Well, I slipped on some ice and broke my femur just above my knee. Another long recovery ahead, my 3rd in 3 years.
I'm frustrated and my spring and early riding season is comprehensively shot.
Here we go again
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Created on: 03/02/23 09:59 AM
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03/02/23 3:05 PM
Actually Hub, my plan is to get rid of dogs and quit walking. I think its safer for me to stick to motorcycles.
Got myself settled in to my easy chair with a heated pad and a warm blanket. Watching Supercross on the DVR. Ill
probably be here for the next month.
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03/03/23 10:27 AM
Thanks Chrly,
Right now I'm ok. Propane should be plenty and I haven't been lighting any fires so we still have some firewood. It will be better when my wife returns from Vegas. Not sure when that's going to happen. She's helping her daughter with something.
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03/04/23 1:49 PM
I really appreciate the support. My neighbor has been awesome He comes over and makes sure everything is ok.
I'm doing as good as can be expected. I finally had a gigantic poop after being constipated from the painkillers. ( I knew you'd all want to know this )
As long as the power stays on I should be fine. My leg is pain free just wrapped in a splint so obviously its stiff and achey.
I think I'm going to get into Kart racing. My knee isn't going to be up to track days or dirt riding and I'm not ready to sit on the porch. Luckily I live 20 miles from a good kart track and we have a local club.
But, unfortunately for all of you, you're still going to have my annoying presence here at least until MADKAWI blows up.
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03/05/23 7:39 AM
Madd, think of Barry Sheene coming back to ride again. 16 accidents and still counting, I thought I'd never use my hand to hold the grip but it's more wait a year to heal completely. Dr. said my bone was already healed at the foot, but told him walking starts to begin the residual [[pain] back up again, and guess he never broke a bone to know the damage has been done once you break natures glass of the human body.
So many residuals to come, it still does not keep me off the bike. Just play it out for months on end to see what I'm talking about.
Besides, there is always someone that's worse off then you. And you wouldn't trade places I bet.
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03/05/23 12:51 PM
You guys are awesome. I've been thinking about this experience and there are some interesting things I noticed.
I broke my leg directly in front of my neighbors gate. The neighbor who should be at work. He took the day off because of the storm.
His dogs heard me yelling and alerted him
My roommate at the hospital was a homeless man with uncontrolled and undiagnosed diabetes. He had to have some toes amputated. He was one of the most decent, friendly, articulate people I've ever met. We're going to stay in touch.
I'm not religious and despise organized religion. I was taken to a Christian hospital, Jesus on the wall in every room, prayers read over the intercom every morning and evening. My treatment was outstanding and my night nurse Jamie was an absolute superstar.
So as bad as it was, I have to admit, overall I see it as a positive experience. Weird I know.
I've had time to write for my motorcycle group ,@MAD's MOTORCYCLES and I've enjoyed that too.
As Deadpool would say "Maximum Effort".
Thanks again
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03/07/23 10:45 AM
Still here. I really don't know how. My Starlink dish is 2 feet above my roof and I have at least 4 feet of snow up there. I don't have to be anywhere until the 14th when I have my appointment at the orthopedic doctor. I'm hoping my poor ZX will start when I finally get down there. It's got a Shorai so we'll see. Leg feels pretty good considering. Biggest problem is boredom, both for me and the Dawgs.
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03/08/23 2:57 PM
Jeez Mad, What the flying fuck is going on?
There are easier ways to get attention!
Very sorry to read your news.
You said 3rd time in 3 years.
I'm told this shit happens in 3's so you'll be good to go ongoing after you recover.
You could even head over to the Isle of Man TT and compete with absolute safety!
Take it easy mate and heal up (again).
And chrly, you are a legend offering to help if required.
Mad, all I can offer you is if you get yourself here I will ensure a never ending supply of Victoria Bitter for your stay.
You'll find that fixes just about everything...
* Last updated by: yannih on 3/8/2023 @ 3:00 PM *
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03/09/23 10:51 AM
Dog gammit Yannih now I'm drooling all over my clean shirt
This morning I woke up to sunshine and, for a brief moment, was happy. Then saw the forecast - snow starting in an hour and continuing all day.
I just hope the roof stays up and the power stays on.
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03/09/23 11:07 AM
Mad.. Your Starlink connection has just about sold me on switching !! With the storms we have been having, it is hard to believe you still have access.. I have one phone with Verizon and I have troubles occasionally with it ! How is the road clearing at your place? I realize you are not out in it but local news is better than what we can get ..
I was thinking that getting your wife home from Vegas might be difficult.. ?
AND>>>> I think you are on the right track when it comes to switching to karts and I would not wait for the 14 to give it up to do that :)
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03/11/23 9:38 AM
Luckily the neighbor just past me has a son who needs to get out for work and he has a 4wd Mahindra so usually plows. I've had to ask him to plow my driveway. Neighbor on the other side is a retired logger and has a huge yellow tractor. One pass and the road is clear. It's nice to have good neighbors
Today the forecast is for more snow this afternoon than transitions to rain. That's when things will get messy.
And just discovered the battery in the MADYUK Yukon just took a crap. Grreeeaaat
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03/12/23 10:48 AM
Good morning everyone ! Roof still standing and power, heat and Starlink still working
Its now raining which is knocking the snow level down. Roads are a complete mess. Neighbor came over
with his beast logging tractor and plowed my driveway. Although with the rain it doesn't really matter now.
I'm currently sitting in my easy chair and listening to Seether. Rock on
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03/16/23 10:27 AM
Good morning everyone. Didn't sleep well because I decided to let both Dumb Dawgs sleep with me. Them two are bed hogs ! Almost ended up on the floor. Sunny and getting into the 50s today. More rain and possibly snow on the way. Will winter ever end ????
Been missing my bike and missing riding.
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03/22/23 12:30 PM
Good morning everyone. Still here. Wife made it home from Vegas although not without stress. She was flying standby and Sunday evening the flight was open and she was #1. Monday flight is now oversold and she's #4. WTF ???
I ended up buying her a ticket to get her out. Ouch !
Leg is feeling good but was instructed to not put weight on it for 4 more weeks. Ooftah
MotoGP starts this weekend so that will help. I miss my 14 and miss riding.
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