Well, my son and I had a nice evening ride planned...until...
On his way home from school he encountered a TURKEY, at about 65mph.
Luckily, it hit the front fairing, which sent it over his head...showering him with crap & guts.
If it had hit his chest or head, I might not be writing this right now...don't really want to think about that.
I was very impressed with the way he handled the situation. He's 17, has been on a motorcycle since he could ride a bicycle, but only on the road for about a year. Usually, I'm always with him.
He never lost control, didn't panic. He stopped, fairings dragging on the road, checked the bike out, put his fairings back together, picked up what pieces he thought might be salvageable, stuffed them in his jacket and drove home(with his visor up).
Here's the carnage:
Anybody have any experience with the bodywork on Ebay from Hong Kong?
* Last updated by: CycleJunkie on 6/5/2009 @ 12:38 AM *
-Benjamin Franklin