Thanks to Rook for posting those, I have no way to post them from my iPhone. I centered the bars optically and by feel then shot the front views, front tire looks pretty well centered to my eye. If it's off it ain't off by much.
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Created on: 05/24/11 08:31 PM
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 10:09 PM
Thanks to Rook for posting those, I have no way to post them from my iPhone. I centered the bars optically and by feel then shot the front views, front tire looks pretty well centered to my eye. If it's off it ain't off by much.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/30/11 10:42 PM
Hey kruz im glad what I said to yer earlier that that plastic took the impact and not the frame like I experianced with my ZX1400, thats great mate so ya bike can be fixed and 100% ok ,just take yer time N shop around fer parts mate , as ya know i've plenty of spare time LOL, but you still got other bikes to ride so just be patient mate
things R not to bad , and ya not stuffed like me mate
* Last updated by: bean07 on 5/30/2011 @ 10:50 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 6:21 AM
Thanks Bean, mate..... you did bust that thing up pretty good, what happened? Yea, my bike is knackered pretty good also but a little time and money invested and I think she'll be good as new. I'll go with all new parts, something about buying off eBay doesn't sit well with me.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 6:29 AM
Speaking of how tough the USD fork and front ends on these bikes are, anyone remember back in '06 when Hellfire hit that 4"x4" wood block at 120 mph chasing after 1Bad? I was right behind him when it happened, the front wheel darn near exploded, almost blew the tire off of the rim, pushed the rim back to where it almost contacted the brake rotor. I wish I still had pics of that scene. Well guess what? He took it to the local Kawasaki Dealer, Alamo Cycleplex down in San Antonio and they replaced the tire and rim and inspected the forks and certified it as good. Hellfire had that bike another couple years then sold it to Reevesmreeves who rode it for a long time also. Neither ever had an issue with the front end.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 6:55 AM
Here's another shot of my front end, centered the bars before shooting. Hubster, if she's off it's not by much.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 7:04 AM
It breaks your heart to see a beautiful machine in this condition bean, glad you got it sorted out mate and back on the road fit as a fiddle. I want to start ordering new parts as soon as possible and get mine back on the road.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 7:56 AM
One more time. I don't care the speed. ONE disc is way too much off if you never look down at the bars. If you look at it this way, say you go into a corner and it bends over sort of OK. Then transition over the other way, she kind of flops in, not smooths in like on a pivot. Pivot being a pencil in plane, look that that pencil point from the back and laser it down about a half a disc of a half a disc off is not gonna get me to ride that bike the way I ride my bike is a parts bin bike now.
These are throwaway bikes. The over the counter price to fix it, lose that $2,500 toward that new bike. But, that is how I rotate my bikes. I have to sell/save to keep my addiction needle all clean and have the fastest injector indigestion is that suggestion.
Spin what fork leg is bent = Buy
Upper/Lower is a given = Bought.
Plastic = Bought sandpaper, shaker cans, I know it looks like I glued the back fandango. But that body cost me 23 bucks worth of change. Hey, I didn't know I could paint flamesandshit.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 8:39 AM
Hub if it's the flop on it's side that's the issue here then my 14 is junk cause it fell on it's side, not once but twice in the driveway. I put the 14 back together with all new parts and it's never tracked better. Slide is not going to hurt anything, these bikes are built tough, I still say it's the curb impact that will bend things. These racers throw this stuff down the track all the time and put it back together and go again. Ask Rook about the 10r he saw at the track day meeting, been down many times apparently. These guys crash almost everytime they hit the track....LOL. Ask Donny, he highsided his Honda track bike to the moon a few years back at a TSBA sponsored race. I think he had some "wiggle room" on that one and should have saved it....LOL! J/K Donny!
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 11:16 AM
You can drop that bike all you want. We are not talking a tip over w/zero mph. We are seeing a bike shave down some speed. A shock slamming down takes all the impact. A car hitting a car has no shock like [A] pinball game. Perfect example now that I think of it is look how those shocks work in that pinball machine and that plastic/rubber/hit the ball kind of the parts just take the shock is all.
You are at a straight line heading for a curb is your bike. That in motion tends to bend if it slams down that hard on the bars it is toast and jam time. I'll be right back, I haven't had cough-hee-hee/how much is that dunkey in the window? I would not buy that pile of a piece of shiTT can't even win a race how manyearunnings< hEAR is you SSSssssshhhhhhit OF GEAR MAN SEAMEN is drop from some leg and it just has gobs of HP and not a fucking clue in that PIT for I don't know I'd machine gun those assclowns the fuck out of there, get RoarrrrK and the rest here is clean up that squadmesh of a mess.
GERM MEN eggINNearRING ate it's best on toast is that...Who put shit on my toast? Cough it up! Someone spurmazooa'dat bread crumb.
This piece of shit has my numb beer on ITimedata "mess a shit"
* Last updated by: Hub on 5/31/2011 @ 11:20 AM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 2:49 PM
Slam down dat tymeX will it still work Hub???? Will it? Ass Jon Cameron crazy....YEs, takes a likkin and keeps on tikkin...his words not mine. Is tymeX better than KHI.... I ass you the question, tell me ?? RolleX same way, shock protection to 40 G or sum. Plastiks take the beating and scrub energy, no energy no bend.....simple facts...just the facts maam, that was dragnutz, his words not mine. Try to bend a USD fork with ur bare hands...can't be done...know energy. Maybe my f end is bent, don't no but it's trackin strait and true now.
* Last updated by: Kruz on 6/1/2011 @ 1:06 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 3:43 PM
That Beemer's just another "superbike" of corner taking,wheelieing,tucked in....all the same.That one frame of him comin around the corner,wasn't lookin too stable to me .They all fly like birds at the track...they're supposed to.I don't think I'd have one for the street.
That zx10 I sat on at the dealer',felt like there was NOTHING on the frontend....way small feeling.Nah....I'd get killed for sure!There's just something about the weight of the 14 that makes it REALLY predictable IMO.Safest feeling bike I've ever ridden.I know she aint no razor edge machine in the really tight stuff.I don't do that anyway.Not here.But she's a hoot on anything a tad more open."S"s and stuff.She'll roll very nicely through those.Enough for this old guy anyway.And there's PLENTY of sweepers and deep corners here to fill my desire for flyin.
* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/31/2011 @ 3:56 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 5:14 PM
It's separates the wannabe fast to the think they are fast. I think I want not one bolt lose. Not one line off that gun-site I look down that screen. I'm going to be thinking about that one disc not showing itself. I kink it over no matter what time you got, I am not getting on a bent bike, nor do I buy bent bikes. I will hot hang my nuts out for a cheap repush back straight that is hanging a disc out? Not showing me any time piece are the pieces ready to go.
I had levers foot pegs, front ends, forks. I do not have confidence jumping on your bikes. PAzYouAzz I make shewhoopee if practice was no joy then the race is she you at the cash window. Sheer will I will now, bunkie. And not a degree further!
* Last updated by: Hub on 5/31/2011 @ 5:16 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 5:28 PM
Say, back in 1978 is that is a '79 Gray market bike with dual discs out the back door sponsorshipshit? I knew back then give or take a few months what I knew about front ends and fixing your piles to waste it on racing. I was pee-repaired for the day. A one man pit and if you think I can't make first call under pressure. I got pit that can handle it.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
05/31/11 9:16 PM
"My skidmarks are just to the right of the double skidmarks that looked like the car caught on fire and burned the curb. Looks like I picked a popular spot to crash. Notice the double white line extends past the curb, the truck driver made an illegal lane change when he cut me off. This was the exact spot he cut me off, I estimate my speed here between 50 and 60 mph, there was no way to stop on that slick asphalt."
* Last updated by: Rook on 5/31/2011 @ 9:16 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
06/01/11 3:56 AM
Blue, there were only two witnesses that I'm aware of, the lady that stopped to check on me and the guy from the Mexican food emporium there on the right. I didn't get any names and that truck driver is long gone. Until I took this photo yesterday and studied it a bit, I wasn't even aware it was an illegal move that truck had made. That's prolly why he didn't stop. Well, what's done is done, I just have to deal with the aftermath. I think I'm going to sell it for salvage, put it on FleaBay and see what I can get for it. I know how I am and I'm never going to be satisfied with a repaired bike. Alternatively, I could patch it up and trade it in on a new one.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
06/01/11 6:30 AM
32 five?
Make it $3500 even and you have yourself a deal partner. If you're seriously looking for a track bike this is the one.
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
06/01/11 11:52 AM
Make it $3500 even and you have yourself a deal partner. If you're seriously looking for a track bike this is the one.
hey hey hey wat the shitt is this ..i offered 1st .. but i ain't going over 3.0 unless you deliver ..
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
06/01/11 1:10 PM
hey hey hey wat the shitt is this ..i offered 1st
It's called 'goes to the highest bidder', ain't no such thing as a free lunch around here...well maybe in your case there is...LOL!
It can't cost you that much to drive up here, you end up getting a free meal out of the deal anyway. What are you going to do with a 10R anyway, you too dam big for this bike?
* Last updated by: Kruz on 6/1/2011 @ 1:15 PM *
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RE: Went Down Tonight...ZX-10R Totaled!
06/02/11 4:32 AM
It can't cost you that much to drive up here, you end up getting a free meal out of the deal anyway. What are you going to do with a 10R anyway, you too dam big for this bike?
i don't drive no economy car.. i've got a diesel truck .. i'll stretch that fukker and put a 200shot to it and use it until it blows .
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