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Thread: Speed ET's

Created on: 07/16/23 10:53 AM

Replies: 31


siroht's Gravatar

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Speed ET's
07/16/23 10:53 AM

I know that the ZX14R is ever so popular for the 1/4 mile and many results have been posted here and across the web on rider's quarter miles times. I would assume because of the ZX14R's weight there's not much talk, or at the very least, posted numbers on how it performs in the 60-130 mph/100-150 mph categories.

Does anybody have any concrete data on the times associated with these 2 speed categories? I'm curious to see how they stack up against other bikes.


Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 4:47 PM

I do not have those exact times since they would more likely , I think, be used for street racing, I can give you 121 mph to 153 which is the top half of a quarter mile. I have a couple of tickets from June this year ... 121 mph to 153 mph takes my 2013 3.2 seconds BUT that is not a roll from 121 , that is during a run so I am fully accelerating when I hit the 121 mph.. Or I have videos showing speedometer during runs also.

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 5:06 PM

Thanks @chrly..this is the type of data I was hoping to compile.

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 5:08 PM

Here is a helmet cam video ET racing The busa got a slight lead to start .. You can see how hard the 14 pulls on the top . Stock motor and wheelbase .

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/16/2023 @ 5:11 PM *

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Speed ET&#x27&#x3b;s
07/16/23 5:21 PM


May I ask how much you weigh? I'm 245 lbs. suited and run a 3.53 in that same speed range.

Man you can launch that 14R....Nice run! I'm surprised the Busa got off the line quicker that you.

edit...I found your weight in a thread you commented in back in 2020. Back then you were approximately 130lbs. and your gear was 15lbs...totally suited 145lbs. Are you still the same weight?


* Last updated by: siroht on 7/16/2023 @ 5:29 PM *

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 5:28 PM

Bracket racing.. I had to give him the launch plus he is extended about 8 inches. I weigh 140 on the bike race ready.
How do you time yourself ?

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/16/2023 @ 5:41 PM *

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 5:37 PM

I utilize a Dragy 20Hz and a P-Gear 20Hz...accuracy +/- 0.05s. I have a rural road in my area that's a dead end road and only 2 houses are present on the road where I perform my tests. The road is approximately 1 1/2 miles long with nothing but fields/horses and cows, and 2 homes. I call it my personal track. Anywho...the times that I log are corrected by using the current DA at the time of the runs. Unfortunately there are no "real" tracks in my area, so the rural road will have to suffice for now.

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 5:48 PM

I understand about "private practice areas" I have rice fields where I can play ..
Only problem is the surface unprepped is a killer to launch from .
Interesting fact.. I just went back 2yrs of slips and top half of the quarter is 3.2 on everyone onless I missed a shift or backed off ,, I would never have guessed it to be that consistant ! Just proves that your time is sooo dependent on the first half ..
I have a Draggy but have never used it , because of the lack of grip..and teh bottom end is what I need work on .. I run 9.4 quarters usually but I mess around a lot with gearing and pipe .best ever SWB was 9.20 and 9.25. that was a good day for me :)

Niece and nephew live north of Houston.. One of these days I will be heading that way maybe we could get in a run ? :)

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/16/2023 @ 5:55 PM *

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 5:57 PM


Impressive there a way to calculate how ET's are affected by weight, e.g., for every 10 lbs. added to a rider's weight their ET increases by xx.xx seconds?

Man I need to really go on a diet if I'm ever to go to real track.

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 6:10 PM

I honestly do not think weight enters into drag racing until you get into at least , the 8s.. Maybe Ben or Rick can interject their thoughts on that but I have never been beat by anyone weighing less than me :) A lot of heavier guys have put me away.. There are so many factors in racing at the strip, heck, somewhere here is slip that showed my perfect reaction time and I lost LOL......................EDITED.........................
Of course I am speaking of ET racing .. Not grudge, index or street.

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/16/2023 @ 6:11 PM *

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Speed ET&#x27&#x3b;s
07/16/23 6:20 PM

fair enough....I recently had my bike on the dyno and it put out 199 bhp(corrected) on the stingiest dyno in the area. Tuner stated that prior to my bike the highest a zx14r has made on his dyno was 196. He also stated that no bike has made over 200 bhp in the 2 years his shop has been in business. So since I've had the bike on the dyno and tuned, I've been getting a feel for how the bike performs, but I feel that my weight is holding me back from posting good results.

* Last updated by: siroht on 7/16/2023 @ 6:23 PM *

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Speed ET's
07/16/23 7:06 PM

I think the most important thing about dyno numbers is that once you have a base run, you can get a good idea of what changes done to the bike create, if you use the same dyno and consider weather etc. I am very happy that A young knowledgeable gentleman opened shop close by , just prior to my getting the 14 in 2015. We have done stuff like compare two well known exhaust systems to discover only 2 hp difference , ran one, pulled it off and ran the second one ..
He helps me with the bike and I give him my trophys.... well most of them LOL

As for the weight...I felt last year that I was getting weaker and wound up taking a fitness class three days a week..It has really helped ( I am 85 so it was bound to happen ) I was surprised at how it has affected my stamina especially . I dont know what you do work wise but I work two to three days a week laying floors and when I dropped back from full time work , it affected me physically.. Level Ten CrossFit training has really made a difference . I think they are national chain ..You might look into that .. I was 128 when I started and lost weight to 120 after two months, then the weight came back as muscle , Steady 130 now and feel pretty good for an old man LOL.

Anyway that is my 2 cents and that may be all it is worth ;)

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RE: Speed ET's
07/18/23 9:00 PM

siroht/chrly, I've been drag racing pretty steadily since 1974 though a lot of those years were spent in cars of the 10.0@133 range. My experience with weight has been fairly steady on a bike 20lbs=0.10 and a car 100lbs=0.10 My current combination as chrly knows is flirting with 300hp and my best back half 660-1320 is 2.846 plus 30.63mph My bike is pig heavy with the turbo, intercooler, various electronics etc. at just over 700lbs with me race ready. I've had to add the second front brake and 26oz. of lead to the front axle to control the wheelies and get it stopped on the top end. Feel free to ask any questions if I can help, I don't play secret squirrel! Good luck and have fun...

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RE: Speed ET's
07/18/23 9:04 PM

I picked the 4psi tune first by mistake, these are 6psi and 7.5psi respectively on pump 93.

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RE: Speed ET's
07/19/23 6:52 AM

Thanks @Fordtech58. What a wealth of information. The weight information is very helpful and now I can set my weight loss goal based on what ETs I'm trying to achieve. I'll be sure to hit this thread up as I become more familiar with distance/speed racing. Again thanks!

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Speed ET&#x27&#x3b;s
07/19/23 8:27 AM

Here is a calculator that I have used in the past. Most of the ET calculators use cars as examples but this is the closest I have found.. I used crank hp as a figure and this is close to mine . I used 530 pounds for bike weight as again, this is close to mine . The only change is in weight. mine to day is 140 ready to race which adds to 670 for vehicle weight at the line ready to race .

ET Calculator

First is mine which is closest to my best actual runs of 9.20/155

I changed only weight to replace mine with your 245.

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/19/2023 @ 8:31 AM *

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Speed ET&#x27&#x3b;s
07/19/23 8:35 AM

I am not so good at math as to calculate teh percentage of effect that changes in power and weight create so I went to all the calculators I could find on the net and the link above is the closest I could find according to my personal numbers.
according to this formula 10 pounds equals .043 seconds so considering Ricks experience at getting the most performance from his runs , I would say that to start with, you should be between the calculated figure and Ricks realtime figures..
It will be interesting to watch :)


I have a friend that uses Draggy at the strip and he says the numbers he gets are VERY close to his time tickets. Do not forget that strip prep will allow for faster times .

I just may go out to my personal practice area :) and make some runs this morning..

Stay tuned LOL

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/19/2023 @ 8:57 AM *

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RE: Speed ET's
07/19/23 8:50 AM

By The Way Rick..last year I filled my front axle with lead to help restrain wheelies also :)Not much but I do think it helps

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RE: Speed ET's
07/19/23 9:12 AM

I tried a few 1/4 mile runs and I’m so embarrassed at my best time……11.72s. I’m using launch control set at 3500 RPM and noticed that it’s more of a hinderance than useful. My initial takeoff sucks and I see I need to drastically improve it to get acceptable ETs. I’m new to this so please bear with me.

* Last updated by: siroht on 7/19/2023 @ 9:13 AM *

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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RE: Speed ET's
07/19/23 9:21 AM

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Speed ET's
07/19/23 9:58 AM

Do NOT be embarrassed .. Most who do not really drag race think it is easy.. Getting a bike away from a dead stop takes a lot of seat time .. A good friend told me a long time ago that seat time is the best thing you can add to . Also remember that a prepped drag strip is a lot different than the street . Also Rick has a lot more experience than I , at least recent experience :) so whatever advice you get from him deserves closer attention than mine LOL.

Your second half times will pretty much remain the same for now so I would suggest concentrating on the launch first and work your way up as those times improve. and be sure and leave time in between for clutch/bike to cool, other wise start collecting steel clutch plates to change often :)

How far are you from Amarillo Tx ?

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RE: Speed ET's
07/19/23 11:18 AM

I appreciate all the feedback from you guys(Pros)! I definitely have clutches on my mind when launching from a dead stop. :)

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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OZrevhead's Gravatar


Sydney, Australia

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RE: Speed ET's
07/21/23 7:01 PM

Its great to see some fresh discussion :)

@chrly - wow you are a jockey, not to detract from your achievements but wow :)

@Fordtech58 - awesome looking bike there

@siroht - don't be embarrassed, your just going too easy off the line, try less revs and get the clutch out quicker. What mods are done to your bike? Don't forget most of the guys you are comparing with are lowered, this makes a huge difference off the line.

My first time out on my Gen2 was 10.41 and that was going easy off the line, my son has run 9.81@150 at stock height.

ZX14's are such a great bike for so many things, Im so glad I bought one.

OLD GIRL - 2007 Black zx14, Muzzy 4:1, PCV, QS, 1" risers, 165hp so far @ 142,000km, 9.70@144.6 ....... NEW BABY - 2014 Green/Black ZX14R, Two Bros slip-ons, PCV, Dynojet QS, 1" risers, Sargent seat, Brocks clutch kit, 206 HP on dyno

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RE: Speed ET's
07/21/23 8:07 PM

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement Oz. Currently I'm lowered 1 1/2 inches in the front and rear, with a 6" stretch. I completed these mods in the quest of possibly taking my bike to a track one day in the future. I tell ya, launching from a complete stop definitely take some skill and talent. My hat goes off to guys who have mastered this art and are succeeding at posting great ET's. I've watched so many videos and riders make it look so easy, but it's another thing when a newbie such as myself actually go out and try it.

Current Bikes: Gen V 2017 ZX10R, Gen II 2012 ZX14R, Gen II 2023 ZX14R

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Sydney, Australia

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; Speed ET&#x27&#x3b;s
07/21/23 9:15 PM

Cheers siroht, how is your start line procedure? What rpms are you launching at? Perhaps slipping the clutch too long?

Watching videos and doing it yourself are definitely two different things.

* Last updated by: OZrevhead on 7/21/2023 @ 9:16 PM *

OLD GIRL - 2007 Black zx14, Muzzy 4:1, PCV, QS, 1" risers, 165hp so far @ 142,000km, 9.70@144.6 ....... NEW BABY - 2014 Green/Black ZX14R, Two Bros slip-ons, PCV, Dynojet QS, 1" risers, Sargent seat, Brocks clutch kit, 206 HP on dyno

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