The twisties that we play in around here there is no where for the leo's to hide.
If it is perfectly flat where you ride and no trees or buildings or overpasses it might seem like there is no place for a cop to hide.
Truth is, lazer would be a great weapon on that terrain and it would hit yu from so far away you would never know it was there. Fess up time. I got busted for 36+ over last Fall. $500 ticket, $700 lawyer fee, several bloody weeks of anxiety and in the end it was all for naught. NOTHING reduced. Full penalty 6 pointer. The judge just just raised his eyebrows and made a face like he thought I was an idiot when he read the officers report. I was shot with lazer from over half a mile away form an overpass and it was NOT while moving directly at the cop, I was taking a huge sweeper.
don't ever think they can't get you because you can't see them. If they are there, they will see you and if they are in a good position to pursue--you know the rest.
The most fun stretches have turns with a 25 to 35 mph suggested speed. We take these at about 65 to 70 mph then slow back down on the straight sections where LEOs tend to park. They ticket you if you are over the 55 mph limit by about 10 mph so you're looking at maybe 10 to 15 over if you're completely asleep at the switch.
See, we could not do that around here. We cannot get a string of small violations either. TX has this nice system of letting you erase you tickets and get all the points back. IDK how many other states offer this wonderful program but here, you can get something like a max of 2 points back for taking a community college drivers' class and yu can only do that 1x/3 years. Not much help if you like your speed.
Now I know there's some that only do straight-line high speed on their bikes. This is what gets the roads shutdown for everyone when yahoos are doing 140 to 160 on these straight sections. How would you like it if 700 lbs of ZX14 came through the side of your Ford Explorer while on your way to church on Sunday morning with the wife and kids?
Kruz, you're my buddy, right?
don't try to set up an argument that doing 70 mph around a 25 mph curve is safe for other traffic a/o pedestrians compared to doing 170 in straight line.
Sorry, had to call that one, pal.
Im just saying if some of your buds are ending up in ditches, some of those guys are riding way over there heads.
Yes but riding to your limit or very close to it is what serious sport riders consider good sport riding.
Im just saying the roads are really not a race track.
Agreed. On a race track you can go fast the whole time. You never have to worry about going into the ditch, just going off track which in most cases is harmless if you keep your head. At least the track I rode had lots of flat grassy terrain off of the hardest corners.
NOBODY that I ride with races on the street, we do however push a fast pace, while our egos are in check.
+1 You don't race on the street. You chase, maybe but you don't really race. If you really race???? sh!t these things get going so fast in such a short space, you would have to be out of your mind to try try and pass a bike that was putting up a serious battle.
now cars, well, that's a little different. 
08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected
2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!