I sit on the bike with the seat off I look down.
Left hose nipple ~ is weather vent. Open gas cap. Notice the hole at about 10 o'clock. We wash the bike/get caught in rain, this drains that exposed area down to the ground so when you open the gas cap, no water goes in? Overfill the tank? Down she goes thru there too.
Middle hose nipple ~ Blue dot? Blue dot says I am air? I hook up to the purge valve?
Right hose nipple ~ Red dot? This is fuel? Red dot dumps into the canister. I am being sucked out of the canister via #3 vacuum hose at the throttle body. I first have to pull the gas out of the canister with a purge. I then let #4 suck it into that cylinder in vapor or liquid form out of my purge valve.
I need to keep my gas filled at the filler guide hole and no higher. I will find a smelly bike in the summertime with a full tank of gas expanding out the nipple: be it sitting or riding that full. I have two open vents on the blue/red dot hole nipples. I can vent both as one with a T fitting down to the ground. I will hear my gas cap's diaphragm make noise a lot more.
I need to run the hose(s) down and away from the hot pipes. I'll run the hose up the back seat so the liquid has to climb up not drop down. What are the odds I overfill? Then, I need not worry. I then need to close both 3-4 throttle body nipple ends and this removes, or disables the 4 hoses at the tank nipples and throttle body nipples.
* Last updated by: Hub on 6/11/2013 @ 11:32 PM *
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