Does Laser Veil really work? Well, I can't state that for a fact, but I did buy some and applied it to my Kawasaki ZX-14R's headlight area because that is where cops will aim their laser (LIDAR) guns at a motorcycle. According to Wikipedia and many other sources, "LiDAR relies on the principle of time-of-flight of two (or more) short 905 nm wavelength (near infrared - NIR) LASER pulses. So I decided to conduct a simple test. My garage has an infrared (IR) security camera and I purposely positioned my bike towards the IR camera and took a screen shot of the security image. Notice the light area of my bike looks nearly black to the IR camera, but look how bright my SUV lights look even though they are not pointed towards the IR light source.
In addition, at night the Laser Veil coated lights look very similar to bluish HID lights, so you can keep your bright lights on because most drivers now are conditioned to know that most HID lights are bluish in color and they just have to put up with the extra bright lights.
This is not scientific proof, but how can you go wrong since a can of Laser Veil is relatively cheap. My bike also has a V1 radar/laser detector and it would go off if a cop was trying to shoot me with a LIDAR gun. This is a no-brainer for me.