forks checked for true, but it rea;;y just looks like cosmetic damage.
To think we could easily have been mourning your loss....
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/27/11 6:58 AM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the support, it means a lot to me. Blue07, a women in a car stopped and asked if I was OK, a guy came over to me from a Mexican food place, he thought I'd gone and offed myself, freaked out when I popped right up and lifted my bike off the ground. Apparently the speed I went down at was pretty high and that curb hit looked bad to him. I'm not sure how I came away with so little damage to body and bike, I must have had an Angel riding on my shoulder.
I'm encouraged by what I saw last night, the front wheel appears to be straight with the handlebars, all that busted fairing plastic was making things look off kilter. I need to strip the fairings and get a good luck at everything and then I'll know for sure.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/27/11 7:24 AM
You came up against a big truck on a little bike in slipper conditions...and walked away. That == success. I still count your blessings when I think about what happened.
I sure do Russty. I went back and looked at the crash scene, everything looked different when on foot. The distances were much shorter than I remembered, I had almost no time to react when that truck came over into the right lane. If I had stayed in that lane, I would have been run over by the 18 wheeler. If I had continued straight I would have hit the traffic median curb almost straight on at speed and endoed, bike and me both would have been totalled then for sure. Going down and sliding into the curb was by far the best possible option....though I did not intend to go down, that's actually what saved me. Looking at the distances involved and the slippery traction conditions, ABS could not have saved me and might even had made things worse. Anyway, this accident was 100% my fault, the truck driver was within the law to cross over into the right lane when he did, he didn't cross the double white line. If I had been traveling at a safe speed for the conditions, I could have easily applied brakes and either made the turn or stopped short of the traffic median. Another factor, I was rushing home to beat the rain. I was getting hit by a few raindrops and was thinking traction conditions up ahead would still be good. What I didn't realize is that I was actually riding into the rain, the road up ahead was already wet and I was thinking it was dry, thus I was going way faster than I normally would have.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/27/11 8:47 AM
Glad you are ok brother.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/27/11 9:32 PM
Kruz, jeff may be onto something here. May cost a quite a bit more than it would to repair but if you ever had the thought,,,,,,, ?
The 08 ZX-10 race bike I saw last night was scraped up a bit. All the sliders looked like they had been through a war. That thing has been down ---what was Mass' phraseology----"down more times than a twenty dollar whooore" but he keeps riding.
* Last updated by: Rook on 5/27/2011 @ 9:33 PM *
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