The comments from the Blackstone analyst is that the out of family levels of “metals” is normal for a “young” engine. I expected nothing but a normal range of materials in the oil so now I’ll have to worry about this until the next test at 15000 miles, and at my slacker ride miles/yr of ~2000 rate I’m doomed to worry for another 2-3 yrs.
It would be nice to see a few other reports on these lumps at similar mileage and some of the bikes with 50-60K would be nice to see that data also. I wonder how many samples of the 1442 engine, or this Motul 300V oil Blackstone has, I guess If I asked, they would tell me. Anyway, data is below.
Blackstone labs has a very easy process, I don’t recall the exact cost but its about $30. Go online and order, they send you the kit to collect the sample and then you just drop it in the USPS box. This took less than 2 weeks from when I sent the sample to when I receive the data
New BBW '14 14R