Well...any helmet is gonna have buffeting because of the shape of the nose of the bike.The only way to reduce that...is...change your riding position at speed(I'm guessing that's when it's most pronounced)...OR...get an aftermarket screen that directs the flow up higher and over your helmet.But like Rook said...a lighter helmet will have a less amount of mass to be moved around...so the 'buffeting' is going to feel less...but it's still there.It's kind of a trade off really.A heavier lid will be less apt to get tossed around(considering you're not sitting directly in the windflow),but...as it does..it's gonna put more strain on your neck.A lighter lid will feel better over the long haul with windflow hitting it simply because it has less mass on your neck muscles.
I have a CF Vemar...it weighs 1300 grams.I have an Arai...it weighs...well...more for sure.I feel much better with my Vemar after a days riding than I do with that Arai...it's just the weight factor.They both will get buffeted somewhat.It's very minimal on my bike.Almost non-existent.It's really not the helmet..it's the way the wind is moving across the screen and such.Find your 'sweet spot' behind that screen...you'll see a big difference.Aerodynamics are like auto rear end spoilers...they don't do much UNTIL...you start to hit big speed.That's when you realize if they work or not.At 70 mph...a helmet's a helmet.
You shouldn't(IMO) be trying to sit bolt upright at 150 on your Ninja.Unless you like taking lots of aspirin and hot soaks for your neck.
I've got several screens of various configurations...and 3 quality helmets.I've tried about every setup you could think of to test buffeting and helmet reaction w/screen setup.NOTHING eliminates the windflow completely.What they do is move it either up or down as to where it hits the helmet in a 'normal' riding position.Tucked in...it really doesn't matter.But you don't ride tucked in everywhere.So you find a sweet spot for you,with the screen you feel works the best,and ride.IF you REALLY want a good windflow blocker...go with the Zero Gravity Touring Screen for the ZX14.That will significantly stop your buffeting issue almost 100%.At any speed.
If you're talking buffeting BEHIND a tractor-trailer...forget it.NOTHING will smooth that out...except PASSING!!!!!
* Last updated by: Grn14 on 4/11/2012 @ 12:34 PM *