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Thread: Response to message on Bikeland forum

Created on: 02/05/09 07:12 PM

Replies: 33


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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/05/09 7:12 PM

Stick_n_Stones on the Bikeland forum posted this:

"Nope Shane, its pretty much always about money. I don't know how many thousands of dollars this guy spent to get his just started, bare bones website to come up #1 in search for Google, but I can guarantee you its not cheap! Or every single site would be trying it. Think it through: why spend that much money unless you are hoping to reap in the profits that the old website made???"

I would have responded to this gentleman on that forum, but found that the THREAD WAS LOCKED (AGAIN)! I don't know why folks there are putting up with that crap.

I will tell you exactly how much has been spent on this forum to this point in time. Software: $0. My time to set it up: about 5 hours so far. I am willing to spend more time to enhance it if we get enough interest (users) to warrant it. Google AdWords: $4.13 (about 60 clicks at about $.07 per click) -- that's why the ad is at the top of the page. Total cost so far $4.13.

This site is NOT ABOUT MONEY. No profit will be made here.


* Last updated by: bgordon on 2/6/2009 @ 3:41 PM *

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Spdgrfx's Gravatar


Manassas, Virginia

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/06/09 8:54 AM


'07 ZX14
Akrapovic full race system
No Flies
PC (Ivan's map), TRE 006a
Metallic Diablo Black
"It's all fun and games 'til somebody slips on a banana peel"

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UNDERDOG427's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/08/09 5:15 PM

I sighed-up for the site about 3 days before it turned into a G0-Daddy pop-up . I glad it`s back in this form . I`m looking forward to reading the posts and adding whatever info I can think based on the work I`m doing to my own 07 ZX14 . Thanks a lot

2004 Silver ZRX1200R - 7200 Miles - Full Muzzy Stainless Header , Dyno-Jet 3 , K&N`s - - - 2007 Plazma Blue ZX14 - 1900 Miles - , Muzzy M10 Header , Flys out , Dyno-Jet PC 3 USB , Muzzy Lowering Link , DB windscreen , Pro-Grip CF Tank Pad and Bobbed stock rear fender .- Never Turned A Tire in Anger --- Yet !! & A 2007 Yamaha STAR STRATOLINER S - 265 Miles - , Longshot Drag Pipes , Mortons Custom Plate Holder

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Joined: 02/08/09

Posts: 43

RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/08/09 7:56 PM

Interesting. I signed up for the zx14forums a few months ago, but was never accepted. Hopefully this will become my home.

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/08/09 8:43 PM

All I can say is
Thank You Thank You Thank You

I bet this place will grow with a little time.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 2:28 AM

Bikeland blows, one of the worst layouts of any forum I've been on.
I don't like those places with anon-ass mods that arbitrarily lock/delete/ban. That's why I don't bother with anymore either.
Zx forums is..ok, but I don't care about 600/750s.
It's really to bad about I really liked the place, ugly site, but a great/varied/active bunch.
What I found to be soooo lame was absolutly no heads-up it was going bye-bye, or any kind of explanation from the admin on what was going on.
So if you're reading this bob, you suck.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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kawnow's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 11:51 AM

I agree with toecutter about quitting without warning apparently no way to retrieve any data from the forum.

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 11:59 AM

I'm not sure the moderators knew what was happening or had any warning about what might happen. I had contacted one of them with a private message offering to host it if they needed a new hosting service. He didn't seem to be aware of what was going to happen.

It may have been a case of a the site owner/creator pulling the plug without warning.

I dunno, but I would probably give the moderators the benefit of the doubt until we get more information (if we ever do). -bg

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 12:26 PM

I am a moderator on the ZRXOA board and we are told what is going on or the admins will give us a call depending on whats going on. Short version is it is a good group over there but that board has been around since 1999. We have to do alot of clean up and as soon as you do you hear about 1st adminment rights and board nazis and ect but if you do not keep some kind of control it turns out like Labusas.
The bigger the board gets the more chaos goes down. There is fun and there is chaos and sometimes you are just gonna piss off the people no matter what you do.
People will follow to another board but lost info is lost info and info is part of what people look for in a board.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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reevesmreeves's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 4:29 PM

just signed up gordon. hopefully this site will be even more popular than the old one! tc's in tha house!

06 red 14
06 se 636

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 4:33 PM


Cool! You just made may day.

Welcome! -bg

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 6:11 PM

It may have been a case of a the site owner/creator pulling the plug without warning.

I dunno, but I would probably give the moderators the benefit of the doubt until we get more information (if we ever do). -bg

Yeah, well, Bob's been given the chance repeatly on bikeland and has not said shite.
Bugger 'em.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 6:35 PM


Well, I didn't know that. I guess you just gave us "more information".

I hope that Bob will be very happy in his new home... -bg

* Last updated by: bgordon on 2/9/2009 @ 6:35 PM *

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John's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 6:49 PM

@ Benasaki:

I also tried to sign up for the old zx14 forums but was never accepted. Someone must have been missing things. I was trying to register to respond to a ZX14 For Sale post... seemed like a good deal but I never got to find out more about it.

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Donny's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 7:04 PM

Thanks to BGordon for setting this up for us refugees from the old site. I've been wondering where it went to for weeks. Luckily I had reevesmreeves' contact information, he sent me this way; thanks Mike! Glad to see my old pal ToeCutter in here, looking fwd to more banter over the months my friend! Hope more old members find their way here!

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UNDERDOG427's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/09/09 7:06 PM

I had stated a few days ago that I had signed -up on the old site just before it shut down . I never got any confirmation , I just assumed I was in . I was lucky to print out the FLY removal post & actually make it through the whole deal without screwing my bike all up . I`m glad to see that same posting is here now for others to see . VERY HELPFUL ! Fordman

2004 Silver ZRX1200R - 7200 Miles - Full Muzzy Stainless Header , Dyno-Jet 3 , K&N`s - - - 2007 Plazma Blue ZX14 - 1900 Miles - , Muzzy M10 Header , Flys out , Dyno-Jet PC 3 USB , Muzzy Lowering Link , DB windscreen , Pro-Grip CF Tank Pad and Bobbed stock rear fender .- Never Turned A Tire in Anger --- Yet !! & A 2007 Yamaha STAR STRATOLINER S - 265 Miles - , Longshot Drag Pipes , Mortons Custom Plate Holder

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reevesmreeves's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/10/09 9:45 AM

glad you made it over donny. i believe this site will be as big as the other in time.

whoever fish antlers is over on bikeland doesn't seem to like this at all. lol

06 red 14
06 se 636

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/10/09 10:14 AM

whoever fish antlers is over on bikeland doesn't seem to like this at all. lol


Just about anything you do these days seems to piss somebody off. Hard to avoid it.

It's difficult for me understand someone defending the old forum owners, given what they did. Think about all of the YEARS of great information that was there that is totally gone. There were things that they could have done to preserve that, and they didn't. At least we haven't seen any signs yet that they did. -bg

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Philhnnss's Gravatar


Lost In Oklahoma

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/10/09 11:20 AM

glad you made it over donny. i believe this site will be as big as the other in time.

Donny you need to fire up the SciFi, "Geek" thread again. Hopefully Blue will find this site so I can drool over his collection some more, LOL!!

whoever fish antlers is over on bikeland doesn't seem to like this at all. lol

I have been a member over there for several years but I think my post count is under 10, I.E. I never really cared for the layout of the site. And I don't know Fishantlers. But I can see where he would be upset if he is trying to make money off the site. At least he just locks threads V/S deleting them like that P.O.S., looser, G.P.W. on .net, LOL!!!

2006 ZX-14
1984 ZX750E1

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/11/09 2:24 AM

The sarge made it over, sweet, after all, when an alien lands in my backyard and I end up chuckin' his arse on the barby, who's gonna believe me but Donny? (there would be a smilie here, smiling, but there isn't.)

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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DiabloZX14's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/14/09 11:06 AM

Another refugee here too ... very strange that they would just pull the plug the way they did ....very sad

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Steven14's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/14/09 6:12 PM

Good to see you here Eric.

'09 ZX-6R
'94 ZX-11
'07 ZX-14
'08 Vino 125 (hers)

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heathun's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/15/09 7:02 PM

Oh hell. Donny, toecutter, reeves, steven and Phil. Good to see you again. I thought I was lost. Was that the hubster in here too?

* Last updated by: heathun on 2/15/2009 @ 7:03 PM *

"You don't quit riding because you get old, You get old because you quit riding"!

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/15/09 7:13 PM

Yes, the Hubster has been with us from the very beginning, which was only last week. Actually, he's done some new research since we started and posted it here in the HOW-TO and PERFORMANCE sections. Interesting stuff...

He has been helping me a bit to get things organized, as well. I greatly value his input... -bg

* Last updated by: bgordon on 2/15/2009 @ 7:20 PM *

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heathun's Gravatar

Location: Carrollton, Ga

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/15/09 7:22 PM

Oh he has a wealth of knowledge in that melon. You just have to learn to read it. Jog on Hub. Good to see you

"You don't quit riding because you get old, You get old because you quit riding"!

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