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Thread: Decisions

Created on: 08/15/23 02:14 PM

Replies: 31


Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

Posts: 20973

RE: Decisions
08/20/23 9:00 AM

Still waiting on anyone to come forward and help tip the scales.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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lytnin's Gravatar

Location: St. Louis MO

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RE: Decisions
08/20/23 11:39 AM

I have never figured out why little cars try to play with bikes on the hiway. I am coming off an exit ramp from one hiway to another and see this little WRX coming at a rapid speed so I jump up to a 100 mph on the speedo which was 96 on the gps to see how long it took them to catch me. Little car was rolling on right past me so I pulled in behind them and followed for awhile then got bored and went around them to play a different game. As soon as they would try to pass I add a little more thottle so they pull back in my lane then they try to repeat the go around and I speed up again. Finally they give up and slow down at 125 on my speedo but 118 on the gps.

If nothing else it sure breaks up hiway boredom. I do the same thing to people with the FJR and ZRX but with them 2 I am not always the victor.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/20/23 11:57 AM

They just want to see what you can do lytnin. I've had that before too. I'm not sure I'd take the bait so easily anymore after my 110 mph ticket. I'd be a lot more conservative on the back roads after hitting that deer too.

We showed up at the same time! I just sent ya a PM.

* Last updated by: Rook on 8/20/2023 @ 2:33 PM *

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/20/23 12:46 PM

But yeah, that race down the expressway with that Corvette, that was one of my best memories of riding. We were seen by a cop on that one. Good thing he was on the other side of the barrier wall. He did get his lights spinning but had no passage to come after us. Good times but I'll be toning it back from here on in.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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VicThing's Gravatar

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RE: Decisions
08/20/23 2:07 PM

Yeah seems like some car guys just out to have a little fun. I agree with Rook's assessment I think it's mostly out of curiosity of what these bikes can really do. I don't think they're ever disappointed.

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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RE: Decisions
08/21/23 6:18 PM

lytnin, I can tell you want to keep this bike. If I were you, I'd keep it even if I were offered what I paid for it. Once it's gone, all you can do is buy another one if you want it back. I may start a Gen2 engine to Gen 1 frame project and if that's the case, my money's spent. I'll get my baby back even bigger and better and with turbo. If you want to sell, I'd throw a few hundred more dollars in if you have all the OEM parts removed. Let me know before the end of October. I will probably still be interested. I'm not going to go down there and trailer the bike in wintertime though.

08 MIDNIGHT SAPPHIRE BLUE ZX-14 Now Deceased, will be resurected 2024 ZX-14R bran friggin NEW!

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lytnin's Gravatar

Location: St. Louis MO

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RE: Decisions
08/31/23 1:21 PM

Well the 14 still has the original engine and my ZRX1200 got the different engine and running good again. Gonna pull the Yosh cams out of the ZRX and put stockers in. When I do a 1224 kit in the old engine I will put the Yosh cams back in it.
The 14 just turned over 6500 miles when out riding it today. I rode a 2016 VRod today and hated the way it sounded going down the road but that may have just been the slip on pipes it had. They are actually fairly easy to ride and seem ok with handling and not really uncomfy. I will go to a different dealer tomorrow that has one and test ride it to see if there is a difference in the one I rode today. I have never had a V shaped engine so do not know what they are sposed to be like. I also want to try a Suzuki M109 or a 2005/2006 VMax but what ever I find out I like it is something that will not be a garage queen.
Maybe all I need is to figure out how to get crashbars that look halfway decent that I could fit hiway pegs on to rest my knee and keep on riding it.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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