Well not really, but I almost laid it down today. But it's not what you think. This is much more bizarre. So the forecast was clear today. On my way home from work about a mile or two away from home I got caught in a pocket of rain. No biggy, I've ridden in rain before on my old bike. But never really raining on the 14R (once a little sprinkling). Unfortunately, I had set my KTRC to off. Still, not a big deal.
I take it easy, pull up to my house, open the garage (mind you it's raining still). Garage opens, I pull in. Still no problem. Put the bike in neutral, and start to put the side stand down and I hear this clunk and start feeling a weird sensation, something is happening but nothing makes sense. A second later the bike's rear end starts to kick out. I'm LIKE WTF!? Then I realized that the bike was in gear, and spinning the rear tire. The sunbitch just put itself back into gear (not the first time it's happened really)! The bike is basically falling over at this point, I thought it was going down. Fortunately, I have massive legs and was able to keep it up, and grabbed the clutch in and was able to right the bike. Take a look at the pics. I pulled the bike straight in, it shifted that far.
For the first time, I'm disappointed with the 14R. I never really thought the whole "lost" N would be a big deal. But not finding positive neutral sucks. Fortunately I was stopped, and still had the front brake on. Even more fortunate is somehow I didn't loose my footing, just kind of sprained my right hand and lower back a little (just a touch...might notice a couple days).
* Last updated by: VicThing on 8/18/2014 @ 8:18 PM *