I ain't gonna bite into this HUB deal.
This is because it is too easy. Too common sense you do not have to discuss the penultimate and begin the steps. I am not lost here. Plus, I am not going to hang it out... YOu go right ahead, I have my limits. In mind, I got game. If you want to run for all the marbles, I bought that set of leathers and signed my life away kind of go for it like the oldays is the same head game so I can hold my own ass they sway.
But, here at AAAAAAAAAAAssholes that cannot compete on the head game of 'I ain't gonna bite, I can't clear it. It sounds pretty clear to me, I ain't got the head game to step the speed up we step the race theory up. You get it yet? YOU are in the bleachers thinking you have game, now you are playing DIS head game and you are choking at it.
That tells me:
The time I was out, I really didn't do a hard brake-in like I was more on the back brake trying to compete with the pound is pounding out what I can and can't do.
That my dirt tea forkissealsays a lot about how I maintain a bike. And I do it so well, I can sag it, throw the weights off, and man, I got game now.
I'm going to go 200 mph with no weights because fucK, I know about tires and weights on two wheels are the odds both are balanced by faithe fuck it.
Oh yeah, let me get back to my tire break-in, I had to turn around, mommy was buzzing, I fell down, but I can't get a bus outta here!
Mirror mirror on the wall, I hope Dogo saved it all.
All for one and one on the leave... Wasn't that song about you about to leave?
No, no, that was me telling you to leave, you don't give a shit if I say to leave, I see that mirror coming and oh shit is my ass IS about to look like an ass again, you can't tolerate one is that I can. You are just that asshole that comes to my rack and can't do the work. So, he hangs so I can't do my work. But die have ways that you have no clue is that fate of you... One of those mirrors is going to crack and I'm stepping it UP, jack....
* Last updated by: Hub on 1/26/2012 @ 7:57 AM *
Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time