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Thread: Techtardism

Created on: 05/04/21 05:06 PM

Replies: 13


lytnin's Gravatar

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05/04/21 5:06 PM

It is hell being a techtard. I know how to do nothing on the computer other than email and buying stuff and do not know how one gets to the internet on the phone BUT I am determined to load a map in the PC5. I tried reading the how to but it might as well have written in spanish since I was lost in 60 seconds of reading. 1st does the key have to be on for the PC5 to accept a map? I am guessing no only because all it does is hook to the battery and plug into the harness so it probably has power with the key off.
I know it sounds crazy that something so simple can be not so simple to some but as I said I am a techtard. I have the site loaded on my laptop but not sure about a map from their site or how to get it to the PC5. Good news is I got the PC5 cable !!!!!

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RE&amp&#x3b;&#x23&#x3b;x3a&#x3b&#x3b; Techtardism
05/04/21 6:35 PM

If I remember right.power on your laptop(like you have it,connected to the PC5.You need a 9v battery with pigtail to the pc5(I think,it's been a while.That's how I did it.But you might be able to use a USB port for it now). power source plugged into the pc5(9v battery)(it will run down fairly quick if you don't do this procedure in a timely manner)..Then open the pc5 user inteface.You have to have that map on your Laptop.So the pc5 is kinda sitting there ready to recieve an input.Find the map on the laptop.You should now have an option on the pc5 menu to send a map.Pic the map you want,Click 'send map'.If everything is connected and open right,the verification message should come up...'map sent successfuly'.That's it.
You then can open the PC5 'maps' and see if it's in there.Should be a script at the bottom of themap window showing what map it is.If it's showing a map you sent,you're done.Now I don't remember IF you need to chose that map to run or not...maybe.It probably does that automatically.(look for 'map files' in the pc5.If there's an option to click on it,then do that and see if it needs to be enabled.Probably not.
It's been quite a while now since I loaded maps into my 14r.
If it's not displaying 'map sent successfully',it's not in there yet.(this will be the PC5 window on the laptop).
I had the PC downstairs next to the bike,but the actual powercommander wasn't installed in the bike yet.It was connected to the PC with the 9v battery pigtail connected to it.You can do this in your house or whatever as well.Sitting with the laptop.
IDK if Powercommander made the 9v battery deal a thing of the past.Maybe.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/4/2021 @ 6:45 PM *

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RE&amp&#x3b;&#x23&#x3b;x3a&#x3b&#x3b; Techtardism
05/04/21 6:51 PM

If the pc is connecetd inline with the bike harness and all,then the key must be ON and the green lamp showing on the module.You should be able to open the PC5 user interface,and do the map sending.Of course the laptop cable needs to be also connected(like you didn't know that)'t mind me...I'm a nerd.
I did my map sending disconnected from the bike harness,upstairs and down by the bike also.Hence the 9v supply.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/4/2021 @ 6:56 PM *

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RE: Techtardism
05/04/21 6:59 PM

My pc5 came with a 9v battery pigtail and battery.THat was a long while back though.It may not have been a PC5 at all...maybe the 3 model.But the interfaces are the same basically.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/4/2021 @ 7:01 PM *

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RE: Techtardism
05/04/21 8:24 PM

This should help you navigate to the maps available from DJ and download them to your desktop. I only download software and such that I need. Be aware that DJ maps are not known for being very good maps.

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RE: Techtardism
05/04/21 8:40 PM

The PC5 is powered off of your computer when you connect USB cable between your computer and the PC5. You will see the PC5 LED light up. You do not need to turn the ignition switch on and I don't think you should.

If you just want to load a map, start at step 9 on this tutorial but I'd suggest you also read 1 through 8 to become familiar with PC5 software nomenclature and a few basic functions.

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/4/2021 @ 8:46 PM *

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RE: Techtardism
05/04/21 8:45 PM

...or was that the tutorial that befuddled you?

If so, PM me and I'll send you my phone number. I probably could get you through this...but that may take several days since I'm pretty busy with job interview and work crap right now plus Mothers Day this week I think I'll be visiting Mom out of town.

BTW, got a job interview back in my home hometown so I'd see Mom all the time if I get it

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/4/2021 @ 8:47 PM *

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RE: Techtardism
05/05/21 1:09 AM

1st does the key have to be on for the PC5 to accept a map?

Yes. Think of it as its own little computer. Computers work in a 0 to 5v range. The 12v is fed into an integrated chip. The chip's output coverts 12 to 5v, and to get the pc hot for 5v, you need the 9v connector that goes into the pc. That, or a laptop with a fairly long extension USB cord from pc to the laptop. That was my setup. It was a pain to pull pc's when I had them permanently mounted. I'd put the charger on if I was going to keep the key on and wear down the battery.

I am guessing no only because all it does is hook to the battery and plug into the harness so it probably has power with the key off.

No. It has to get power when the bike is running, so key off, that pc has to shutoff too, or it will drain the battery. Can't go directly off the battery. I used the horn wire that had power with key on and got the pc hot that way.
Same camp with Rook. I'm going by memory:
1. I'd go on their website and find every 14 map and just play with them as far as seat of the pants difference.
2. I'd start at the top of the list and if I recall, you can drag the map or whatever bar/radio button has the hot hand, I'd hold left mouse key, then drag the map onto the desktop. I'd see the pc icon on the desktop, which showed me it did bring all the files.
3. I'd now have the USB cord plugged into pc and laptop to bring that map up in the pc. This way, I didn't have to look up the map, it was on the desktop and I'd drag the map onto or over the other map(?) I think there were some radio buttons that may have said to 'lookup a map' or 'accept a map' button?
4. I'd first drag the current map back onto the desktop so I could drag that back in if need be.
5. I'd have to sign on to walk the steps on the website. I got as far as the 14 maps, w/many pages. So to the right of each map it had the radio button [call it] to 'login' to keep walking.
Computer savvy are you:
I don't think the pc has bluetooth to go that route. But from the cable the phone uses for charging? Can we plug that other end into the pc? I'd call dynojet on that cell phone to pc if possible question.

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RE: Techtardism
05/05/21 7:33 AM

"It was a pain to pull pc's when I had them permanently mounted" em downstairs was a drag as well.No laptop here;)

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Techtardism
05/06/21 10:33 AM

You Tube is my friend - well you guys are too but hopefully you know what I mean

Map loaded successfully and it started

ZRX done, ZX14 done and now to put the new zumo on the FJR and some rewriring on the added fuse block

Thanks much for the help


2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Techtardism
05/06/21 4:07 PM

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RE: Techtardism
05/12/21 4:36 PM

After new rubbers and oil change and new PC5 map and cleaning it up I cannot believe the difference in the bike. Per the dash it did 36 mpg average and my ride was all hiway at 75 to 90 mph. The old map was with stock header and right side only slip on and did 180 on the dyno. I got a good deal on a Leo Vince full system and after it went on it sucked gas and was hesitant at low rpm. I loaded a generic PC5 map for a Leo Vince pipe / stock air filter and it is smooth idle and no hesitation and cruises oh so well. It also lifts the front now way to fast and way to hi OR at 65 years old it is gonna take awhile to get used to that again.

Long story short is the fat guy is happy !!!

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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RE: Techtardism
05/12/21 7:41 PM

Never too old or late to learn Bobby!! Good job..

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RE: Techtardism
05/13/21 12:19 AM

This Ftiday and Saturday there be Kawasaki Demo Days at a local dealer so gonna go see if they have a 14 to try. There are none on the showroom floors so if I get to test one at least I will know if I should get serious or not on the 14R.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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