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Thread: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!

Created on: 05/24/11 08:31 PM

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/28/11 6:48 AM

1. Take it all apart down to the neck.
2. Are my steering balls peeing a straight smack into my race; I have my own steering damnear.
3. I have the upper-lower-crowns set. They do not snap to center I watch as I tighten down the pressure on the balls. I need to flop-lock-to-lock, not lock center and stay = Junk!
4. Well, I salvaged those puppies. Now I want to see how bent I am. I install one fork ~ Tighten all bolts down. I flip the crown lock to lock for bind.
5. I install the next fork. It does not matter what side I start with. I now want that fork to push right past I didn't catch how smooth that went in I pre-grease so I have less scratches testing the legs and crown holes.
6. Shit! I have to loosen the other fork to push the tube up = JUNK!
7. YOU SOB! I can't see the 3-point landing was I would not even think of a leg over that bike is YOUR BIKE!
8. Oh, you're just an old fuddy duddy and I've bent them in and raced who cares if it's bent. It's points for that day and that is it if I walk away from that kink down the wheel track you run both wheels down some wet line; see how it lines up they meet together.
9. OH LOOK! Not even touched! I was all nervous for nothing. I'm going to set this front end up and you know the brake-wheel-spin-free setup? Then it slipped my mind you setup the axle to the forks.
10. One fork is going to hang. Set the other fork in the crowns and now that axle is your = Line Her Up/Down = Her Legs Match! Pop! YOu hand pop the axle out till that fork is soooooooo-push that axle in like butter ~ Both forks are X to Y to the Z-Axle!

It's just a scratch. Let'she your wound. No Blood? What are you handing me your Man Card for? Look at the back if you want that hole punched for a prize. It says must bleed or damage rug one or the other... Show us the rug burn now!

* Last updated by: Hub on 5/28/2011 @ 6:52 AM *

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Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/28/11 11:24 PM

Hubster, Go back and look at the photo of the front fender. The bike slid on the left side, zero damage on right side. How did the top of the front fender get scratched?

Who slides further bike or rider? To tweak the front end it would have to take a curb hit. I don't know if the bike made it to the curb. When I got up, the bike was a few feet from the curb. Did it bounce or never made it? I don't know the answer. My impact energy was relatively low, remember I hit head first and popped right back up. Did the bike take a greater hit than me?

* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/28/2011 @ 11:35 PM *

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 12:26 AM

Notice the lever and balance weight at the end. Take a big piece of cardboard, match the angel to the lever and bar, place it on the front fender and you can see the bike was pushed by the bar and probably the bike made the one hit, came back up and settled on the lever, bar, and stator cover.

That front fender cocked like that is going to get a bounce up the curb if the top took a tumble at the higher curb point.

* Last updated by: Hub on 5/29/2011 @ 10:25 AM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 12:45 AM

I'm tryin to figure out HOW the fender has that couple of apparent dents in it....being plastic.The points you mention Hub are certainly valid...however...looks to me like the bike hit,stayed down,at the same time the bar impacted,stayed in the full left position,and the front fender was just long enough in front to take the grinding from the pavement.Doesn't look to me like she hit the curb at all.Take a look Kruz at your front tire.See any signs of lateral wear marks from sliding?The wheel would most likely be spinning as she slid,but there could likely be something there from the initial hit.The upper cowl seems to me to have levered the front wheel just enough to avoid any impact damage to the frontend per se.(forks)I would imagine a fender smack into the curb would crack and snap off anything stopping the weight of the bike from moving forward.That fender doesn't look cracked to me.Which direction are the deep scratches going Kruz?Your lower fork tubes/axle area is undamaged.The caliper(s) look fine.The side of the fender looks damage.Only the tip.Even if it did hit the curb at the top tip of the fender,the forks would probably travel enough(being fully extended at impact)to compress enough to not cause any slamming to the tubes.People can make fun of these "plastic" bikes all they want.I'm sayin...the designers are pretty friggin smart.Most of the damage there is saved the hard parts for sure.That's how mine was hard part damage...only the plastics.

Kawi builds helicopters....they know about designing frames to collapse a certain way in certain accidents.I can see this in their zx designs as well.That plastic takes a lot of the impact out of the frame and stuff...the inertia.A sliding hit,the plastics do remarkably well in keeping internal parts undamaged.Now a straight fallover...that's another animal altogether.

Turn your bars full left.Now look at the direction of the scratch marks on the fender.Are they matching the directional scratch marks on the upper cowl?Once yer bars hit full left,the weight of the bike is gonna keep em "locked" so to speak in that position until something changes the weight and slide forces.It didn't flip,that's for sure.The fender and cowl and left midfairing were taking the brunt,holding the forks slightly "up" off the pavement IMO.That's why the top of the fender is really scraped up.I doubt your forks even contacted the pavement.Maybe the tire....but not the forks.

When my bike fell over off the rear stand,the forks never touched anything.The frontend cleared the impact,while the midfairing held the frame and all up just far enough to allow the forks to be safe.Even as I picked er up,turning the bars all the way still didn't contact the floor.Turning it left,the rearmost part of the fender and the rear part of the tire contacted,never the forks.I thought the fork/axle area was gonna hit when I straightened the bars momentarily to get a better grasp for lifting,but the front of the wheel/tire contacted the ground,not the axle or caliper.It didn't damage the engine case...which I expected it to do...BUT,it did crack the ignition cover at the very bottommost bolt.So the fairing saved the spendy case cover,and would have saved the ignition cover as well.....get this.....IF there hadn't been(and this is amazing to me)a little pice of gravel stuck to the fairing foam and the ignition case right where she cracked.YUP....pushed that piece of gravel against that cover and that was all it took.Geez was I pissed!Of all the places to have a tiny piece of rock!!!!!Unbelievable!

* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/29/2011 @ 1:18 AM *

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Badzx14r's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 5:43 AM

1Bad hasn't commented on the pics yet, he probably tell me he would race the bike the next!

i'd raced it 1 minute after hitting the ground.. i yank off the broken shit and loose stuff and bump the front end straight and whoop me some truck drivers ass..

been busy with my zx12 converted zx14 build ..

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darryle's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 6:52 AM

Kruz,glad your OK,now get some race body work and put her on the track

2012 14R,full hindle Evolution ,vortex rear sets,BST's with ceramic bearings,HID's,hyper pro damper and custom map 205.3 hp/120.2 torque

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Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 11:27 AM

Feeling good enough now to start taking her apart maybe tomorrow. Blue07 thanks for the analysis ....Hub too! I think you guys are right, full left lock on ground impact and slide into home plate. Some of the details are coming back to me now. The bike was laying on it's left side but almost parallel to the curb like the bike had rotated almost a full 90 while sliding. The bike was right next to me, I'm starting to think it had very little kinetic energy left by the time it reached the curb. I think I'll follow Hubs advice and tear down to the neck. If the tubes look straight and they, along with axles fit up nicely without using force..... It may be OK.

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 11:41 AM

When my bike fell over off the rear stand,the forks never touched anything.The frontend cleared the impact,while the midfairing held the frame and all up just far enough to allow the forks to be safe

same thing when I dumped the 14 in front of garage. the edg of the fender scraped a little bit but no fork contact, not even on the bottom. Rolled over like a canoe. WA-wump.

Kruz,glad your OK,now get some race body work and put her on the track

Good idea. you'll drop another 25-30 lbs , I bet.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Badzx14r's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 12:17 PM

i'll give you 3k for it as it sits kruz ..

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Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 3:24 PM

1bad you is nutz, stay away from my garage!

* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/29/2011 @ 3:33 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 3:31 PM

Blue and HubMeisterBrau, look at that picture again closely, those striations in the midfairing are actually a crosshatch pattern, she turned before impact looks like. Anyway I got to do a 1bad on it, strip all the busted up junk off and go ride it and see.

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 4:02 PM

Ya...I see it now...that's a reflection on the fender...ya...not a dent(I know it couldn't be dented!)Thought MAYBE they started makin fenders from the Harley ones RIDE REPORT....we need a Ride Report!Guess ya could always make er a nekked hooligan you .

* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/29/2011 @ 4:04 PM *

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bean07's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 8:29 PM

Kruz mate ya bike looks similar to mine mate the impact looks like the top left of the fairing took all the impact mate maybe save the bike from complete damage rote off! mainly just cosmetic damage, hopefully surfing on the net ya can fix her up with not to much $$$$$

2006 CBR1100xx with a few mods + V Star 1300A Cobra swept exhaust,Fi2000 EFI,Big air kit, Rad cover/Guard,Forward controls/pegs,Pillion mini boards,screen,rack,Saddleman seat a few chrome bits.

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Badzx14r's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/29/11 9:52 PM

1bad you is nutz, stay away from my garage!

back talk and price goes down 2500.00 now

“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!”

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Donny's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 7:45 AM

Man, sorry to read/hear about this John! Glad you are ok, screw the bike, but, since you don't have full coverage on it, you will likely try to save her. Sounds like you hit the rear brake, and it sounds like you need to polish up on the front brake application vs. the panic of the rear brake stab! Also, downshifting can cause the rear to step out like that, but with the slipper clutch it sounds like the rear brake. My advice; get a dirt bike and practice your skills, it's far more fun to ride off road than on road! Just my humble opinion!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 8:07 AM

it sounds like you need to polish up on the front brake application vs. the panic of the rear brake stab!
You saying the guy can't ride? And you are giving advice for potato planting? Weedontalk dirt here. Just the dirt in your closet.

Also, downshifting can cause the rear to step out like that, but with the slipper clutch it sounds like the rear brake. My advice; get a dirt bike and practice your skills, it's far more fun to ride off road than on road! Just my humble opinion!
You need to go to 'Dr Eyes'ell Burn Out School' I'm here to throw your abstracts under the bus. You better go check my vid see if I tire bounce the back you timed-OUT look at your watch for the crank to time the back wheel kind of ain't got it if you are telling someone you need to go diving on a brick sidewalk if you want to learn to swim kind of hard knocksir.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 12:08 PM

good advice but I have heard about the accident at length and sounds like he was going down or getting run over no matter what braking technique he used.

Am I the only one that has the ass lift when on the front brake hard. If the 14 does it, the 10 prolly does it much easier and if the bike is turned or leaned the whole back is going to pivot on the steering stem- wet, dry, locked or unlocked.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 12:42 PM

Donny, thanks for your input but there was no braking technique on earth that could have saved my bike from going down. Light rain on asphalt = grease, 18 wheeler cut me off with only about 150 feet to impact point and still over 50 mph Both front and back tires skidded, bike was going down regardless, just like riding on ice. All in earlier posts in this thread.

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 2:29 PM

Shi% man...sorry to hear that.They're not TOO expensive could find a brand new one on e-bay most likely.If you want to try this guy...."velocityking"...he's a trusted seller of sportbike parts and all.He's over in Georgia.Name's Tim.Tell him I sent ya...maybe give ya a discount on that piece.

Probably worth your piece of mind to install a new one anyway.No muss,no fuss.I've got a plasma blue zx10 front fender if ya want it.N/C.Think it's that late model one you might have.Can't remember what year it is...only one late model year they had the plasma blue.No damage.Looks the same as your fender...minus the scrapes!Let me know.

Fuggitabout the advice...NOTHIN could have saved ya in that situation.Brakes or no brakes.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 2:51 PM

Like I said... Scratch that front end LOL

ASS for you? Come her, Donny

* Last updated by: Hub on 5/30/2011 @ 2:54 PM *

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Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 5:07 PM

Not so fast Hubmeister breath. I got her torn down this afternoon and may have spoke too soon about her being toast. Took a short ride after I got all the broken bits off of there and she felt fine. Everything under the plastics looked pristine, radiator, coolant reservoir etc. Damage seems to run skin deep, maybe what I was feeling on the way home from the crash scene was binding due to All that busted up plastic. I put the bike up on front and rear stands and spun the front wheel.... looks like a million bucks, zero runout and no hop. I can't see any bend in these forks either. Centered the bars by feel and then checked centering; looked very close, almost too close to call.

Hubster, I know your trying to help but is it possible your looking at worst case scenario due to my initial report saying the front end felt funny? I mean you have nuthin to go on but a few pics and my description of what happened. Felt funny, Heck ya it did, it was jammed full of debris. I don't think a slide into home hurt that front end, they're designed for several G of braking load, look at the bending load on your forks when you do a stoppie: stunt guys do them all day long. Only thing going to hurt that front end would be a head on, high speed curb hit and there is zero evidence this bike hit the curb. Anyway, I took pics on my iPhone and will forward them to RookMeister for decide.

* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/30/2011 @ 5:11 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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Donny's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 6:35 PM

I read the entire post John before I posted, and know what you said, but, I still think there may have been a little wiggle room brake wise. Go to the track bro, spin some laps -- become one with your machine, it's a feeling like no other! You may not ride on the street again, at least not as much! Glad you're ok. I see that Hub doosh still opines on every corner! Hahahahaha.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 6:48 PM

Yes, one slam down the road is like slamming a swiss watch down on the ground; now ask it for the time. I've see way too many bends on a light drop. Yours looks about 30/40mph. However, I just noticed the clip-ons are not mounted to the upper crown. That bar assembly should just twist on the fork tube, do nothing to the top fork. Then gain, that front tire still makes that severe snap to the left. It's still moves the lower to upper no matter the bar position.

That kind of rolling spring wheelie front pop is still a fork taking all the energy not the front end heading for a stop. And yes, why not look at the whole scenario as a mess. Then when all is said and done, it wasn't what you assumed as a total. The half filled cup syndrome; is it half empty or half full?

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Kruz's Gravatar


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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 8:58 PM

Hub, I just sent all the iPhone pics to Rook, should have em up shortly. Took all the busted up stuff off and rode the bike for about twenty minutes tonight, took it up to 50 mph, no problems, felt straight.

Donnie, tracks are bullshit when it comes to real world street riding skills and you know it. When was the last time a 70,000 lb truck cut you off and left you no where to go on a track? When was the last time you hit a traffic island on a track? Most racers think street riding is dangerous and it is. No manicured tracks with everyone going the same direction and roughly same speed. No oil, grease,road debris or the super slick road film I had to contend with right after the rain starts falling. How can you tell me I had wiggle room when you weren't even there and have no clue of the circumstances?

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 9:42 PM

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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