the only thing I am concerned about, is the ECU flashes...
Thanks, car, but I too am new to flash and mapping. Here is the concern... I don't think there is any? I can only go what I read from the factory info from the kit-ECU, where this hands on mapping does something to the chip. That's what I'm studying about are the hard parts.
It seems that the race kit ECU has the chipability, the burnability, or flashability to change the ign/fuel/gpc/vac numbers being in a race environment, you can do this to the chip 65,000 times... So says the Kawi kit-ECU.
I don't think once or twice is going to hurt the chip wrinkle 2 times vs. 65,008 bottles of beers on the wall left to go? Sing it wit me. Unless... UNLESS... by the time I figure out and read about 5 entry level books on circuit boards, I think I could figure out who and where she sits, drill out a square; heat it out of the board and replace it with a new chip and the beers are on the wall again: sing it wit me.
What little I've read about the chip is that she is a crystal? DFI? Digital crystal? So there are so many cracks that line up like grab a bag of rice, squeeze and hold? They just sit and line back up again. So if you kept on squeezing and rubbing grain enough, the rice in that bag, she turns to powder, yes? For argument sake say, you entered Hubsville and your brain has just been flashed...
Now look at that resistance number getting from the bottom of the bag to the top is pick a number from 0 to 5. All those clicks have to touch one powder against another grain of powder. Wasn't traveling up/across/down/sideways clicking off a rice grain a lot faster? Less grain to travel thru? Wouldn't there be more on/off clicks going thru the powder grain than a whole rice grain in the bag? Was that crystal clear or watt, electrically speaking? Sound logical to explain a chip flashed so much it eventually [the crystals] no longer line up and can travel thru the rest of the crystal> going south with too many flashes too much resistance out of spec sending a high resistance... Electrically speakingeneric?
Lo Resistance = Bag of rice ~ go squeeze. How fast did you make that hourglass in the middle of the bag so both fingers make contact with the plastic between the rice she goes so smooth in the linear from 0 to 5v, or I can say that bag of rice is an on off switch. Every grain [still] touched so the truth tables matched this end of the rice grain ending up to this next body of grain. They never jumped into the air gap of the bag say.
Hi Resistance = 25lb. bag of flour - go squeeze. If say you start with an air gap at the bag of flour, that is clean air before you press the bag in the middle. You make a cloud of flour in the air pocket, that did not start out as every molecule in place to travel to the surface of the air gap, or say from 0 to 5, say. No rice grain was in the air as a second resistance to try and bang off of, so it is out of spec twice in a way, say.
We catching the flashing of a rice grain to dustheory? You have now left Hubstown.
* Last updated by: Hub on 1/15/2014 @ 4:45 PM *
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