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Thread: SHAT !

Created on: 03/02/23 09:59 AM

Replies: 25


Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

Joined: 04/23/11

Posts: 2672

04/10/23 12:03 PM

EXCITING UPDATE!!! Actually not that exciting. I have an appointment on Wednesday and I think they're going to ok me starting walking on the leg and begin rehab. Got to build up the muscles for sure.
As if I didn't have enough to do, I picked up ANOTHER bike. A 2005 SV650S with a bad engine. Apparently the starter motor clutch seized and ran the starter motor until it exploded and took out part of the crankcase. I'm just going to replace the engine and sell it. Best part was the purchase price... $200. WOOT !!!
And here's a picture of my future racing plans


Owner of KNGKAW.

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