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Thread: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok

Created on: 06/22/21 05:46 PM

Replies: 186


Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/02/21 11:07 PM

Ah yes, yannih, I remember that. I would hate to toss my Gen1 in the trash though. Swapping engines would be such an interesting project, too. Not only that, this is supposed to be a dedicated race bike. I would rather start with something trashed if I'm replacing a bunch of street parts with race parts. Fuel tank and fairings for instance.


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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/04/21 11:36 PM

WOW...I missed this thread. Only found it after hearing you mention the crash in another sub-forum today.

Insane crash Rook. I am very glad to see you are getting better. I had a few heart palpitations after viewing your pics and reading your thoughts on not planning to visit a clinic. Very glad you did. Money is critically important, but so is the ability to recover from injuries and earn it in the first place. Every time I read about real-life care-denial stories like these, I shake my head in disbelief that an economy as mighty as ours subjects its contributors to "are my hands and legs worth risking over my $3K insurance deductible?" decisions. And yet, these decisions are very real, very necessary and incredibly common in very part of our country. How do we not have govt-funded universal healthcare still? Extremely expensive yes, but lives are priceless. Fuck the fucking politicians and lobbyists...

Back to the end of your most recent update, I was very glad to read that you are getting better everyday and that your spirits have been sky high ever since your first post on the subject. I completely agree that buying a new 14R or a well-cared-for used one is a far better option than repairing your 14.

I will check this thread daily now that I have discovered it. Can't wait to read about continued positive recovery reports!

And might I suggest a secondary user account so you can post pictures again?

* Last updated by: ManiZ on 7/4/2021 @ 11:38 PM *

2018 ZX-14R ABS SE

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 2:32 AM

How do we not have govt-funded universal healthcare still? Extremely expensive yes, but lives are priceless. Fuck the fucking politicians and lobbyists...

I agree.

As for me, I see skin starting to close in around the leg wounds already but the wounds are still quite large. They are starting to itch a bit but it's not terrible. The dressings take an hour to change including washing but at least the gauze doesn't stick so much anymore. The hand wounds are nearly gone except for the thumb that went under my torso as I slid. It's better too but I can see that one will take some time.

And might I suggest a secondary user account so you can post pictures again?

That might be possible since I have a new computer since making the initial account. I'd have to get the old account to 20,000 posts before switching over. If I respond to all the spam we get, I would probably be there in a few weeks!

Thanks for checking on me Mani.


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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 8:01 AM

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say..It IS a miracle you didn't break anything or damage any internals.So glad you're okay through this.Stay positive Daron and heal up quickly.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 9:58 AM

Thank you Greenie. It is indeed miraculous. So many things could have made this much worse. What if I would have gone over the other side and tumbled over the ditch? What if this was in a curve...I would have hit a tree. I may even be fortunate that I was knocked out and slid limp rather than holding my arms and legs out. Not even a pulled muscle! No signs of a head injury either but I'm not doing a cat scan unless I've already met my deductible.


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ManiZ's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 4:28 PM

Good to hear the wounds are well on their way to recovery. I too am amazed that you broke no bones nor tore or even hyper-extended anything...remarkable! Come to think of it, with leather gloves and any type of knee guards, even under your regular jeans, you may have had barely any marks on you! On that topic, what size gloves do you wear? I upgraded mine recently but the original pair is still in great shape and will serve you well if they fit. Olympia size XL. They have a full leather gauntlet and CF knuckle guards. Oh and I have boots available too...size 13. They are only ankle high but are in very good shape. You are welcome to both items if you'd like.

By a secondary forum account, I meant something for you to use along with the current one instead of replacing it; i.e. RookPix or a handle like that...e.g. the original account would write a post and the other would sign in to add pics in the following post. Pain in the ass probably, but not as much if you use two different browsers with auto-login!

2018 ZX-14R ABS SE

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 9:44 PM

You have people who need you.Not your time;)

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 10:41 PM

I upgraded mine recently but the original pair is still in great shape and will serve you well if they fit. Olympia size XL. They have a full leather gauntlet and CF knuckle guards. Oh and I have boots available too...size 13. They are only ankle high but are in very good shape. You are welcome to both items if you'd like.

Thanks Mani, that's extremely generous of you and that makes me feel glad I know you. I have gauntlet gloves and a good set of boots though...just never occurred to me to wear them without the whole ensemble of leathers. Not anymore though. It's all gear all the time or I won't ride.

You have people who need you.Not your time;)

Maybe Greenie. I don't know how it all would have worked. If God's real, he does let the most terrible of fates befall the most innocent and faithful at times. Then here's me, atheistic hooligan on a motorcycle and I walk away road rash. I would have to believe God would have complete control over deer and all animals because they would have no free will (in the biblical sense). If God saved me from getting killed by a deer, I have to believe he also put the deer there for some reason. Maybe the crash itself would have some importance to the people that need me. Maybe I'm supposed to make some choices now, I don't know. This would be a good time to put some effort into creating art which I haven't done for over a decade. I've really been an artist my whole life. Sure, I always loved motorcycles too but my real talent is art.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/05/21 10:48 PM

Maddevill got fucked up by his dog jumping into him. I go down at 70 mph, slide 225 feet and I could actually get on a bike 2 weeks later and ride if I want. Life is a very strange thing indeed.


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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/06/21 7:20 AM

Might want to add some supplements to your daily intake to help your body get back in shape.. I did a similar and no fun..Glad you are talking and stuff.. obviously could have been a lot worse.. Would be curious to see pics of helmet and know if inside lining collapsed ? . If you cant see all body damage ( back side) try to get it looked at as it heals to make sure it is kept clean.. I had to sleep in a regular chair backwards while my back healed. I would straddle the chair and then lean it onto the edge of the bed....Anyway..good luck with the recovery process .

* Last updated by: chrly on 7/6/2021 @ 7:21 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/06/21 11:23 AM

Thanks chrly. I just drank a Juven. It has collagen. Healing is going well. I'm about ready to get out for nice long walks like I'm used to doing. No running for a while though, think I'll wait until I don't need bandages befpre I do that. I was very lucky in a number of ways and one was that I suffered no wounds to the posterior. That's insane you slept slumped over a chair backwards! LOL I set a chair by the bed for a few days to put my left foot on so the calf wouldn't press on the bed. It's more of a side outer calf wound though so now I just put a pillow behind that leg. It's odd that I only sleep on my back now and never move. I'm used to sleeping on my side or even on my stomach.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/10/21 5:17 PM

New info on me, piecing together the crash and the bike. All look pretty good.

I met the adult who found me after the crash in the grocery store today. On the day of the crash, he was with his son and his son's buddy, both students of mine. Tyler the 8th grader buddy said he heard heavy throttle and then nothing. Bad sign. They came across me and I was laying in the ditch with the bike. I was moving. They did not see the deer. Tim, the man's son said it was he who woke me up. I asked if he thought I was dead and he said, "yeah." lil fugger! I seem to recall sort of crawling away from the bike but I thought I woke up on the road. I must have crawled to the center of the road and bled a while because their was a small pool of blood there. I remember seeing the father now that I saw his face today. He said I was in shock when I got up. I didn't really know what was going on but I remember the guy looked concerned. I did know I hit a deer, crashed, the bike was laying in the ditch and I was alive and relatively uninjured. I didn't care a hell of a lot about anything else but I remember the man saying, "you're in shock." No f-ing surprise!!! My 14 is laying there with a hole in the engine, I was definitely in shock over that....and I survived the wreck. No idea if I tumbled over the ditch like the bike did. If so, I was extra lucky. They reminded me that an electric company truck stopped and I didn't even notice. They claim that person called the ambulance. Actually, I think I noticed, I just didn't care. I was more occupied with my injuries and my wrecked bike but yeah, I was also thinking, I must be in a state of shock, at least mentally.

Timmy and Tyler were the two worst behaved 7th graders I had last year and I mean those little shits were terrible. I hope this has forged a new bond. I will threaten to hug them if they are bad next year.

I'm healing well three weeks later. The scabs are almost entirely gone and I have purple skin over the wounds now. I expect it will turn normal skin color at some point. The boney knee areas seemed to heal fastest. The fleshy calf is closing much slower for some reason but it was the largest wound. I think the wound being on the soft tissue makes the healing lag behind the boney areas for some reason. I believe the thumb wound was almost to the tendon and became mildly infected but even it is growing smaller. My hands are very close to being back to normal except for the purple scar tissue and that thumb wound.



"It all narrows down to that front end and frame. Front wheel spins straight is one rim not needed. The fork stop uprights, that's just a quick look and no need to touch things for now. No frame tweak, no heavy indent at the one fork stop is no front end worries either.

1. Look at the bracing bolts at the frame sticker at the neck. Those should not break off or show 'raw' cracks.
2. Look at the front top engine head [brace] brackets. Those will snap at the frame. Brackets take out the frame.
3. Look at the steel battery strap [left side] and see where that large hole is for say the forman grill and that rubber grommet sitting in there? That's where the weak point is at the back of the frame.

Used pod is the big ticket if not new.

Where the front engine Y brackets are... we see any cracks at the frame around that area? Front end (not forks) takes the hit, that neck will move the energy right at that flex point. Energy keeps moving back, rear frame [I forget where] will have a crack. Shows up well against a black frame.

When you take the forks off, look for a crease at the lower pinch areas, meaning, right now you can drop the one leg down so you look for a crease... back to energy taking out the upper and lower triple trees. Go look at the fork stops right now. One stopper now looks like this / and the other stop is upright, or not bent meaning?"

**I had a quick look at the bike today. The steering locks are freakin huge. It would take a tremendous impact to actually bend one of those over. I did notice the RH lock was indented from impact with the stopper on the steering neck, I can feel it clearly with my thumbnail and even see it. The LH stopper was also indented but a lot less. The RH steering lock indention was more pronounced. Neither lock was actually bent over to the side though.

**Could see no cracks or wrinkles on the steering neck. The steering neck too is freegin huge. I don't know what it would take to bend that.

**No leakage from fork seals. Hard to believe the forks would still be straight but from installed inspection, I see no sign of damage. Of course, I will need to remove the forks to do a better inspection.

**Multifunction meter was ripped off. Not only was it ripped off, the aluminum tabs in the fairing stay/multifunction meter bracket were busted right off. I have an aftermarket fairing stay/multifunction meter bracket sitting right behind my desk here so that's no big deal to replace. I had planned to buy a used multifunction meter to install aftermarket clock faces and gear indicator all under the clear plastic case so that is no huge deal either. Sucks to loose the factory installed part but that starts to matter a lot less now that the bike has been wrecked.

**LH handlebar wiggles a bit, looks as though it's angled lower than normal, loose in the clipon. I see a white mark in the finish telling me the handlebar bent. I suspect the bolt that holds the handlebar to the clipon was pulled out a thread. All damage to the handlebar, I think. I always wanted to remove the control pods and go with narrower CF handlebars anyway. RH clipon looks OK. Lever is there but damaged badley. Stock clutch MC looks ok except reservoir busted off.

RH lever also damaged but quite serviceable, front brake still has some pressure but not much. Reservoir ripped off that one too. RH handlebar looks ok.

**Front engine mounts look good. Still intact.

The frame slider on the RH front engine mount busted off. The slider bracket broke off at the place where the slider attaches to the engine mount but the engine mount did not break. The slider is gone but the bung of the slider remains at the engine mount with the bolt. The engine mount appears to be undamaged...just remove the bolt, remove the bung and put the OEM engine mount bolt back in.

There is an accessory bolthole in the engine mount bracket that has no OEM purpose. This bolt hole is empty OEM. It is located above the actual front engine mount bolthole. The accessory hole is used along with the engine mount bolthole to attach two point frame sliders such as those I had on my bike. The threads in the RH accessory bolthole did not look straight but seemed stretched backward as they would be from the bolt being ripped out toward the back in the slide. The accessory bolthole has a flat surface around it to mate with a frame slider mount. This flat surface has a large chip out of it toward the back. The chip would not seem to compromise the strength of the engine mount bracket inasmuch as its ability to support the engine. I would not rely on the accessory bolthole to hold a frame slider again and I presume the threads are severely damaged since the steel bolt ripped right out of it.

LH frame slider was not broken off. Engine mount bolt and accessory bolt on LH engine mount bracket still in. LH front engine mount looks undamaged.

**I see some blood on the front brake lines and RH fork tube. From deer I'm sure.

**there is a small puddle of oil on the floor under the chin of what remains of the lowers. I believe it is just oil that spurted out of the engine into the RH lower. It has draind off now and dripped on the floor. Not from forks, from engine which we know broke open at the crankshaft cover.

**just a few ticks in the finish of the RH leg of the swing arm, probably from flying rocks. Nothong close to a heavy scrape on the swing arm. The axle sliders front and rear looked untouched. I don't think the swing arm suffered much of a blow at all.

My hope is the forks didn't either but I will need to remove them and check for a crease at the clamp area or unstraightness.

Tsukigi Cannon muffler looks completely unbent at the tab that mounts to the muffler support. I feel a flat spot on the side of the round muffler where it dragged. I don't think the flat spot is just from ground down metal, it must have gotten hammered. The RH Vortex rearset footpeg took the brunt of that side blow and saved the muffler.

Will have a closer look soon. So far, all damage is consistent with my theory that the steering whipped hard left full lock which threw the bike over to the right. Only thing is the blood on the RH fork tube...I would expect to see that on the left if the deer pulled the steering hard left.

Main concern now is the chip in the accessory mount on the RH engine bracket. Do you think that makes any difference? I think not..just don'tuse that accessory mount anymore. What's your thoughts, Hub or anyone?

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/10/2021 @ 5:23 PM *


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/10/21 10:45 PM

Front is going to cost. That's upper and lowers. That's a new race pounded down onto the lower tree? You'll see the indents in the race with the front end is off. So, upper/lowers/races upper and lowers.

Run you straight ruler over the top of the upper pinch bolt split. That's handlebars off. The twist is for one side to rise up on the load. I don't waste my time pounding the spits even. Same goes for the lower end. Go bend a coat hanger rod to a V. Now, straighten back out and you'll see this S curve. That too is a waste of my time so it new crowns, trees.

Don't know if that racing dash is made for the 14's, but is it cheaper?

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I&#x27&#x3b;m ok
07/11/21 3:55 AM

Front is going to cost. That's upper and lowers. That's a new race pounded down onto the lower tree? You'll see the indents in the race with the front end is off. So, upper/lowers/races upper and lowers.

You're saying if the steering locks hammered hard enough to indent to the stopper on the steering neck the steering bearing races and the upper and lower triple clamp need to be replaced? The indent in the steering lock is maybe only as deep as the thickness of a sheet of paper or two.

Run you straight ruler over the top of the upper pinch bolt split. That's handlebars off. The twist is for one side to rise up on the load. I don't waste my time pounding the spits even. Same goes for the lower end. Go bend a coat hanger rod to a V. Now, straighten back out and you'll see this S curve. That too is a waste of my time so it new crowns, trees.

Remove clipon, check that the fork clamp is even on both sides of the split. If not, it's twisted and should be replaced. Yeah, I get your bent wire analogy, once metal bends, you can bend it back but it will never be flat again.

I'll look closer at the the front end after I give the whole bike a closer inspection.

Don't know if that racing dash is made for the 14's, but is it cheaper?

Schnitz sells several and they are definitely not cheaper than a used instrument cluster. I don't know if the one's Schnitz sells work for a 14 either. I saw a $150 digital dash on another site that claimed to be universal but I doubt it unless you tap each sensor and make your own connections to the aftermarket dash. Anyway, I'm pretty hooked on the appearance of the OEM dash and I'd probably want to stay with that. I've never seen

An entire new OEM instrument cluster assy is $1100 but you can buy just the OEM case for $220. If my meter is still working, that would be cheaper than buying a whole used meter on Ebay plus I would retain the correct mileage for my bike. I will have to look at my meter unit. The case is really smashed but the gauges and electronics inside might still be perfectly fine.

* Last updated by: Rook on 7/11/2021 @ 4:00 AM *


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/11/21 2:10 PM

Have located an OEM meter unit with just 1500 miles less than that on my original meter. Thanks, Hank! I'll let you know if I need it!


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/11/21 6:17 PM

Back in the day they'd have insurance where they'd cover the cost of a new frames, front ends, tanks, you name it. So I always added the front ends. Trying to salvage one or the other, it would stop the assembly. No matter what fork you start with, you lock it down, the other slides right up, no bang at the top crown.

So to verify, take both forks off, slide whichever back up, lock the top and bottom splits, then with the other fork, it should hit and stop just outside the OD of the top crown's hole = Twisted.

That energy is still diminishing and begins from center and whatever stopper post side takes the hit, the other side of the front end is going to be bent too. So that's why both are needed. Can you get away with the top crown? You still have that S to worry about on both parts is why I never fuck around with crash shit on the front end replacement. Bearings and upper and lowers... No bad habits with the handling end.

Can't pull the race off the old tree [without special tools] and salvage that on how many miles in? Shadow balls is just that, a shadow-etch, but the indent occurring most is at the center ball line. Go over a bump and it still dimples eventually. This calls for a race installer kit and I doubt you can buy just the one size. Get the 10 set, not the 7 set. You'd be surprised how handy the others [7 bucks more] come in for meguyveering.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/12/21 12:17 AM

So to verify, take both forks off, slide whichever back up, lock the top and bottom splits, then with the other fork, it should hit and stop just outside the OD of the top crown's hole = Twisted.

I can do you one better on that. I still have my OEM forks and if they don't both go in lickity split, we have a tweested tree on there. That's 900 bucks according to Babbit's and that's only the upper and lower clamps, bearings and all the other little parts in there not included. I don't think I'd buy a triple tree off of Ebay. I could ask my ZX brethren on here about a spare triple tree but I kind of doubt anyone would have that part. I know one guy who switched to an aftermarket triple tree so maybe....then again, I might want an aftermarket triple tree!

When the day is done, if I just get this thing running again and I can't operate it at high speed but it will still be fun to work on and sit on display in my living room one day, I'll be happy. The bike was almost done. All I needed was to get the nitrous on there and a couple other things and that was to be it. Put a few thou into refurbing the Gen1 and look toward buying a Gen2 someday. Most of the go fast parts will swap over to a Gen2 so I'd just be putting the stock Gen1 parts back on the museum piece. ...except it looks so pretty with the go fast parts. Man even wrecked, those Ohlins forks look hot on that bike. If I can put her around town, I'll be ok with that. Sure be nice to bring her to the drag strip though.


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ZMBKLR's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/18/21 12:02 PM

Wow Rook.... sorry to hear of this. I just did a 1800 mile ride earlier this month and honestly the deer are what worried me the most. After a couple days of reflection some riding pants would have made me feel a bit safer. But at the same time if I wanted to feel REALLY safe I would have taken my truck. It's all a compromise I guess.

Glad to hear you're healing ok.

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Fordtech's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/18/21 3:00 PM

Holy Crap Rook!!
Glad to know you walked away. Deer are a constant problem near me here. Have heard of two guys since beginning of July that have hit them. One is Ok. The other not so much....but will be.
Heal up dude!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/18/21 10:35 PM

if I wanted to feel REALLY safe I would have taken my truck. It's all a compromise I guess.

You nailed it ZMBKLR, if you want to be as a safe as possible, you can't ever go anywhere and even that's not 100% safe. For me right now though, I think keeping my riding off the roads here is reasonable. I've heard of two other deer related motorcycle crashes in this community this summer. Sure, it's less likely to happen to me again within a short period of time but the odds of hitting a deer here are high regardless of how long it's been since I hit the last one.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/18/21 10:45 PM

Holy Crap Rook!!
Glad to know you walked away. Deer are a constant problem near me here. Have heard of two guys since beginning of July that have hit them. One is Ok. The other not so much....but will be.
Heal up dude!

I heard of two motorcycle/deer accidents since June. I was the third. I know going slow doesn't always help avoid a deer strike. I had a deer run into the side of my truck here and it wouldn't have mattered what my speed was as long as I was i that place at that point in time. I was actually doing 55 mph on the highway and never saw the deer except through my side window. Too late, he ran right into the side of the box. However, in this case where I just crashed and probably in most others, going slower does allow more time to react and more leeway in braking and maneuvering. Had I been doing the speed limit, I'm sure I would have had space to stop if necessary. Still, after having a deer run out and hit my truck, and almost the same thing happen to me on my bike and now this, I'm not depending on anything with a bike anymore. I want to go fast and there other places to that a lot more safely.


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Joined: 07/10/21

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I&#x27&#x3b;m ok
07/19/21 8:55 PM

Here's the bike.
ManiZ, the new account works! I have pics again.

* Last updated by: Rookpics on 7/19/2021 @ 9:11 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/19/21 9:24 PM

Given the dent in both sides of the gas tank, the bike flipped over. The hole in the crankshaft cover on the RH side was facing up where the bike came to rest so I know it flipped, probably doing a secondary high side after it left the road. You see no scrapes on the LH tail fairings so it must have flipped in the grass. I have no idea how I didn't suffer a similar fate as the bike. Maybe I flew of some bumps in the rough and just didn't break bones somehow. I didn't even really have any aches except mildly at the front bottom of my ribcage below my sternum. zThere was no bruising there though. The only bruise I had was on my right outer thigh which I'm sure happened in the initial fall.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/19/21 9:29 PM

Now when I switch to my picture having alter ego, I get an email notification that I have posted on my own thread.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: I crashed, the 14 is destroyed. I'm ok
07/20/21 5:39 PM

So, if I do go replace the Gen1 engine with a Gen2 engine, that's Gen3 engine, wiring harness and ECU I need, right?


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