Wolfy, this is going way back when I was in my early 20's. Gotta remember, I gathered 14 tickets within a year? Was put on probation. Met about the ugliest DMV woman or just any woman: was her. She must have gaving me a pass, because she held the license sort of speak. After that, I was going to run [before it became a felony] from the next gumball light on me. So I had a toggle for the taillight to go out. I had a plate that was spring loaded with cable.
I took a choke cable, ran it so I could pull the plate up. It was triggered in such a way that when you pulled, the spring was laced thru the cable so it kept it up there. Pull it back or I forget? But either way, it worked with the spring in between the lower plate hole and a hing at the top so it swings up anshit.
If it's not a felony or some minor offense, just think about this. I saw a guy that was driving real fast on the street. Just had to get there kind of driver. Me collecting 1 too many tickets, I'm being a good boy. So I'd say it's about 2, maybe 2.5 miles I see the same car sitting at a light. I coast up to the light and it changes right then and there.
There's a speeding moral there, but I can't pin point it for you?
* Last updated by: Hub on 7/14/2013 @ 5:12 PM *
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