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Thread: Response to message on Bikeland forum

Created on: 02/05/09 07:12 PM

Replies: 33


painterdude's Gravatar

Joined: 02/16/09

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 3:21 PM

the old site went down last time without warning then popped back up. I wonder if they will pull that off again.
If they do it would make things ..well interesting.
It is sad to see allthe good info float into cyberspace. People put a lot of effort into illustraing various mods and there were a lot of good informed comments re the mods.
It would be good to see blue and Kruz and Stewart back in along with others who know their mechanical stuff.
Hub ..well if you can understand him let alone follow his advice have a problem

* Last updated by: painterdude on 2/17/2009 @ 3:24 PM *

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 3:34 PM

Yes, it would be interesting if the old site were to come back up. One might question its stability if it did (and whether or not it's worth investing more time/effort/energy in), but then we are just getting started here and don't have enough time under our belt yet to make folks feel secure either, I guess... -bg

* Last updated by: bgordon on 2/17/2009 @ 3:35 PM *

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 5:32 PM

The only reason to see the old site back up is to do some copy/paste of articles of worth.
Once someone has punked out, they have already shown how trustworthy they are.

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 5:41 PM

Once someone has punked out, they have already shown how trustworthy they are.

Excellent point. -bg

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DiabloZX14's Gravatar

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 9:45 PM

Good to see you here Eric.

'07 ZX-14
'94 ZX-11

thanks Steve

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Location: O'straya

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 10:27 PM

I too tried to register a few weeks before it went down. I received an acceptance and then when I tried to access the site... all gone. And +1 to all others. I had been doing so much researching and bookmarking and was about to start using the info to start the mods to me sickle when, ^poof^, gone, without even a puff of smoke :\

So glad I stumbled over this site, phew. I was suffering from withdrawal for a couple of weeks there.

08 sapphire

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Philhnnss's Gravatar


Lost In Oklahoma

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/17/09 11:34 PM

I'm with toecutter on that one. Cut and paste like a madman, LOL!!

Heathun, thanks and glad to see you here as well. Every time I log in now
I am pleasantly surprised seeing old friends. But I'm not so sure about
your new picture. W.T.F.???

2006 ZX-14
1984 ZX750E1

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Toecutter's Gravatar


Albertarabia, Canadistan.

Joined: 02/09/09

Posts: 287

RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/18/09 2:16 AM

I LOVE his new pic, Charlie's probably the sanest person in California. Buhahahahahahahahaha

"The price of apathy is to be ruled by evil men"

'86 CR500R, Munchmunch4strokesforlunch.

'07 Spark Diablo Black ZX14-flies out,airbox mod,pipercross race filter,UFO slip-ons,Juice-Box,SpeedoHealer,magnetic oil-drain plug,Twisted Throttle bar risers,Corbin peg relocators,Projektd chrome rad screen, fender eliminator,Zero-Gravity ST windscreen,Wolo Badboy,16/43 Vortex,Shogun Chrome frame sliders,lightning swing-arm sliders, Escort 9500i.

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heathun's Gravatar

Location: Carrollton, Ga

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RE: Response to message on Bikeland forum
02/18/09 6:24 AM

Heathun, thanks and glad to see you here as well. Every time I log in now
I am pleasantly surprised seeing old friends. But I'm not so sure about
your new picture. W.T.F.???

He's innocent I tell you innocent. LOL

"You don't quit riding because you get old, You get old because you quit riding"!

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