how were you able to get your hands on this bike.
* Last updated by: mark43 on 4/1/2012 @ 7:02 PM *
Created on: 03/31/12 05:01 PM
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
03/31/12 7:22 PM
honestly, 4 years at 3-something sounds like you are getting jacked by the dealer. They look to be adding a LOT of crap into your note. Is that with the ext. warranty or anything?
Here's a loan calculator to help you see where the money should be. Approx. 146.47 for 6500 financed @3.9 for 4 years.
This is for a bit of a reference point. Hope it helps.
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
03/31/12 8:31 PM
not sure many guys are going to pay for this bike in full...
Like I said in your other thread, no way I'd take a loan with interest on a toy like this and I certainly would not cash in stock for it. Keep your 600 or sell it privately and get a used Gen 1 ZX-14 or a ZX-12.
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
03/31/12 9:06 PM
RE: Pick it up tomorrow !
03/31/12 12:34 PM
hub when are you picking yours up and have they gave you a price... noticed some dealers are starting to raise their prices by 600 to 800 dollars.
money talks and bull shit walks... and you can always get them to come down some.
$14250 WOW!!! You need to take your own advice that you gave Hub and start hagling down on that price..that # to me is retail... But then again I wouldnt blame that dealer for charging You that much, after crying wolf so many times
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
03/31/12 9:16 PM
I can't narrow down how much it took to buy up, chrome out, and collect enough pieces to sit on a garage queen from 1992 to 2006? The only way to buy the 14 for cash, was to put the queen up for sale. I got 9K for the bike, took the rest out of savings.
1. Eat out less.
2. Stop drinking.
3. Consolidate your gas tank runs... Since you are out???
4. Let your date buy for awhile.
5. Sell your worldly possessions on ebay, generate the piggy bank.
It's a start. Besides, you have a bike. Burn it out for awhile longer.
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
03/31/12 9:29 PM
leo my bike is there waiting for me to just pick it up i already have the vin... just need to get upthe nerve to pull the trigger.
leo did you pay cash or take out a loan
guess mine ends with 1975 so maybe just under 2000the price is the same.. and one of the best ones ihave found todate....
Cash as for all toys... it seems you have the finances figured out, but if you are reluctant to commit
Then bottomline you can't afford it, cruel? No.. Second guessing will hurt you
+ You need to keep looking for another dealer hes raping you ever so slowly or get some haggling skills
my starting point was under $14k and ended up way below that, and i live in the big city. Where folks rape each other on a daily routine
* Last updated by: leo167 on 3/31/2012 @ 9:31 PM *
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
03/31/12 10:44 PM
how much was yours.... mine was 13,400 for a blue one..and they gave me 250 more for my trade.
if i could not afford the bike would never buy it...just have a few other things on my plate.
leo would you say this is the best bike you have ever owned and rode.
$4K trade+$3750down+$6500loan does not add up to $13,400
So which is it $14,250 or $13,400?
Those few other things on your plate = you can't afford it right now
Face it dude if you can afford it you would of rode it home that day
And you keep saying "mine" ..... Bottomline it ain't yours till its in your garage
Again more BS
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
04/01/12 1:59 AM
leo; Actually it's not his till it's fully paid for.
mark43; I would never get a loan for a toy. If you can't pay cash, you can't afford it. Save your money for a year or 2, and buy used, or buy a cheaper bike now. I would hate to have a home loan, car loan, bike loan, and try to survive these days. Save something for the future! Live within your means, and you'll have a lot less stress.
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
04/01/12 6:27 AM
mark43, you are way off base now.
Stop it.
"handlecap loser" seriously? I'm handicapped, I got that way in the miltary. You want to talk like that come see me, I'll set you straight. PM me and I'll give you my address, you can come on by.
You are acting like a 5 year old.
I'll grant alg8er is a conceited fellow, but we none of us are perfect.
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
04/01/12 7:25 AM
oh leo.... glad your necks all fucked up ..that s what happens to people that talks shit like you...hope i pains you all the time.
Awe you care, love you too Marky Poo, love me so much you wanna bust my face...Why cause you can't afford the bike, come on now is that my fault, so please have mercy on my pretty face and dont bust it up,, im begging you!!
and no mark I have no Loan on the bike, it's titled to me clean and free of liens, can't handle the truth now can ya Marky Poo, Muah!!
Careful what you ask or hope for, you simple minded neanderthal... especially when you say things twice..
If anyone on this forum is a bull shit artist it is you my friend You bullshitted a dealership, you bullshitted everyone on this forum Guess your last name is bullshit or full of shit or McPipedream
Realize what's around you, everybody here who takes the time to chime in is giving you good advice and you take offense to it
Acquiring a new toy is a great feeling and I'm sure everyone here agrees and would like to see you
Finally make up your fucking mind, but you have so much variables and excuses that leads
People to think and tag you as an illiterate bullshitter who likes to create stories to fill a void in their lives
And waste server space with nonsensical BULL SHIT, so I honestly don't know why people entertain you
Again you post stupid bullshit, put yourself out to get hung, best prepare to answer like an adult, you react like a little fucking juvenile, why don't you grow the fuck up, you uneducated, jealous piece of shit...
It must really suck to be you, don't know how you get through asking dumb ass questions.. Should I get a loan
That question should be answered by ones self, yes mark I'm tired of you too, you are getting old and taxing my intellect, never experienced your mental capacity before, oh wait I did, my 2 yr old nephew, wait, nah your still the first, my nephew is smarter, Thanks for the entertainment
Hey man, hope you comprehend what I wrote, because I've exhausted much valuable server space on this forum that I would like on this subject matter and would like to concentrate on things that matter, so with that as my closing
Good luck with whatever you do
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RE: Loan or Cash ?
04/01/12 8:22 AM
The mentality is like the gov. You are up to your ears in debt. Why not face it. You want all these programs on the dash, wait, I mean, the cheeze programshit. Gots me some gobment cheezeIS~!!!
Did you vote for obama? LOL! It's like taking a willow tree branch, grabbing your ear, follow me around the back of the shed, so you are not embarrassed or is it me? I'd drop that willow, down goes the zipper and out comes cody to batch slap you over the head, is where is the batch of money I told you to save?
You are missing the boat, guy! Dis thing hauls the male... Sometimes female too. She let the guy pay for dinners and movies, the hotel room... And did she not begin to pile on the bike, parts are parts? She bought part of the bike that way.
When you start racing, you have no idea where the money comes, but you somehow find it. See what I'm saying?
You want that bike! You need that bike! The anticipation is..... "Priceless."
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