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Thread: Captive Spacers

Created on: 04/22/20 08:41 AM

Replies: 3


Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

Joined: 04/23/11

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Captive Spacers
04/22/20 8:41 AM

So, I finally got a pair of captive wheel spacers for the front of the bike.
I was tired of fighting with the spacers falling out while installing the front wheel.
Even grease doesn't stop them. These are from a company in the UK,
I haven't used them yet but am looking forward to it. Still looking for some for the rear.
They apparently don't make them, although the rear is vastly easier.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

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RE: Captive Spacers
04/22/20 11:53 AM


I have a centerstand. I tie-down the rear until I can slide the front axle out. PITA any other way.

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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RE: Captive Spacers
04/22/20 2:51 PM

Thanks for the link. The first time I used a stand that lifted the forks from the bottom.
Well when the wheel was removed, the stand flexed inward making it almost impossible to get the wheel
back in. Took a pry bar to spread the forks.
Now I have a Pit Bull front stand that lifts from the lower triple tree. Much better but
it's still a tight fit and the spacers fall out if bumped at all.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

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RE: Captive Spacers
04/22/20 8:05 PM

"Hey, are these paint stirring sticks free"? So I grab about 3 long ones and a few short ones. Get out the trusty goop glue, build two outer longs, two-three inner shorts. The setup looks like a pair of tongs. So what happens is, I slide the two longs under the tire, they collapse on each other, it now ramps up so I push the sticks under, raises the tire up to position. Extra sticks so as to shim up from the base sticks.

Have the one fork positioned to spec out of the top of the top crown. Then float the other leg so the axle slides in both forks and then I hand spin the axle in the threads, raise the one fork up and down till I can spin it by two fingers; lock the fork down; test for free spin.

No battling the one leg to rise or the other leg to drop chasing the hole. You built the shim tool just for the bull's front stand.

* Last updated by: Hub on 4/22/2020 @ 8:06 PM *

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