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Thread: Front brake rotors.

Created on: 02/24/09 12:21 PM

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2000Kat600's Gravatar

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Front brake rotors.
02/24/09 12:21 PM

I read on a motorcycle magazine that there's no such thing as rotor warping but rather the transfer of break pad material onto the rotor when held hot during a stop.

The motorcycle in question was the Concours which from what I know uses the same rotors and pads as the 14's.

The remedy was quite simple and cheap although perhaps a bit laborous. Sand papering "old-fashioned garnet sandpaper" per the article, so the rotor gets rid of the brake pad residue.

My front brakes are "wavy" and the pads and rotors within specs so I may just give this a try and report back.

Ah! BTW, I didn't make this up, you can read the magazine article in question on the Motorcyclist issue for March 2009, page 97, Kawasaki Concours article by Dexter Ford.

2000 Suzuki Katana 600. 140,000+ miles, Odo maxed out at 99999.
2006 Kawasaki ZX14 Ninja 1400. New on 12/29/07 22K+ miles June 2009.(GONE!!!)
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heathun's Gravatar

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RE: Front brake rotors.
02/24/09 12:30 PM

I sand my rotors periodically and at every pad change. I use 1500 grit wipe them down, then use 2000 grit wipe them down then finish it up with brake kleen and let them dry. Has worked well for me over the years.

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gumbybob's Gravatar

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RE: Front brake rotors.
02/25/09 4:04 AM

My front brakes are "wavy" and the pads and rotors within specs so I may just give this a try and report back.

So what do you mean by "wavy"? We all have wave rotors but that's the shape of the outside of the rotor.

And Heathen, I'll try the sandpaper technique in the future.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Front brake rotors.
02/25/09 10:21 AM

Disshitheeeeeeeyou have got to be kidding me. I have front brakes on my truck. I have rear brakes on my truck. There are huge pads on my truck is I sit there at a light and where in the scenario are the guys who hot rod their cars, wait for light after hammering the canyons and not it is time for floor board fun and now I have to stop. You will hear my exotica as my $100,000 car came with brakes but it sets a yell of brake squeak here me roar I am flush with disc warp; hold and warp my disc with my huge pads no less is that correct?

Cheese IS... Follow the brake pattern of the hand is not the heat I would think there are way too many variables to come up with a pad sitting there is now I am going to glow red and dew the short track cars for 500 miles warp the discs is say now is the proportion. ZI know the brakes are huge. I know they fade is pad material more then metal is why they grew in size. So, in proportion where they had no warp, but stopping power? More surface contact is better stopping, not for taking the warp out = TEA Hee!

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/25/2009 @ 10:24 AM *

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2000Kat600's Gravatar

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RE: Front brake rotors.
02/25/09 11:03 AM

RE: Front brake rotors.
02/25/09 4:04 AM

My front brakes are "wavy" and the pads and rotors within specs so I may just give this a try and report back.

So what do you mean by "wavy"? We all have wave rotors but that's the shape of the outside of the rotor.

And Heathen, I'll try the sandpaper technique in the future.

Sorry if I wasnt clear enough. By "wavy" I meant that when I apply my front brake it feels uneven, as if the rotor was bent in shallow waves. Needless to say that as I said before, when I inspected the pads and rotors, they are not worn out and they fall within the specs shown on the owner's manual.

2000 Suzuki Katana 600. 140,000+ miles, Odo maxed out at 99999.
2006 Kawasaki ZX14 Ninja 1400. New on 12/29/07 22K+ miles June 2009.(GONE!!!)
Im bikeless now... except for the hardly working old Kat...
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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Front brake rotors.
02/25/09 12:16 PM

This is a crap shoot on your pedal feel. I found this by accident as more messing with front end setup. I never worked on these new forkeardartstoppers to brake hanger designs; so I set this up as inn - Fine tune the float. I doubt it makes any difference is more wondering if pushing out a few bubbles that really made the difference. Take about 5 minutes or less are two ways to try.

Bubble Squeeze = If Any: I set the pads back into the caliper as far as it will go; so I have a lot of play to float that whole chunk of metal over that disc. I then run the caliper bolts in, [hand tight], but not enough to lock the caliper on the fork. Since I sent the pistons home, this is one flush of a line out. I move to the next caliper and repeat routine along with any setup caliper.

Caliper Squeeze = Setup Pads Caliper in hand, I pump the master, making sure the caliper still floats. I work back and forth with the bolts, tightening one bolt at a time so it falls or fits to it's own bite as if no bolts were used to hang it. By this time I am hand running-in the hardware with tool. Torque to spec; next caliper.

I have No Clue is my Banner-UP [is for] Demonstration Pour Puss is only. Come crying to me with face that kleen-x like a man/eye told you it did dent work for you. My pedal came-in a whole lot different being it came out of the crate that way before with a lever you sound like I had.

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