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Thread: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights

Created on: 12/02/12 07:17 PM

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SunOfAbyss's Gravatar

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You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/02/12 7:17 PM

On 2-44 of the service manual, it explains how to adjust the beam direction both horizontal and vertical. It appears there in only one adjustment for both high and low beams. Is this correct?
I want to adjust where the low beam aims vertically. In order to not be overly annoying to on coming cars when I have my low beams on, I only raised the right lights.

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/02/12 7:50 PM

You just turn that upper corner bolt to will raise or lower BOTH lenses in that assembly.I found what worked for me...when sitting behind a car...the 'cutoff' of light was right at the rear end along the trunk seam....but not into the rear window.That setting seemed to work best at not getting oncoming traffic to flash all the time.and it illuminated far enough out to not need HiBeams on very much.What I used to do at ride(out away from city traffic)with my hi beams on...then,when a car was approaching quite a ways out,I'd switch to lows...that way...they could see that any more 'switching' while approaching would be blinding for them.Worked every time;)Got a lot less flashings.Good thing with the new's got that little flash lever on if someone wants to give ya an oncoming,last minute blast('just to get ya') just flash immediately...least ya get a parting shot in!

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/03/12 9:00 AM

Thanks. I have not ridden at night since I adjusted it. I am lucky enough to ride home from work on some twisty backroads. I need the beams to be pointing high enough to be at the end of the road to see if there are animals, but low enough to not be a nuissance to cars on the road. I wish I could adjust them seperately. The highs were perfect. I only adjusted one side so far. I will see how well that works.

Motorcycles are perfectly safe, as long as you don't fall off and you don't get hit by anything...

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/03/12 10:18 AM

I'm not quite understanding what you need night...aren't you riding with your hi's on?Except when you have oncoming cars?If you adjust the lows like I should get plenty of forward illumination from your lows....and then the hi's are just icing on the cake so to speak.You adjust your lows as I won't have cages flashing you all the time.The assemblies can be pointed to your right,by using that adjuster bolt(s) in the bottom center of the two assemblies.You can offset the projection to the right(which would be shifting it from hitting straight on with an oncoming car).It doesn't need to move much...that will also help,and you really won't notice the illumination pattern while you're riding.

Go stand in front of your bike...with the lights on.Now,step back about 20 feet.Stay straight in front of your bike.Are the beams (lows) hitting your eyes(lean down to about the height of a car windshield coming at ya).Are you getting blinded? move to your right about two,three feet.How does the beam hit you now?If it's not hitting or blinding you,you need to turn those assemblies to the right until that beam is hitting you.Now you won't be blinding oncoming cages.It's just enough to keep the projector beam out of their straight line vision...which is what you want.It will not affect your personal view on the bike.(NOTE:moving them too far will not give you a good personal frontal just go a bit at a time...and ride(at night) to see where they're aiming).You can go ride,adjust,and ride..adjust..till you get it right.I would park about 20 feet from a store wall or something,then adjust as can tell pretty much how far you need to move either one(both actually)by doing it this way...leave your inner RAM DUCT COVERS OFF...until you have it where you want it.Go ride...see how the light pattern is doing.If it's too much to the one side,just bring it back a bit.It's hard to tell the pattern with the hi's it's best to check it out with just the lows.The hi's will be moving as it will work out fine.

To move the right side assembly beams TO THE turn that bolt COUNTERCLOCKWISE.That will push the left side of that assembly out,and move the beam to the right.To adjust the left assembly beams TO THE turn that bolt CLOCKWISE...that will pull the assembly in,making the beam angle aim to the right.Hope this helps.

Your low beams can only do so have to use those hi's for any good distance ahead.Just the way it works.If you try to adjust those lows to illuminate 'above' their intended purpose,you aren't going to get the front illumination that you want in front of the bike(using low beams only).Once those are set right...the hi's will be just right for ya.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/3/2012 @ 10:32 AM *

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/03/12 10:39 AM

On the earlier year models...there is another adjuster bolt...which will move the high beam independently from the low beam...but I wouldn't recommend moving that...the manual says nothing about it...but it's there alright,and does move the beam.You won't need to do that however.IDK if the 14R has that 'other bolt' in might.That silver bolt about midway along the assembly case down in there.I'm guessing the assemblies are the same from the earlier year bikes.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 12/3/2012 @ 10:44 AM *

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privateer's Gravatar

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/04/12 1:14 PM

Basically a pre-2012 part still, I see.

One thing I truly appreciate about my C14 is the adjusters are knobs on the dash board, so you can easily adjust sitting on the bike.

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/04/12 4:49 PM

Yes..that's a 2007 and up part.

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SunOfAbyss's Gravatar

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/05/12 10:00 AM

I was just hoping to be able to adjust the highs and lows independently. The position of the high beam was absolutely perfect. The low beams, when it came from the showroom only illuminated the road to about 25 yards ahead of me.
I have adjusted the right side so it illuminates about 75 yards ahead. That is as far as I need for the roads I ride regularly at night. I though about leaving the left alone to better illuminate the road immediately in front of me but have found that the focused beam of just the right side seems to be diminished in power drastically with out both beams. I will adjust the left side up to be even and have the focused beams at the same level.

The best way I have found to adjust the beams, is when it is a slightly foggy night. The beams cut through the fog like lasers and you can easily see where your adjustments are. Just cover one side, then the other. If there is no change in elevation, the beams are adjusted vertically properly.

Motorcycles are perfectly safe, as long as you don't fall off and you don't get hit by anything...

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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/05/12 2:28 PM

Yah...that'll work also.

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ninjawarrior1244's Gravatar


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RE: You all helped me get the inner fairings off. New question regarding headlights
12/08/12 9:30 AM

Centerstand your ninja in your garage....get a white sheet of large cardboard.....use black magic market and put a set of crosshairs on the it 10 feet from center of your bike. turn on hi beams...carefully make them both parallel using the cross hair for perfect alignment.......go out and ride and test, come back and adjust the height until you get what you want....on the road both beams should be on the street about 75 yards in front both same will be amazed how these bulbs work.

Get PIAA 65 watt platinum bulbs...4 of them...adjust your locking lug on the bulb base, and the inside rib of your female plug socket so you have all 4 hi beam white platinum bulbs in the bike in stead of one set of hi, and one set of low......a 747 pilot would love to have these on his plane...

Send me your e mail address so I can send you the most dynamic set of results in bulbs on any Ninja!!

* Last updated by: ninjawarrior1244 on 12/8/2012 @ 9:32 AM *

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