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Thread: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??

Created on: 03/09/13 05:03 PM

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
02/14/14 9:13 PM

Well, I'm now at 37 months and my CBR1000RR wouldn't start this afternoon. She'd been cold soaking for 13 days due to the polar vortex, thanks Roman for sending that crap down to! The bike turned over but would not start. I'm not sure if the Shorai is dead or not, never seen a bike crank over but not start before but I'm wondering what else it could be, the bike was running fine when I parked it two weeks ago? I'm trying to charge it on the BMS-01 charger and the best I can get is 13.57 Volts on open circuit. I looked back in this thread and was getting 14.19 Volts a year ago on the same VOM meter. I'll try re-installing it in the morning and see if it will start. If not, I'll try to find a replacement for it locally, a lot of shops stock Shorais now.

I say try again on a warmer day. I have a feeling that battery will still work if it is run in the bike regularly but if it sits in the cold for a long time, it just doesn't quite have enough power.

Mine wouldn't start last Spring. I thought it was probably bad plugs. That may have been a contributing factor. Mine was doing what yours did. I cranked it until it ran way down.. The closest I got to starting was a backfire. I charged it again and the bike started after it sat out in the sun a few hours. I ran the bike every day after. Started good. Bike Voltmeter showed higher voltage a couple weeks.

I posted this comment I grabbed from a few posts up on this page.

I'm noticing mine is running at up to 14.2 V on the bikes display. was 13.9 at the highest, previously. Seems to be getting stronger after the bike was put back into service.

* Last updated by: Rook on 2/14/2014 @ 9:14 PM *

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
02/15/14 9:48 AM

Earth X battery all day long homies

* Last updated by: Renegade on 2/16/2014 @ 2:29 PM *

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
02/15/14 8:33 PM

The issue on my CBR turned out to be the engine stop switch, after putting a good charge on the Shorai, it still wouldn't start even though cranking fast. I then noticed the fuel pump was not priming the rail when I turned the key on. I rocked the engine stop switch and felt a "click", fuel pump came on and she started almost instantly. Maybe this old Shorai has another year left in her after all.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
02/15/14 8:36 PM

Maybe Hub can explain the engine stop switch phenomenon, usually a switch works or it doesn't, that's been my experience anyway.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
02/15/14 9:06 PM

I rocked the engine stop switch and felt a "click", fuel pump came on and she started almost instantly.
Mechanically, it sounds like a bad switch. Electronically, once it's connected as designed, she lights off. Conclusion? Switch may hangup again. You heard a 'click' it sounds like a switch not making contact. Can't be the battery, nor the wires. It's something that has to connect one wire over to the other with the switch having some wide metal band over the toggle, and when it switches, the metal band touches both wires that are in position to be tied together with the strip of metal embedded in the switch.

My best guess right now.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
02/15/14 9:39 PM

Mechanically, it sounds like a bad switch.

Almost the same words came out of my mouth. It's not really an electrical problem like a short or corrosion. It's just a switch is not functioning properly mechanically.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/11/21 8:37 PM

This is interesting. For what it is worth, I bought a new Shorai battery and charger last may 2020. 14 months later; minus non riding time October thru March; minus 6 months in storage, currently have 8 months riding time. I’m getting the same “both lights flashing” in a sequence of 4 flashes then a pause. I’m very disappointed in the 300 dollars I spent on this non commissioned, let’s test it on the consumer engineering. 5 year warranty is what I read.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/11/21 10:52 PM

I’m getting the same “both lights flashing” in a sequence of 4 flashes then a pause.

That started happening with mine too at some point, probably because the battery went below 9v. With a new Shorai, put it on CHARGE mode for a day before taking the bike out of storage. If the bike won't start right up, don't keep cranking because that will run the battery below 9v in a hurry which can damage the battery. I don't know exactly what the 4 flashes in unison means, the instructions on the charger are somewhat confusing and I never had to use the charger often enough to become familiar with what the lights were doing. Alls I know is my Shorai held a charge extremely well for about 2 years and then got gradually worse and worse. By year 10, I needed to charge it overnight if it got cool in the evening otherwise the voltage would be low and starting would be iffy. It would be a real PITA with a bike that doesn't show the battery voltage but not a problem with the 14. I'll get the same Shorai I had last time and do my best to take care of it now that I know what causes it damage.

Takehome is: have a Shorai at full charge before starting. Put in CHARGE mode for 24 hours, not just STORE. I think the Shorai charger will only bring the battery to 12.somthing. Pay attention to the battery voltage before you crank and if you see the voltage go down to 10, better get that battery back on the charger before proceeding. If it went to 9, damage is done. It'll still hold a good charge for up to 24 hours, just not a battery I'd rely on for touring or cold weather.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/11/2021 @ 10:52 PM *

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/12/21 2:04 AM

One of my Shorai batteries started doing the 4 flash error message. It was a 12v, voltage was down to 9.3. The charger was working on my other battery. I couldn't think of anything else, so I put it on a car battery charger for about 5 minutes, which brought the charge up to 10.2 V. I tried it on the Shorai charger again, and it went into the alternating flashing mode, and then into normal charging mode.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/12/21 10:40 AM

Shorai should get it straight what the various flashing light patterns mean but all that matters is "does the battery hold a charge after sitting overnight on the charger." When new, my Shorai had sat in the box for two months and it fired the 14 right up when I installed it. I think if you let a Shorai run down to 9 v, it's going to be damaged and not hold a charge well after that. Then you need the charger. Several years ago, my Shorai would hold a good enough charge for a week. The last couple years, the bike would only start if I rode it every day. If the bike doesn't start with the battery at 12v, the battery will be down to 11v. Try again, and the battery will go lower and probably not start. You try 3 times, you probably will run down to 9v and the battery is now damaged.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/12/21 11:22 AM

Man this is an old thread. I replaced the Shorai in my ZX-14 last year after almost 10 years of service. The Shorai charger never did work right and I've since changed over to Firepower Lithium Ion batteries in all my bikes. The Shorai in my 2007 CBR1000RR lasted about 5 years and crapped out when the key was left on for several weeks in the salvage yard after I wadded that bike up in an accident back in 2015. Can't blame Shorai for that.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/13/21 9:51 AM

Are you sure the Shoari charger doesn't work, or was it just the battery? You said the indicator lights on the charger worked normally when you plugged it into a good Shorai battery.

My charger works. The indicator light pattern is confusing but I leave the battery in STORE mode all winter and the battery lasted 10 years. I put the charger in CHARGE mode before putting the battery back in the bike after winter storage. It seems to take almost twenty four hours before the light pattern changes in CHARGE mode. I assume 24 hours is how long it takes for the charger to bring the battery to the highest voltage the charger is capable of. When I put the battery in the bike after CHARGE mode is complete, it's at 12v according to the bike's voltage display. The bike further brings the battery to 14v when running. The battery is at about 12v when I go to start it 24 hours later. If it was a cold day, the voltage will be lower than 12v after 24 hours and the bike probably won't start or will barely start. That is why I started using the charger in CHARGE mode overnight. Then I crashed the bike. The Shorai is still sitting in it and I don't know what it will do now. I was about to replace it with a new Shorai anyway and that's what I'll do if I rebuild the bike.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/13/2021 @ 9:55 AM *

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/19/21 11:58 AM

Mr. Caruso! Roaringly good to hear from you again!

I've recently done a yeoman's job researching lead acid and lithium storage technology. I'm still in the lead acid camp but I'll give you a pro tip on lithium battery care: overcharging is the single largest destroyer of lithium batteries. They are extremely intolerant to that.

Even with a smart charger (I like the Optimate series) I'd still keep it on a timer. That assumes your scooter's charging circuit isnt overcharging as well.

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RE: Shorai Battery Crapping Out After Only Two Years??
07/21/21 11:16 AM

Another spam kill. but still the spam remains.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/21/2021 @ 11:16 AM *

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