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Thread: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash

Created on: 05/08/13 10:23 AM

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 2:07 AM

In plain English hub what is it you are trying to achieve or find?


I'm after the 7408 chip and other chips/resistors/condensers/etc., then seeing what is inside it? How it works? FINDING How a 60hrz defaults to a limp 50mhz and say nothing. Where I have that advantage of knowing you might hit the 50 and you have no clue what you did, but I do as far as taking your trophy away from you. Some sort of racing advantage where every Joe-A flashes and I'm after something you are missing, like that 50mega hit to you.

The language needed to understand the parts inside that box. The logic moves. That's what I meant as in choosing the miniboard parts to the box. Was that your schooling too or just the programming side is what I meant?

I mean it sounds like once you have the box all soldered in, you can program the thing to the hilt and that is your specialty. But the how to build it and know what parts complete the box so it runs/works/won't burn out, that to me sounds like it is as specialized as programming, so that means you can do both, correct? You are on the same pages I'm looking at in other words?

So, are you on the keyboard side and deciding who goes where, while I am inside and seeing how you are handcuffed by the manufacturer and his directional moves that have their own logic caused by the parts used. So when Smoke had that lag down the track, I am going to think 50mhz, because it sure is not the logic gates still working that time down the track. It's that junk input in and junk out kind of logic out, meaning the best the t-tables computed in default mode.

I'm just showing you one page, one part on the motherboard like the 7408. There are more parts described as to what they do so you can learn to diagnose a radio clock to an ECU. I have the hood up and am seeing the engine inside that ECU. That's what I am after... The parts played.

My background is in Mechanical Engineering, but i have been writing software and working with electronics for about 20 years.

Ah, mechanical engineering, not electrical engineering. I see now why we are not on the same page when I mentioned the flip-flop and the boolean ACB = Y move. So look at how I'm approaching that 1 and 0 now. I'm going to hunt down your octal number and if not, I'll know a little something about the decimal move and the ascii too. So for me, I'm schooling myself to explain to you where 14.7 might be without a dyno, and limp your flash as it finds out how 50mhz is going to be easy about _________________Filling in who's name we put on the...

Buy A 50th of a hertz to take it away from you, but you didn't play ECU like I do... LOL


* Last updated by: Hub on 2/3/2014 @ 2:14 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 2:22 AM

"Where I have that advantage of knowing you might hit the 50 and you have no clue what you did, but I do as far as taking your trophy away from you. Some sort of racing advantage where every Joe-A flashes and I'm after something you are missing, like that 50mega hit to you"...geez hub...some of us MIGHT want to have him continue sharing REAL INFO with.Sounds like you're confusing him with Jeffo....give it a break,will ya?

He's already told ya yer not on the same page.It wasn't a put down....only a straight observation....he knows what he's not when it comes to HIS programming.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/3/2014 @ 2:26 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 2:23 AM

lol, Greenie. I haven't stopped going to races, helping out my sponsor or the kids coming up. Their dads are clueless about bikes as I watch some screw up or are anal with a torque wrench, they do not have that wisdom of racing for so long, thinking up strategy any way you can to gain an edge.

Not being a racer, grn, you are missing the whole point... you,you flash in the pan. LOLOL

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 2:29 AM

Okay....glad we're on the same page then....true enough...I aint no pro.Hell,aint even a contenderLOL!.But have a friggin fast ass bike that can't be beat out crash is for keeps methinks!;)If she just had some wings.....

Hagrid...!!!!Where's those danishLOL!!!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/3/2014 @ 2:37 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 2:45 AM

Again, greenie

some of us MIGHT want to have him continue sharing REAL INFO with.Sounds like you're confusing him with Jeffo....give it a break,will ya?

I just showed you a few pages in a text book. I just read how a motherboard can go from 60 to 50hz. That's 'real info' I'm after. That's real info flashers might be aware of. You think I'm making thishit up? It's not my fault I'm sharing what I read. I'm not out to sabotage any of Wooly's work if I bought the product and am the messenger of the microprocessor's moves?

It's no wonder you can't follow along, think everyone with product is a Jeffo? I diagnose things I have no clue about. A locked6 in the shop manual has me diagnosing. A call over the phone to tune up a bike might bleed 50mhz, but I can prove a phone call did soak the iridium and that bleeds 50mhz.

Woolich Racing is a whole different animal. We have found a worthy reach around, or at least I have. Now go and tie your shoes, fix your makeup. This is about performance and how to tackle the ECU getting there.

You have a mailbox tuned bike LOL. You show up with that day/month/wet day it was sucking on the 02 sensor, not burn that map to that day... Yo you still don't get it. LOL

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/3/2014 @ 2:56 AM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 6:28 AM

With all this talk of boolean algebra
Flip flops
Binary code
Hexadecimal numbering

I see you have missed what the ecu is built on


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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 9:18 AM


I don't care if I ever burn a map. Look at how many steps you brought up that has to happen so a K-map is made inside that computer. My roots go right back to hacking into something, find how one would see the limp in action, then come to find out the ECU takes its own actions and heads to a limp a second way.

So as the steps expose themselves, I find more safety fuses done electrically both inside as it does outside, as in, lost signal, not connected, short to ground, etc.: is the outside move to a limp action. Try to change that K-map and you might default the tune at a different hertz signal and limp that action. That's what I'm trying to figure out... How close on the raggedge can I come to the tune without finding myself in a second type limp: I am now on the inside.

Some of you already have experienced that default. When you banged heads together, you found your mistake, but I can see how that happened internally, and I don't think the two collaborators knew a boolean move from a flip-flop move as any kind of helper to their situation.

Again, the pc is automotive and mc mapped with the same generics used to achieve the same step. Ivan uses a different program to achieve the same steps, but the program features more moves as in, built for cars but can apply to bike? To me, Ivan is looking at a program in automotive write, jwool is using the bin files inside the computer and more matches bin for bin.

That means Ivan would need a crack box like the Wooly, have its own program, etc. So as I gather steps, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Same kind of parts (GPS) needed to find that trigger of a safe mode, but safe to me means 50mhz and full power means 60mhz.

Really, who could have told me this would happen inside the ECU? It's the stuff I am exactly after. What are the odds my high school buddy had a bunch of books that specifically show me what I wanted to find out inside that puppy.

I'm not about to K-map a 50mhz move on one of my cell moves. Can I get a same page, please?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 9:30 AM

I was taking the piss

Google what a k-map is
(And yes i did an electronics degree)

I find this topic has become repetitive... And the good information is being lost in the endless flaming of knowledgeable people

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 10:32 AM

The book discusses the k-map in depth.
You think it's flaming and I'm asking questions like that 60hz to 50hz hit. Can you explain that move to me? Some may be taking the text wrong. I found a tuning problem: yes or no in a 50hz kind of way. And the repeat is to grasp a few steps in the language dept.

If you are going to mess with your bike, better know some new language going in, you want to chase something on a computer bike. It's just a bike, bugc. A very complicated bike. I think I found something happening inside and you could close the book on this one move. Care to explain the 60-50 change in effect? I'd have to read the whole book to read between the lines, but I'm missing a step that is right in front of my face if you know watt I mean.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 12:03 PM

I started by looking to fix the backfire/decell pop & hole in the bottom End power of the Gen 1s, From here I got myself to a hell of a mess lol.(Hub/Ivan's Fault)
Without Ivan I couldn't have made it this far. It's a rolling mule with a number of tunes I can toggle on the fly and have yet to move a cell in a Wooly bin, have yet to add a pc or pot.

Once your in Woolich Software I will always help those who need it. This Will never be a pissing match for me, once that starts we go off Line teach from there.
There was no pissing match to be had. I am no tuner. I know my station in life. Your moves have to move in a logical step or take it underground all in the misstep.

I speak in the penultimate and that means you know your stuff or not.

Sending people with knowledge under ground so they don't post is sad fact but it happens.
Either you have confidence in what you say or you are blowing smoke. It steps like the 3amigos or not.

Some of us are more passionate in there beliefs of the perfect set up than others, no biggy. For me I will always be of the belief 1000 brains are better than one.
If you think I'm sending Justin underground because I bought his product? Doesn't that sound strange to you? Down the road I'm going to buy his suggest lists of packages. Does that look like I'm sending him underground? There is some communication gap going on and that's how you see it?

bugc, Now do you see what I am saying? This is no pissing match, this is more match the man's skills to a very complex arena called computing. I spoke your language. You understand this certain part of the computing. I used terms out of the book I thought Justin would know? That made me think specialty. Justin is more a programmer than knowing each chip like each part to a car/bike/plane now go assemble it so it works as designed.

That's where I'm at. Deep inside were the manu sets the directions. So Justin goes underground for watt? His specialty is programming rather than another specialty? You bugc, you understand the language so I don't get it wrong, confuse what is super complicated but easy are some parts at the same time?

And now a 1000 minds get together I happened to see a limp and ask a question over and over in so many way? So are you willing to explain how in concept the 60 flips to 50? Now, does that put you underground you cannot come back to explain it? A complex unit that it is? You're kidding, right?

I'm here for a pissing contest or found a limp inside, I want to avoid it, but You throw Justin's box away and NOLTT one more time?

* Last updated by: Hub on 2/3/2014 @ 12:07 PM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 9:08 PM

"on a motorcycle, "FI" indicator lamp. Just because that light is set, doesn't necessarily mean it is running in limp mode. I have found that more and more engine management systems do not even appear to have a "limp mode" per say. It seems to be used mostly on fuel injected cars relying on a mass air-flow sensor rather than speed density systems, which is what most (all?) fuel injected bikes have".

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 2/3/2014 @ 9:19 PM *

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 9:44 PM

MAF = A mass of flowing air blows past a preset glowplug, heat ribbon, it does not matter, there is going to be a mass of air flow and that will cool the glowing preset resistance... Like, I'm going to dial in my toaster's coils to a preset? I'm going to blow air past the toasters coils and will they cool down by the mass of air being blown by the air? Sure it is. What happens when there is no signal as in one of the coils burned out like a bulb filament and the ECU now reads WATT?

Does not the math take the 'best way' around to backup what that number should have been all working properly?

Speed density? Isn't there a speed or a mass of flow that speeds by a thermometer wrapped around some plastic in the left ram's service door? Wouldn't that cold air cool down that thermometer as it speeds past and down the v-stacks? WATT do you think happens when that unit no longer sends a signal? How do I tell if it's cold air and add more gas to it or less air it's so hot and expands, there is no longer a mass of numbers to speed along to tell the diff.

Does not the math take the 'best' backuplanumbers LOL and limp your sad ass home all safe you are so locked in each sensor somewatt somehow.... OPEN BOOK.

One more time... Watt converts the 60 to the 50hz signal?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 10:22 PM

"Does not the math take the 'best way' around to backup what that number should have been all working properly?"...I would say...yes.And add...why make something like that 'nonexistent' by reprogramming?Long as she's running fine...what would 'enabling' a safety feature(for the motor)do?Like the rev limiter.Raise it...okay.We don't KNOW what the mechanical "blow up' point(s)are.The metallurgy part of it.Maybe Kawasaki does...maybe not really...since there's so many ways to blow a motor.Look at the range of's not some 500 rpm's a few thousand.Point being...they programmed the redline limiter to stop all that.She's won't continue to pull past a certain point(in redline).So the limiter is fine.Wanted.Needed.BUT,can be raised and probably flashed out if a guy wanted to.

"Does not the math take the 'best' backuplanumbers LOL and limp your sad ass home all safe you are so locked in each sensor somewatt somehow.... OPEN BOOK"...yeah...and why would you want that feature to be removed?.If it aint runnin right...why possibly do some real damage by disabling something like that?The draggers have found NO ECU programming that'll restrict the motor...except for that 'hidden' program that cuts the power back under certain conditions of acceleration.And that can safely be flashed out.The motor can handle way more than the stock config allows.So I'm not understanding what your 'limp mode' is referring to...some of these guys on here HAVE electronics degrees..they do understand what binary and all that do.And they're saying..."it doesn't work that way"...and you keep saying...'yes it does"....I don't get it.I'd like to...

you already have the question...AND the answer.(60 to 50hz)...well...what DOES convert it? Justin told you what it does already...and how it works;)

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/03/14 11:02 PM

Without Ivan I couldn't have made it this far. It's a rolling mule with a number of tunes I can toggle on the fly and have yet to move a cell in a Wooly bin, have yet to add a pc or pot.

Hub why not ??? play with it, the questions that come with answers teach us all.

"Once your in Woolich Software I will always help those who need it. This Will never be a pissing match for me, once that starts we go off Line teach from there."
There was no pissing match to be had. I am no tuner. I know my station in life. Your moves have to move in a logical step or take it underground all in the misstep. I speak in the penultimate and that means you know your stuff or not

Hub this is more about how to use the software we have been provided with. To date no one here has ever needed any help. Or won't ask. Maybe still to new ?

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 12:35 AM

And that can safely be flashed out.The motor can handle way more than the stock config allows.

Rev limit means taffy the rods out the case. Oh, let me burn back the maps to OE and claim warranty. LOL

So I'm not understanding what your 'limp mode' is referring to...
I've tried to explain about the many penultimate numbers used for FI. Factory follows nature, being one of her many penultimates, so the book takes backup measures and defaults to Ta 30°C. T meaning air temp and a meaning alpha is my guess and now the alpha temp number is the backup formula that calcs for 'best bi number,'

some of these guys on here HAVE electronics degrees..they do understand what binary and all that do.And they're saying..."it doesn't work that way"...and you keep saying...'yes it does"....I don't get it.I'd like to...
Off the top of their heads, what I read about 60 defaulting to 50 means what? I think I'm really close, but not sure whom that would be in the influence of it.

you already have the question...AND the answer.(60 to 50hz)...well...what DOES convert it? Justin told you what it does already...and how it works;)
You don't get it and you'd like to? Cut and paste the quote you think that was. I may have missed that daily.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 1:07 AM

Romes, throw the yes it's possible, no it's not possible at this.

1. If I run all 0's in the pc5 cells, basically I have the pc on but it runs the OE map. Yes or no?
2. If I fill the 0's in X is the rpm, Y is the TPS, I will set off the pc5's different duty cycle, goes back to hitting the 0's out of that X to Y range, is it possible, yes or no?
3. If I find the best column of ranges I choose, and the zero columns to the right and left of that chosen range, can I now find a closer flash point as I read that section of data, I select a 1000rpm increments at a time, yes or no, is that possible capturing data in 1000 increment sections?
4. If I use the screen display, swap the data card into that puppy, turn on the pot tuner, could I map a curve of watching the low to mid and mid to high ranges on the Dobeck, yes or no?
5. If I hack into the pop eliminator, the tre hit, any hack of a hit, could I download that data's AFRange with the program reader, sniff out each AFR's hack and see what's cooking? WATTS for Dinner?

6LOCKEDoes That SoundeliciousomechewUS? What's for dinner? Mule!

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 2:22 AM

Just checked out Woolie's software info vids....geez...this deal looks killer!

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 5:53 AM

Boston Creme AND cheese filled?! Oh, I shouldnt... but im gonna.

Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 6:04 AM

1. If I run all 0's in the pc5 cells, basically I have the pc on but it runs the OE map. Yes or no?

Yes, Zero's = Zero change.

2. If I fill the 0's in X is the rpm, Y is the TPS, I will set off the pc5's different duty cycle, goes back to hitting the 0's out of that X to Y range, is it possible, yes or no?

Yes, Zero's = Zero change.

3. If I find the best column of ranges I choose, and the zero columns to the right and left of that chosen range, can I now find a closer flash point as I read that section of data, I select a 1000rpm increments at a time, yes or no, is that possible capturing data in 1000 increment sections?


4. If I use the screen display, swap the data card into that puppy, turn on the pot tuner, could I map a curve of watching the low to mid and mid to high ranges on the Dobeck, yes or no?


5. If I hack into the pop eliminator, the tre hit, any hack of a hit, could I download that data's AFRange with the program reader, sniff out each AFR's hack and see what's cooking? WATTS for Dinner?


6LOCKEDoes That SoundeliciousomechewUS? What's for dinner? Mule!

"Whats's For Dinner" Brain Cells lol

7. OR, I could just send you a PCV Map. You could just take the shortest way home. Ride your new bike and stop dissecting the poor thing ???? If memory serves, your study was never complete on your last two 14's,,, C'Mon let's ride this one.

Move study to how to use the latest software to make the bike reflect what you want it to be. Your study into what's behind locked doors has no End, Pass me the Marbles

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 6:17 AM

Just checked out Woolie's software info vids....geez...this deal looks killer!

Grn we both know this is the next Logical step for you. Step into the light.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 6:37 AM

Boston Creme AND cheese filled?! Oh, I shouldnt... but im gonna.

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 7:49 AM

If memory serves, your study was never complete on your last two 14's,,, C'Mon let's ride this one.

Thanks, Romes. See where I'm going or have the potential to tons of tunes on the fly? Chasing one badass frequency after the other. There was never a completion of the last two 14's. It was a leisurely event of a toggling we will go, a toggle don't chew know, I'll flip you for the cream filled, call it in the air.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 10:53 AM

How's this sound? I just got off the phone with pwcmd's tech line. Asked who is apple and who is orange? He says you are more a toe may toe or a two may dough, you could not tell the diff in a BLT kind of way if you took a bite... Darn It, I mean BIT.

So basically it's a draw... He says, one is a pig the other is a flash etc. I had another conversation with someone this morning and it popped in my head... Oh really? Has anyone tried a 60ft shoot-out... Dang naBIT, I mean a SHOOT-OFF&ON???

Where is The Hand and Connie? I need a 60ft like I need a 60/50 hertz my head game.

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 6:13 PM

I just got off the phone with pwcmd's tech line.

Did you ask, "how many brewskis, please? No what! That's what I'm asking: whot WOT?"

Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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RE: Ivan Guhl Brock ECU Flash
02/04/14 10:15 PM

I would get the Wooly program...only thing is....I don't know what the values would be for optimum 'whatever'...I wouldn't feel secure in knowing I got the 'tune' right....fueling wise(Lean or rich).OR how to apply the timing changes in co-ordination with the fueling either.I don't want to blow up my baby;)THAT's really the only reason for not jumping on ship.I love his visuals and 'options'...really looks great for fine tuning if ya know how to set values safely.I don't.

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