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Thread: Route Napoleon France

Created on: 07/30/10 07:22 AM

Replies: 8


Joined: 07/22/09

Posts: 105

Route Napoleon France
07/30/10 7:22 AM

I swapped my 2005 12 in January for a 2010 14. Together with a pal on a Duke we have just returned from riding the above from near Grenoble to Nice, twice. The route was chock a block with bikes (and British sports cars and Tour de France followers!!!) In nearly 45 years riding this was a trip I have wanted to do for a long time and boy was I NOT dissapointed. The bends go on for ever, from 20mph tight climbs to 100mph open and sweeping bends they are all there. The route has many tourist haunts with bars and eating houses for all tastes and pockets, accommodation probably has to be booked in advance or otherwise risk disapointment. I bet folk like jaffa have done it many times but for those who havent add it to your wish list soon. PS I bought the 14 with Givi cases fitted. Does anyone know where I get wide load stickers for them!!!!

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RE: Route Napoleon France
08/03/10 2:30 PM

hey dude,
its a fantastic area for biking alright, did you get around the gorge du verdon?
i did it around end of april so wasnt as busy traffic wise but was still busy for accomodation as its a very popular area for walkers as well!
glad u had a safe trip!

sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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RE: Route Napoleon France
08/04/10 5:35 AM

Hi Mike,
I guessed right you have done it!!!! We dropped off Napoleon into the roads around the gorge du Verdon which previously I had only done by car. If we compared those roads to the M25 I think I would have to say the 25 is quieter would you believe. As it was so busy we had to mainly take it easy, on one blind bend we were met by a beat up old Citroen driven by a guy about 90 overtaking completely on our side of the road. my mate and I both had to quickly change direction into the grass to miss the bastard. Had we been steaming with more empty roads I fear it would have been another 14 funeral run. I dropped my new 14 before we got out the grass and despite trying to catch the bloke never saw him again as he had obviously turned off somewhere or gone over a cliff, we can but hope.
Our club the STMC did a tribute run to Keith over to Applecross in May and Ireland dumped all its rain on us that weekend. A music festival was taking place at a local big country house so we drank a little to remember the great man.

Ride safe

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RE: Route Napoleon France
08/09/10 10:41 AM

hi Geoff,
sorry to hear of your incident but glad u got back safe!
its a fab area but needs to be done off peak as the high season is just mental with traffic!!
bumped into a mate of keiths in a petrol station in dublin (he was riding a zx12 i think)! was god to remember him alright!
the tribute run was a good idea, he had been talking to me about doing a 'big' euro spin for his 50th with a zx 14 meetup probably at a motogp!
i havent been to any racing in ireland since but im thinking of going to the TT next year if you guys are interested in meeting up there?


sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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RE: Route Napoleon France
08/11/10 12:43 PM

Hi Mike,

The more time goes by the more I meet folk who knew Keith, it is quite unbelievable. At a guess and if the ZX12 was green the man in Dublin could have been big Mick the Garda guy who looks less like a policeman than anyone I
I have been to the TT 17 or 18 times but never with a bike for fear of damamge on the ferry. I couldnt commit to anything next year at the minute so I think I have to say no but if things change watch this space.
What did you ride before the 14? I had a zZX12 for 5 years and said I would never sell it but here I am on a 2010 14.
Before the 12, 2 ZX9's and before that a ZZR1100 and before that a GPZ900. Does it look like I'm a Kawasaki man now?
Probably not because alongside the Kwak's ive had a KTM, Dulville, Aprillia Futura, Thunderace and two Beemer flat twins. I wont forget Lie To Me's comment on the old 14 site when someone said what is the 14 like compared to a 12 (Jeff, lie to me) said like a computer, I thought how strange. Now ive got one how right he was. Ive done over 5,000miles in 6 months and if I swapped tomorrow it would be for another as I love the thing.
I have ditched my Givi's as I just cant stand the hassle of filtering with them on. For years on all bikes I managed with a bag on the back seat, sat on webbing to stop it sliding, and now I am going back to that method so I can continue filtering whenever traffic slows or stops.

Ride safe

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RE: Route Napoleon France
08/12/10 2:31 AM

hi geoff,
sure we can touch base when it gets closer to the TT, the last few times ive tried, something has happened to prevent my travelling!
before the 14 i had a blackbird, loved to so much was afraid to sell it in case i didnt gel with the 14! once i started riding there was no turning back! couldnt think of getting rid of it now, im just about to spend money to spruce it up as its worked hard over the 3 years ive had it, 42000miles, 11 countries, 2 continents, at least 4 times around ireland!
i have had yamahas, hondas, a ducati and bmw but this is the first kwak. i also have a superduke which is a very different animal....but nothing compares to the andrenalin of running a 14!
hopefully catch up with u sometime?!


sooo many busas......sooo little time!

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Joined: 01/28/11

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RE: Route Napoleon France
01/29/11 1:01 AM

I think the RN is good, but also a bit "raved".

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Location: FRANCE

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RE: Route Napoleon France
03/29/13 12:32 AM

this is MY road ! i live near saint-tropez :)

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Location: Ireland

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RE: Route Napoleon France
04/23/13 11:55 AM

ahhh big mick...the now retired garda

* Last updated by: motero on 4/23/2013 @ 11:55 AM *

2012 black zzr 1400,
r/g tail tidy,rad guard,scott oiler, full akrapovic,carmo flash
sherco 290
sherco 305

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