Well, I'm now at 37 months and my CBR1000RR wouldn't start this afternoon. She'd been cold soaking for 13 days due to the polar vortex, thanks Roman for sending that crap down to Texas...lol! The bike turned over but would not start. I'm not sure if the Shorai is dead or not, never seen a bike crank over but not start before but I'm wondering what else it could be, the bike was running fine when I parked it two weeks ago? I'm trying to charge it on the BMS-01 charger and the best I can get is 13.57 Volts on open circuit. I looked back in this thread and was getting 14.19 Volts a year ago on the same VOM meter. I'll try re-installing it in the morning and see if it will start. If not, I'll try to find a replacement for it locally, a lot of shops stock Shorais now.
I say try again on a warmer day. I have a feeling that battery will still work if it is run in the bike regularly but if it sits in the cold for a long time, it just doesn't quite have enough power.
Mine wouldn't start last Spring. I thought it was probably bad plugs. That may have been a contributing factor. Mine was doing what yours did. I cranked it until it ran way down.. The closest I got to starting was a backfire. I charged it again and the bike started after it sat out in the sun a few hours. I ran the bike every day after. Started good. Bike Voltmeter showed higher voltage a couple weeks.
I posted this comment I grabbed from a few posts up on this page.
I'm noticing mine is running at up to 14.2 V on the bikes display. was 13.9 at the highest, previously. Seems to be getting stronger after the bike was put back into service.
* Last updated by: Rook on 2/14/2014 @ 9:14 PM *