Call me stubborn, but I learned on my own how to reformat win98. My first intro to computers. Don't ask me how, or what I typed to get there, but I used to have the code written on the side of the tower. We all caught some mail virus it kept on sending your deleted addresses too: remember those days? That is how I wiped the hard drive clean, no virus, no call to the geek squad. Gates had it on his website and the rest was guessing how they stepped to it and how I stepped to it.
That means the same might happen with the burn box. I need to figure out how you figured out the process. I need to paint you a picture so you say, no, this is the picture, we see the "steps?" That's the chase. The pattern, the formula, no black art but the [code] calc.
So the first picture is... How many cells are within the grid? All cells, a block of cells? X has to begin at cell A. Y stops here at cell B. A is where rpm begins. B is how wide open is the throttle in percentage breakdown? Make sense step wise, picture wise? Now, were does Z land in all this?
"ya can see from space with an iron pyrite paintbrush????"
Blow it up? Mathematical guesswork? You mean I have to put on a painter's smock, apron up a magic map? Mother map was black art? I guess so. Because, if it's watching that AFR slump at X to Y and now c&p over that to amp it this much? The AFR line is now inline with the rest?
How simple was that for black art?
Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time