Mr Rook was it a Stealth seat from Saddleman?
Let me see was a Saddleman Tech Style. I have no complaints except it had a small gap at the back where it overlaid that little triangle tail piece fairing.
The ad below shows it on a ZX-10 and I believe the ad I purchased mine from for my 08 ZX-14 did too. It is a one piece seat for the ZX-14, of course.
I guess nobody has a picture of a ZX-14 with this seat on it. I do!
Also Bobby, this seat is a couple pounds heavier than the OEM seat. ALSO, the seat cover fairing will fit but the thick padding of the passenger seat presses against the underside of the fairing. This opens a gap between the seat cover and the side tail fairings. The set cover did settle in after a while but never fit quite as close as it did with the OEM seat. I didn't find that objectionable on my blackish bike but with a lighter color, it might have been unsightly. I'm pretty sure I have a full review of it on here. Longterm, I was very happy but fit was less than perfect.
* Last updated by: Rook on 6/24/2024 @ 3:27 PM *
08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected
2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!