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Thread: Decisions

Created on: 08/15/23 02:14 PM

Replies: 31


lytnin's Gravatar

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08/15/23 2:14 PM

I have always wanted a 14 so in 2008 I bought a used 2008 with 300 miles on it in metalic blue that is so dark it almost looks metalic black. Fell in love with the color and being a 14 was all I needed to get it but 15 years later it has 6200 miles, made it for me with strait bars, concourse seat, lowered pegs, flash, PC5 and full Leo Vince pipe.
I ride it so little and thinking of selling it and getting something I may ride more. Do not know what it would be for a different ride but nothing new. Bout all I ride anymore is the FJR and the ZRX is fun again after giving it another engine that is not dieing. I got offered $4200 for it 4 or 5 years ago when a dealer thought I was gonna buy a new bike because I was looking hard at it.
I am already having sellers remorse thinking of it but all it does is sit yet do not ever get tired of looking at it.

Wonder what a V-Rod is like to ride? I kinda like them.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/15/23 3:33 PM

Good luck with whatever you choose , shud you decide to sell ....

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/15/23 3:58 PM

This is an old pic but nothing has changed

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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chrly's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/15/23 5:25 PM

I might have known it would prove to be a great looking bike !!
I tell everyone about bead riders if a seat conversation comes up but they just ignore them and spend 250 bucks trying for a more comfortable ride :)

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Kruz's Gravatar


Republic of Texas

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RE: Decisions
08/15/23 7:30 PM

My advice, don't sell it lytnin, it's a heck of a good all round sport tourer and will still hold it's own against all the newer sport machines in the right hands. I chased my buddy down on his blinged out 2019 Ducati Panigale V4S back in the twisties a few weeks ago, passed and left him on my old '06 14 and he was not going slow! Besides where are you going to buy another machine this capable for a paltry $4200? You can't buy a CBR300 for that kind of money anymore.

* Last updated by: Kruz on 8/15/2023 @ 7:34 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/16/23 8:56 AM

I turned it into an old mans cruiser for sitting position and fairly comfy out on the hiway plus since I do not do corners I do not worry about off road incidents. It is still 180 hp on the ground so it is able to get out of it's own way. It has become a coat rack in the garage because it seldom sees the road and I think I have lost total interest in it plus I do not want to let it go to someone who will not appreciate it which may sound stupid but I would rather give it away to someone that appreciates this kind of bike rather than sell it to a squid.

Mr Chrly the seat beads help lots with a not so friendly seat. Took me about 50 miles of strait no breaks riding before my butt said they were ok. Downfall is after they have been on the seat for years the seat is not so pretty from the bead marks. Seat will reconform after the beads come off and the seat color does come back but takes awhile.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/16/23 9:00 AM

Fergetted to add that many many years ago my only child was worried that her dad was to old to ride the NINJA so I pulled out the hair dryer to soften up the NINJA stickers and pulled them off. Told my daughter that it is no longer a NINJA so she no longer should have any worries.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/16/23 5:27 PM

lytnin, if I were, I'd set the 14 up in the living room and sit on it while you watch TV. That way, you're not losing anything and if you decide to ride it again, there it is. If not, it's fond memories all the days of your life.

I've hinted at it before. I have interest if we can make a deal. You know what I'd do with it though. It would become a Rook bike replica with white stripes, blue wheels and orange engine covers. It would have turbo and nitrous and it would have all the gauges I planned in the cockpit.

If you decide you want it friggin way! You can come to Michigan any time you want and I'll let you ride it. I'll ride my busa with you.

I'm totally serious on buying your 14 off you. Just gotta look at the finances.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/16/23 6:29 PM

Hah as soon as he said it was the dark metallic blue...I thought that's Rooks bike.

I wouldn't call it a replica, just V2, since V1 met with an unfortunate ending.

I frankly can't see a better person for this bike.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/16/23 7:00 PM

Take all the time you need, lyghtnin. No rush. I would really keep this bike in the living room if I were you. If I should end up with it, it will end up in my living room someday.

PS: a V-Rod will be just fine but it won't haul your ass anything as quick as a 14. I'd line up with a V-Rod any day. I'd be twenty bikes ahead of it in three seconds.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/17/23 6:08 PM

OH the V Rod! That Harley with the Porche engine!! I thought you meant the Yamaha V-Max. Well, either one would be obliterated by a ZX-14. I really do love the V-Rod though. Love to own one. ....not to go fast on just it's an extremely cool machine. It had a reputation for valve problems if I recall a conversation I had with Hub some years ago.

As you might surmise lytnin, I've had your 14 on my mind. Looking at the Bluebook value, I think you would make out a lot better trading it in rather than selling to me. I'd love to own it but I can't touch the Bluebook value and yours has very low miles which should make it even more valuable.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Kruz's Gravatar


Republic of Texas

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RE: Decisions
08/18/23 10:49 AM

I got offered $4200 for it 4 or 5 years ago when a dealer thought I was gonna buy a new bike because I was looking hard at it.

$4200 sounds like a steal for that bike...

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 5:51 AM

I don't know what the book is, a WILD guess is $6k, maybe more?

I know Rook, well as a wise man said, "don't exactly have money falling out of your asshole."

How bought it yall? I know of a few of us on this forum are doing pretty well. Can we help a guy out? And I don't mean Rook is a loser incapable of earning his own keep or way or anything like that, but we can all use, or even just appreciate, some help time to time.

So here's what I propose, a GoFundRook. If Rook thinks he could pay something towards the bike, maybe the $4200 mentioned, and a few of us can throw in to make the difference?

I'll start with $250.

I'd love to see V2 rise from the ashes of V1. And knowing Rook, I can imagine he probably make some post about his progress, pics or vids or whatever that would be some good content.

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 10:09 AM

I am going out riding on it today to go pick up a set of stock cams for my 1200 which will be a 100 mile round trip to see if I really like the bike anymore. Gave it a bath to see what it looked like kleen. There was so much dust from sitting it looked like a small mud puddle under the bike. It does not look to bad without that layer of dust on it. I might have to put the lowering links back on so I can flat foot it since I fergetted how tall it sits with stock links. The only reason the lowering links came off was trying to get a little more stretch for my left knee that seems to like giving me problems.
Don't get a donation commitment going yet as I still like the bike but just never ride it. The other thing I hate is the gas milage. The FJR gets 44 to 47 and the ZRX gets 38 to 41 and gas hog gets 30 to 33 and less iffens one wants to really play. The plus side is how it skoots which the other two do not do near as well.

Question - what do people use for hiway pegs on the 14? My knee does not like the sitting position for to long.

Thanks -- Bobby

* Last updated by: lytnin on 8/19/2023 @ 10:10 AM *

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 10:15 AM

Mr Rook Said :
lytnin, if I were, I'd set the 14 up in the living room and sit on it while you watch TV. That way, you're not losing anything and if you decide to ride it again, there it is. If not, it's fond memories all the days of your life.

Mr Rook I talked to the wife about this and she said I cannot ride it around the front room .....

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 10:30 AM

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Joined: 07/10/21

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 10:31 AM

First: We would have to know if Mr. lytnin has decided for sure that he wants to sell the bike. Maybe he wants to try CycleTrader or use it as a dealer trade-in.

NADA was a good source for bike values in the past I can’t find them on the internet anymore.

JD Power suggests $5,360 for average retail value and $11,699 for a brand new bike which this probably almost is.

Kelley Blue Book suggests $5,580 for average miles. This one has extremely low miles. I’d like to know the source and mileage of the engine replacement.

Second and equally important: WOW Thank you Vic for making the kind suggestion and generous offer! All I can say is if you guys help me out on this, I promise you renewed and robust activity on the forum including continued illustrated tutorials.

Third: I could use financial help on this (assuming lytnin wants to sell) but to be completely open, I have about $14,000 in my savings account. I saved that while I was teaching for four years and I’ve maintained it with my parts delivery job I’m doing right now. I could pay for the bike myself but there’s other possible needs and pursuits in my future that take priority. I might buy computer and photography equipment, make purchases for a business I’m speculating on, heck I might even go and buy those carbon fiber wheels for the busa and new parts for the 14. I’d like to buy a brand new Gen2 14R someday. If I can do those things, I can buy or build another Rook bike if I really need to. You know the passion I have outweighs the luxury of owning a bike but it’s still a luxury from a financial aspect. …one I’d be grateful for any help in attaining but to be perfectly clear, the bike isn’t a need.

Vic, you’re as straight up as it gets ma brother! The money would mean a lot to me but the fact you offered this help means lots more to me. Thanks.

So what’s Mr. lytnin got to say about this? St Louis is a long drive but I have the setup to come down there and haul your baby back safely.

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Joined: 07/10/21

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 10:55 AM

and yeah, I will go $4200 assuming the bike passes muster on inspection. I'm sure it will. I still would need to know about the history of that engine transplant. Miles, use, source, who installed? The frame and all else is brand new and that's worth 4 thousand. If I'm confident the engine is in average condition....well Mr lytnin, name your price. You got $4,450 right now. St Louis is a haul from Upper Michigan but I have the setup to come take your precious baby safely to a new home. I just used it two weeks ago to haul my wrecked 14 from my old place in Wisconsin. It works flawlessly. Of course, this was taken 5 years ago long before the bike was crashed.

* Last updated by: Rookpics on 8/19/2023 @ 10:56 AM *

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Joined: 07/10/21

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 11:10 AM

It would be a wonderful experience to redo all the stuff I did on my bike to a new 14. I'd relive the past 15 years with relish. ...maybe some onions and ketchup on that too!

No rush lytnin. It's your baby. I'm not looking at any other 14. If it passes hands here, that's destiny as far as I'm concerned. If it doesn't there's always more time ahead.

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 12:22 PM

Rook you're welcome. I don't want to get all preachy, but helping is people is part of my calling. And since I'm pretty horrible at actually helping people physically, another way I can help people is financially. I'm quite seriously about my offer to donate, and this is as legit cause as any.

Over the past few years (started during the 2020 election cycle) I've donated over $6000 to various people, mostly on the Internets. People who make content I support, politically, my Christian views, and people that can and do help people or animals. A recent donation a guy that feeds street cats was asking for help to buy food. After a bit of chit chatting, I asked how much it cost for a week. He didn't answer, I don't know why but I thought he probably thought it was a waste of time to answer. So I asked again, and he said $85. I sent him $85.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 12:32 PM

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 6:41 PM

Good for you Mr Vic. Feeding them outside ferrells can get expensive. We go thru a 30 lb bag a week for the outside critters and that includes kats, possums and a couple raccoons. We have 7 inside cats, a little schnauzer and a blue&gold McCaw. Six of the cats came from the used pet store and our only adoption requirement is they have to be at least 10 years old since from what we see is the older cats do not find new homes to fast. We are catted out space wise but at least 6 of them are not stuck in a cage. Wife is almost 59 and I am almost 68 so we have to limit the furries and hope we out last them.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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lytnin's Gravatar

Location: St. Louis MO

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RE: Decisions
08/19/23 6:41 PM

Good for you Mr Vic. Feeding them outside ferrells can get expensive. We go thru a 30 lb bag a week for the outside critters and that includes kats, possums and a couple raccoons. We have 7 inside cats, a little schnauzer and a blue&gold McCaw. Six of the cats came from the used pet store and our only adoption requirement is they have to be at least 10 years old since from what we see is the older cats do not find new homes to fast. We are catted out space wise but at least 6 of them are not stuck in a cage. Wife is almost 59 and I am almost 68 so we have to limit the furries and hope we out last them.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/20/23 6:37 AM

lytnin that's very kind of your family. I'm not wealthy, don't want anyone to confuse that. I have worked hard all my life, and sacrificed a lot, to scrape together a little something. Unfortunately, thanks to the corruption and/or ineptness of the current socialists spending (straight federal debt exceeds 32.7 trillion now) what I have managed to scrape together is worth a lot less. And while that applies to all, it particularly matters for those that were "stupid enough to save" who have watched their savings reduce in value 25% or more in buying power the past 4 years.

At any rate, if I ever win the lotto I'll keep you in mind for sure. And if you ever need help, and you can find me, maybe you can hire... the A-Team!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/20/23 8:51 AM

The V-Team!

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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